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She did it!

"First time with other"

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For a while now I have been asking, almost begging her to meet another man and enjoy herself like we used to do together.

I have been taking those tablets for 3 years now, and slowly my erections faded. The drive was still there: with a wife and a body like hers why wouldn't it be. We are both in our fifties now though you wouldn't tell by looking at her. 5ft 1 inch, yes a few extra pounds, but a body built for mans pleasure, large round 38D breasts, still perky nipples that were extra sensitive. She has short blonde hair and still attracts the looks when in her bikini, though normally prefers to wear baggy clothes to hide her curves. Blue eyes complete the look. Eyes that used to sparkle when our sex life was normal.

We still tried to have sex, though our sessions consisted mainly of tit play and oral. She was a loving wife trying extra hard to make me feel good, playing with my flacid penis long after many others would have given up. Sucking, rubbing squeezing were all tried without a great deal of success, That's what made it worse. She loved her tits played with, her nipples getting super stiff with tweaking and licking. Her pussy lips would emerge after a good licking. fingers would enter and the moans would start as my thumb circled her clit. She does nt like anal penetration even with fingers , but enjoys a good rubbing. Her ears are probably her most erogenous zones , as I kiss and bite them as I tell her how her lover will penetrate properly, stretching her pussy like I used to, Oh yes , she climaxes alright, but I knew the one thing she missed was that full feeling when my engorged cock used to fill her pussy, and the moans and glazed look in her eyes as the fist squirt of seed jetted deep into her.

Now, things are different. There is no deep moan as my cock rubs her slit opening but cant find the strength to push past those pussy lips. She encourages me, tells me its ok, keep trying she really likes it. Yet I can see the disappointment in her eyes when I shoot my pathetic load on the doorstep , not down the hallway! I know I can no longer give her the satisfaction she really needs.

That's what started my search for the ideal surrogate. The man who could give her what she really needs , but who wouldn't take her away from me. I needed someone who could satisfy her , but not abuse her body, as I know many men would love to. I heard some of the lads talking about her behind her back, commenting on her tits and ass. She would never admit it , but she was in desperate need of a good hard cock that would give her what she needed. But it needed to be done in the right way.

We talked , she wouldn't even consider an affair. "I dont need anyone else" was a standard reply. She may not need someone else but she needed something else: a full erect cock that would reach places I used to!

The first signs of easing came when we were looking at massage videos on porn channels. She got really horny after watching a fake massage where the wife was so relaxed after a good tit massage that when he moved onto her pussy she was feeling so good, she didnt realise he was about to fuck her! By that time it was too late, she just enjoyed it, and my wife enjoyed watching. That was my cue.I reminded her how she enjoyed the mud bath she had had when we were on holiday in Egypt. I could see that look in her eye as she remembered that tall handsome man caressing her breasts and nipples as he applied the mud. I reminded her of the great sex we had afterwards! In spite of her pleas that that was a proper massage , she admitted she had relaxed and felt quite sexy having another mans hands all over her body.

So the conversations started. What kind of man would she prefer? How old, English or Spanish? That started me looking in the contact ads for someone who would fit the bill. At last she agreed ....on the basis that , of course there would be no sex , just a massage.

We met the lucky man at a bar on the beachfront. He was Spanish, quite tall, very well dressed, professional looking. I could tell she liked him, looking at his strong hands constantly , obviously imagining how they would feel on her body. Fernando spoke a little English, not a problem as I didn't expect there to be much talking. She went off to the ladies and I advised Fernando if he wanted sex with her he would have to take it slow. He told me he was divorced , most of his clients were men , and asked me to confirm there was really no problem if he fucked my beautiful wife! All things agreed, the date was set for last night.

