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What a good girl

"Sub makes sure that master is happy with her"

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She stood in front of him, nervous but with a slight glint in her eye, he could tell she was excited.

“Take off your clothes”, he instructed.

She flushed but did as she was told, she had goose bumps and her nipples were hard. He couldn’t tell if she was cold or aroused.

“Good girl”, he purred, “now lay on the bed”.

Tentatively, she climbed on to the bed and lay down. He took her wrist, tying it to the bed post, then repeating the ritual with her other wrist and ankles. She lay on the bed like a star, now he could see how turned on she was. Her lips were glistening as she was getting wet. He groaned as his erection strained to be free, but he wanted to savour this moment. It was her first time being a sub and he wanted her to enjoy every second. He admired her laying there and took a photo, he would enjoy showing her these afterwards knowing she would blush with embarrassment. He walked to the head of the bed, took out a blindfold and placed it over her eyes. She gasped, unsure of what was going to happen next, so he kissed her softly. Her lips responded to his and he let out a moan as his tongue probed to enter her mouth. He could see her nipples getting harder, her breathing getting faster, so he stopped. He wanted her like this, hyper aware of every sound, touch, smell.

He walked over to his dresser, deliberately taking his time picking his weapon of choice. He decided to start off gentle. He picked up the long, pointed feather, walked back over to the bed and stood taking her in.

“Are you ready to play?” He asked.

“Yes”, she panted.

“Yes what?” He said being more commanding, he noticed her squirm at his tone and grinned.

“Yes sir, I’m ready to play”.

“Good girl”, he whispered, in her ear. She clearly hadn’t realised he’d got that close, and she groaned at his praise, arching her back in response, pushing her amazing breasts towards the ceiling.

He walked and stood next to her legs, he took the feather and gently swept it up the inside of her thigh. She responded exactly as he had hoped by gasping and squirming. He repeated the action on the other leg, eliciting the same response. Then he moved it up her stomach, he could see her tense, knowing where he intended to go. Instead, he swept the feather between her breasts, avoiding her incredibly hard nipples. She moaned, wanting to feel the light sensation on her nipples but instead he walked away. She strained to hear what he was doing, trying to figure out what his next move was but she had no idea. Then she heard it, the distinct sound of a zip being undone. She fidgeted thinking she was going to feel him inside her a lot sooner than anticipated. He let out a little laugh,

“Don’t get so excited, I just need to get more comfortable, and those trousers were getting a bit tight. This is going to feel a bit cold”, he explained.

She held her breath not knowing where she would feel the cold but before she had too much time to think she felt his fingers rubbing the entrance to her pussy. They were cold and wet making her gasp.

“Hmmm,” he murmured, “I don’t think you needed this lube, did you?”

She didn’t respond, then she felt a sharp slap on her clit making her yelp.

“Very well, if you don’t want to answer me, I see no reason for you to have free use of your mouth.”

She didn’t know what that meant but she felt him get off the bed and when he returned, he told her to open her mouth. She did as she was told, and he put a gag in her mouth and tied it around her head. Now she couldn’t talk, even if she wanted to. Then she felt the pressure on the bed again as he climbed between her legs. She felt his fingers slide into her, she tried to moan around the gag. He worked his fingers into her, stretching them open as he did before abruptly stopping. Then she felt something new, something firm and smooth. He slowly pushed it inside her, she couldn’t believe how full she felt, and then she heard a low hum and felt a slow vibration inside her.

He took another photo of her, he thought she looked perfect, bound, blindfolded, gagged and with his favourite toy inside her. He was incredibly hard but still had so much he wanted to do. He took a few deep breaths before returning to his favourite space between her legs. He leaned forward and knew she could feel his breath on her. Her pussy was so wet, her clit looked so hard, he took a close-up photo, he never wanted to forget this. He leaned in closer and gently run his tongue up her pussy lips, feeling the vibration from inside and seeing her squirm. He held her hips down as he returned to his task of expertly licking her pussy. He purposefully avoided her clit, knowing it must be desperate for attention. He could tell she was close to cumming, he was struggling as well. He pulled the toy out of her, replaced it with his fingers and sucked her clit.

“I want you to cum now. That’s it, cum on my fingers. I want to taste every drop of you”.

He fingered her deeply, felt her pussy contracting as she let out a muffled moan of pleasure.

“Good girl”, he murmured as he licked his fingers clean.

He climbed up and leaned over her, removing the gag.

“I want you to taste yourself”, he explained as he kissed her passionately. She could feel how wet his face was and could taste herself on his tongue. She had never felt so aroused, normally she would be embarrassed that she had let go so freely and vocally, but not this time. She knew how much it turned him on to see her bound like this, she knew he loved making her orgasm, and she loved feeling it.

“I need to be inside you”, he whispered into her lips.

“Please, sir, I need to feel you in me,” she begged.

He groaned at her pleading, and he undid her blindfold. He wanted her to see him and to see the effect she had on him. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust but then they widened as she took in the scene. He was rock hard, precum dripping off the tip of his cock. He grinned and lined his cock up to her pussy; she held her breath as he thrust inside her. He paused, giving her pussy time to adjust to his cock being deep in her. He leaned forward, held onto the headboard and said,

“I’m going to fuck you so hard, but I don’t know how long I’ll be able to last.”

All she could do was nod and with that he pulled out and slammed into her again. She let out a moan as she could feel how deep he was. He kept pounding her, grunting with every thrust, never breaking eye contact. But then he stopped, she was confused, had she done something wrong? He leaned back on his heels, still inside her and said,

“I can’t believe I neglected these”, he said thoughtfully as he stroked her breasts. He leant down and took one nipple in his mouth, sucking it, biting it, licking it, whilst he pulled and stroked the other one. He started fucking her again as he was teasing her breasts. The sensations were overwhelming, she felt so close. He could feel her pussy gripping to his cock and knew she was going to cum. He stopped playing with her breast and told her to cum. He started fucking her harder and faster, his fingers digging into her hips as he tried to hold on so they could cum together. He rubbed her clit and growled,

“Cum! I need you to cum!”

And being a good girl, she did exactly as she was told. She cum so hard on his cock, the contractions forcing him to cum. He filled her pussy with his thick, warm cum before collapsing on top of her, kissing her neck and telling her what a good girl she was.

Written by dirtybertie1201

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