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from wife to slut again

"Sex Is like a drug and turns decent people into sluts"

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I’m Shelly T (not my real name). I wrote an account of my first venture into illicit sex and I’m so grateful to have had nice responses. It makes me feel better about myself because I did feel a slut for what I do. If it was something my husband was involved in, then I wouldn’t feel so bad but that will never ever happen. In fact, the only sex he is into is missionary about once or twice a month and I need more which is what I use as an excuse for what I do. So, I’m going to tell you one more of my stories about what I have done in the past. As I said yesterday, I’m 36, married with two children who I love very much and would never do anything to hurt anyone hence the false name but the only way I can explain as to the reason I do what I do is to compare it a drug addict or an alcoholic, there are times when I feel I don’t have any choice and I need that fix to make me feel better. My husband admits that he doesn’t find me as attractive as he did before I had the kids, I know I could do with losing a few lbs but I’m not overweight and I do notice men noticing me and it’s a thrill to feel wanted again. So, onto my next story. A little while ago my husband and I went to a wedding party. I made myself look as good as possible, tight low-cut dress which my husband actually noticed but told me that I looked like a high class hooker. He wasn’t trying to be cruel, its just the way he is, but that was fine, I wasn’t wearing it for him. As I had hoped, I had the attention I needed and was actually chatted up by young men at least 10 years younger than me, one or two of them were so hot I had to stop myself from asking them for sex. That when I met Barry who tells me that he was 22. As my husband drank and laughed with his mates Barry and his friends kept me company, flirting and being suggestive which I found exciting. The issue was that I knew a lot of people at the party so it would be too dangerous to just disappear with Barry or one of his friends. Eventually I found out that Barry and Co weren’t part of the party and that they had just come in from the other part of the hotel for some fun, they had gate crashed the party. Move on an hour and Barry leans in and whispers to me that he was tired and was going to bed. He added that he sleeps naked and would be thinking of me. The I am handed a slip of paper with his room number on, it was so cheesy and not at all romantic, he was basically saying that he wanted to have sex with me. I asked him why he was giving me his room number (I knew why). He said something about liking our chat and wanting to continue the conversation. I replied, ‘a chat with you naked’. He gave me an amazing smile ‘no, both of us, and Tim’. Tim was another of his friends who was equality as hunky and gorgeous, but I made it clear to Barry that I wasn’t into threesomes and anyway, my husband was here and I gave him his paper back. He was very cheeky and put the paper with his room number down my dress in between by cleavage. He told to come with him because it was too loud where we were. I followed him making sure that people I knew were pre-occupied. He took me to a quiet spot outside and we kissed, his tongue deep in my mouth. He was so strong and muscular, he held me tight. I could feel the bulge in his trousers against me. Then he pulled away and told me in no uncertain terms what he wanted to do to me. I waited a few minutes then went to his room again making sure I wasn’t seen. I hesitated about a dozen times before I knocked on the door, making sure I had an excuse if I was knocking on the wrong door. Barry opened the door and moved to one side to let me in. He was already naked, his body was perfect, even his hands were strong and his cock long and thick. He got into bed, sat up against he wall with his knees bent. He gave me an amazing smile a told me to come and sit for a chat motioning to his lap, but to lose the dress. I dropped my dress and underwear, walked over to him and lowered myself onto his shaft, my back resting on his legs. It was amazing, I didn’t know who he was really just that he was young and strong and handsome, and he was deep inside me. As silly as it sounds, I just knelt there, Barry would occasionally suck my nipples or kiss my breasts or my lips or cup my breasts and give them a squeeze. We chatted about things, about the hotel and about his friends. It was silly and surreal, I was sitting on the calves of my legs with a man inside me, touching me and occasionally thrusting himself upwards deeper into me. I told him that I didn’t; usually do this sort of thing, he told me that I should and went on to tell me how hot I was and how he loved his cock being inside me and how amazing my ‘tits’ were. Then he slipped his tongue into my mouth and told me how he was going to fuck me hard, how he knew how to make a woman cum. He told me that I should try a threesome and how his mate Tim was great at fucking as well. I asked him if he and Tim always shared women. He smiled, ‘not always but quite often’. He told me how easy they found it to get women to fuck them both and how it would shock me how many married women they could have. I asked him if I was just another one of his trophies, he laughed out loud and told me not to complain and that I would cum so hard I will be begging for more. He was so arrogant that I started to not like him so much but here I was, naked, sitting astride him with his cock inside me. He started to move and play with my breast, his cock exploring parts of me that made me weak. He told me to ‘come on’ and ‘lets fuck’ before he lifted me slightly and lowered me back onto his shaft. I started to gyrate pushing my breasts into his mouth. He told me how he was going to make me cum so hard and how he was going to cum in my pussy so much that I would be leaning myself up for weeks. I knelt there and we fucked, his fingers exploring my ass. The door opened and in walked who I assume was Tim. At first I was in a bit of shock but Barry was thrusting himself up into me and I was well on my way to an orgasm so I thought ‘what the fuck’ and I carried on. Tim was naked before I knew what he was up to and standing next to me. Barry grabbed my face and turned it towards Tim. He told me to ‘suck his cock’. Time took my face and thrust himself into my mouth. I was now truly a slut. Fucking a stranger whilst another one fucked my mouth. I came the first time a few seconds after Tim entered my mouth and a drop of pre cum landed on my tongue. Barry managed to throw me onto my back without his cock leaving me. I lay there and was fucked hard, Tim and Barry both gripping my breasts, Tim managing to slide his cock back into my mouth. A splash of cum hit my throat and I gagged, Barry was angry with him, complaining that he wasn’t going to stick his tongue in my mouth after that. I lay there in ecstasy with this powerful lad pounding my pussy hard. Then I came for the second time and it was amazing, Barry came hard, cum pouring into me and I came hard again. When he had finished with me he climbed off and Tim took his place. He managed to bend himself and fuck me and suck my breasts at the same time. Tim laid me on my wide and entered me whilst laying on our sides. Barry appeared by my mouth and pushed his wet cock in between my lips. The two of them came at the same time filling my mouth and pussy. That’s when I climaxed so hard I came close to passing out. I spent the next 15 min or so on my knees, both of them taking it in turns to fuck me from behind, one of them managing to cum again. Then it was over. I had a quick shower (with Barry) dressed and left to find my husband who was so drunk my now I had to have help getting him to the taxi. Barry was right, all the way home cum dripped out of me. The orgasms had made me exhausted and I did feel like a slut. I had let two lads use me, they were probably telling their friends by now. I went home, got my husband to bed and had another shower. I bumped into Barry a week later, as fate would have it I had parked my car next to his in a car park in town. He assured me that they had told no one. He convinced me to sit in his car so I did. He told me how I was the best ‘shag’ he had ever had and how hot I was. I assured him it would never happen again and that I was drunk. He reminded me that I wasn’t at all drunk. He looked at me chest under my jumper and told me again what great tits I had. I let him put his hand under the jumper for a feel. He pulled his cock out of his jeans, ‘for old time’s sake’ he said. I made sure no one was close and to my shame I sucked him off and let him cum in my mouth. We chatted and it was nice, but I will never meet him again, I enjoyed it far too much but it did give me a taste of multiple bodies on mine. That’s another story.
Written by Shelly T

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