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Erotic Stories

Exploring your own erotic fantasies or a partner's sexual imagination can be a liberating experience. Sensualising with one another can truly add that extra spark between the sheets and change everyday sex into a passionate mind-blowing pleasure.

Erotic experiences in swinging include dressing up roleplay, adding another person into the bedroom and group gangbangs.

Explore our erotica collections below and share your own pleasures.

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A few years ago my girlfriend and I decided we’d like to take some rude pics of ourselves. We liked the idea as we’re a little bit kinky, love watching each other perform and got really turned on by the thought of this and so why not take some pics and wa...

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So once again I got a call from my tenant to say that there was a problem at the rental I arrived at the house mid afternoon on a Saturday. It was blazing hot and I came straight from the gym as it sounded urgent. I pressed the ring doorbell and to my sur...

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Winning the contract - part 4

A multi-part story of modern business practice.

I take off my tie, unbutton my pure white shirt, exposing my torso to reveal a moderately hirsute chest. “You’re clearly a man who predates waxing his chest”. I discard my black socks, remove my belt and step out of my suit trousers. Perhaps Susan was exp...

Opportunity Knocks

Fucked on the kitchen floor

11:30 one Friday night. I'm home alone watching Edinburgh Comedy Festival on the TV. Nothing special going on. I hear a knock knock knock on the door. I answered in my dressing gown. It was a young lady. Quite attractive. She said "Is Kirsty there". I exp...

The last fling.

A week later we were knocking on the door of his hotel room with no idea what he had planned.

Probably six months after she met with her ex-boyfriend, Richard, and the revealing of her sexual past, and all its’ filthiness, I asked if she would like to meet him again. She replied that she would like to, but it would have to be the last time as she...

Ann is a gangbang whore.

"Every man has seen your pictures and is here to fuck your young cunt.”

As I have mentioned in a previous story, my wife Ann’s ex-boyfriend Richard, had a thing about offering her to his friends to fuck, usually without her prior knowledge, so that he could watch her being used, or for her to return to him in a spunky mess wi...

Winning the contract - part 3

A multi-part story of modern business practice!

Standing in front of Susan’s desk, she responds with a gentle, teasing admonishment “oh no Peter, I will tell you where we start. Come closer to me, I want to take a good look at you. But first, close the blinds would you.” After doing so, catching a smil...

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Jennifer was a naughty girl

A tale from my youth

Jennifer was a naughty girl Jennifer was a neighbours daughter. I was reminded of her, by a story I read on here about a guy being given a bath, by his landlady. We lived over the shop, and two doors along the parade, was Jennifer’s family business. It wa...

Score 26 26
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Growing up in the 1970's. Terry 1

Terry’s adventures with two middle-aged ladies

Terry Connor was a twenty year old young man who found himself located away from home because of his job. This was disconcerting to Terry who found himself alone when, in the nineteen seventies there was no other way of communicating to home or to friends...

Winning the contract..and much more - part 1.

A multiple-part story of modern business practice!

I arrived in good time for my 1pm meeting with the joint company director. I’m pitching for business with her company, one of a number of potential suppliers looking to work with her company, so of course I am very keen to impress, to stand out amongst th...