She dressed normally , but I know she shaved, and selected the newest sexiest underwear, and at 6 o'clock off we went. As we pushed the bell on his door I could see her shivering, she kissed me , asked me if I was sure about this,and smiled a broad smile as Fernando opened the door , dressed almost like a doctor in his whites. He offered us a drink , before taking my wife through to his office complete with massage table. The door was left open a convenient space for me to keep an eye on proceedings.I began to feel a few pangs of jealousy. Fernando was quite tall , muscular, latin good looks and had my wife in a room alone. I heard him telling her to undress , she could keep on her underwear if she wanted to at this stage. I could see her standing , in just the undies that looked even more sexy at this minute. Fernando was behind her and said he was going to look at her whole body so he could decide what was needed. I watched as his hands flowed over her curves as she stood with her eyes closed. I positioned my chair so I could see if I wanted to but could easily move back if it got too much.

She lay on her front first, He started on her legs . I couldn't quite make out what they were saying but they were both laughing and I relaxed a little. I could smell the oils he was obviously applying. My ears pricked up when I heard him ask her to take off her bra. I looked in and saw him move away to give her time to get the bra off, and she quickly lay down again but not before he had chance to glance at those pendulous breasts. I watched as his hands flowed over her back and moved to her shoulders. They seemed so strong as he pummeled her back muscles. As he moved lower I began to feel myself become aroused and my wife was starting to moan. He removed the towel covering her arse and moved down to her legs again, but this time moving higher on her buttocks. This time he asked her if he could lower her panties. I held my breath waiting for the answer. "I think it might be best" she said. I watched as he rolled down her panties and got the first view of her newly shaved pussy. Thumbs pushed in to the top of her thighs and I sat back, not sure if I wanted to see what would happen next.

The sounds of heavy breathing and skin slapping started to increase, but after what seemed an eternity, I heard him ask her to turn over. He was about to get the first proper look at her breasts and I had to see. She turned over as he moved to stand above her head and held her arms and pulled them back towards him. I was sure her hand touched the bulge that had now started to appear in his pants. He began to rub her ams letting her hands rest against him. Then he leant forward reaching for her shoulders and breasts. I watched as his strong hands cupped them and fingers and thumb began to circle her nipples. Moans emerged from her mouth as he moved down and around and her hands lingered on that growing bulge . Not giving her time , he moved down her body to her legs once more, but this time legs were opened and fingers began too explore her now glistening pussy. At first , standing to the side rubbing along the slit allowing me a fine view of his fingers beginning to move inside her. I sat back not wanting to watch.

I was surprised as he told her to turn over just as her moans were getting louder and I thought the big moment was coming. When I looked back in I realised his plan......that bulge was now in front of her well in reach and I was shocked when my wife began to pull the pants down. His cock emerged from the pants , growing as she reached for balls and began licking the shaft. Was this the wife that didnt need anyone else? I sat back and listened as the slurping got louder and Fernando began to utter words in his native language. moans came from both of them . I looked in to see Fernando's cock bobbing in and out of my wife's mouth. He winked at me as if to say I told you so!

I heard him mWife massage ove and climb onto the table, opening her legs as he did so. I had a view of the large purple head rubbing at my wife s pussy lips until I heard her gasp and I knew he had entered her. I watched mesmerised as the muscles in his buttocks contracted as he slowly pushed into her. I could hear her moaning now.....OH YES!! His pace began to increase as he ploughed further and further inside. As he withdrew his cock I could see it glistening with her juices.There was a smile of satisfaction on Fernando's face as this time he plunged in deep and hard. For a moment I worried that her scream was one of pain but soon realised it wasnt as she told him to fuck her harder .....faster.... My mind drifted as I listened to the grunts and moans coming from the office as I cast my mind back to the days when it was me delivering the pleasure.

Then I heard the unforgettable noise she made as she climaxed .....knowing he had probably just squirted a first load of seed deep into her pussy. I looked in once more to see a sweat covered Fernando still thrusting his long fat erect penis into my wife., an evil smile on his face as he stared at me , still thrusting. I could only remember.......... that used to be me..........

Written by expatwife53

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