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My Memoirs: Claire: Getting friendly with Helena and Tommy. Thirteen.

"Helena and Claire help each other out."

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"Hi Claire"

Helena spoke over the fence as she hung out Tommy's bedsheets.

"Morning Helena, how's things"

"Not as well as you by the sound of things"

"How do you mean"

Claire now stopping from trimming her bush.

"Look not here Claire, fancy a coffee and a chat, I'd really appreciate it"

"I've just put the kettle on, front doors open, come on round Helena, you are more than welcome"

Claire walked Helena through into the living room.

"Please excuse the mess, I'm just going through some of my artwork and trying to decide which is frame worthy for a present for someone"

Claire noticed Helena look at the artwork a couple of times, but she tried to not let it distract her.

"Well it's pretty simple Claire, we are getting more noise from you next door then we did when you had lodgers, where are they by the way"

Claire explained that Katrina had gone back to Europe and the other male lodger was looking after his elderly mother for a while, but fortunately they still wanted to keep the rooms going, so were still paying the rent, it was win win situation for Claire, she could do what she wanted around the house, including having friends over and was still taking in the rental money.

A little about Helena.

She, Derek her husband, and Tommy had moved into next door about six years ago. Helena had been brought up with a strict upbringing in a church going family.

She and Derek got married young after getting together at senior school, and Tommy had come along soon after, she always gave the impression that she had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

She had the straightest fine long brown hair I'd ever seen and carried no extra weight. I think Claire told me that she was a store assistant manager for a high street clothing company, she always looked quite smart. Very thin and taller than Claire. Helena would always exchange pleasantries if you were coming and going from Claire's property, although never really engaging in conversation that much.

Claire explained without further ado.

"I must apologise Helena, I know it's a bit out of the normal, but I have been having a little bit of work done upstairs, and of course with the house free l have been taking the opportunity to throw a couple of girlie evenings, but I promise to keep the music down in the future"

Helena took a sip from her tea, before placing it down on the saucer.

"It's not actually that noise that is the issue, I've been into Tommy's room a few times now, he never brings plates, glasses or mugs back downstairs, how can I put it....loud lovemaking, there, I've said it.... I've never heard anything like it, and I'm pretty sure that Tommy must be hearing it too"

"He probably enjoys listening, especially if going by the amount of times you seem to be washing his bed linen, don't tell me, I bet he's telling you that it's coffee and tea stains on the sheets"

"Not funny Claire, even Derek keeps making excuses to go upstairs into our third bedroom, he's never bothered with it until recently, but every time he sees your fellas car outside, he tells me he's going upstairs, saying that he wants to convert it into a small office. I caught him out last week, l took him up a drink, he looked rather flustered as l handed it to him as if he couldn't wait to get rid of me, anyway I went to the toilet, flushed it, and shut the door, he thought that I'd gone back downstairs, but I didn't, I went into our main bedroom for three or four minutes, before going back across the landing to peer into the third bedroom, and there he was, back to me, his trousers and pants around his ankles, obviously... well, you know... playing with himself. Have you any idea how that makes me feel, he hasn't touched me like that in years, l just didn't think that he was bothered, but he's obviously getting his kicks in other ways, I'm so angry and frustrated with him at the moment"

"Well firstly let me correct you Helena. Lewis is not my fella, it's more of a friend with benefits arrangement, or fuck buddy if you like, we are just enjoying each other's company sexually and physically without everything that comes with a normal relationship, come on, it's after midday, let me get you a wine, sounds like you need one"

Helena agreed, she did need a wine.

"I'm sorry Claire, I shouldn't pour out my emotions and frustrations on you, it's not fair, the truth is that I'm probably just a little jealous in all honesty, like I mentioned, Derek just never gives me any type of attention of a sexual nature anymore"

Claire replied.

"Well as you know, I'm no expert, look what happened to me and Ben's Dad, that's still a big reason why I won't commit to another relationship in that way, especially as I work with Lewis, but doing what I'm doing is good fun, surely you can see that"

"Well of course l can Claire, but it's a little different for me, especially with my upbringing, I still always go to Church on Sunday mornings, and I've been with Derek since secondary school, so he's the only man I've ever known intimately"

Claire went to the kitchen.

"Here let me get you a top up, how's Tommy doing anyway"

Quickly changing the subject.

"He barely comes out of his room, l worry about him, he doesn't seem to socialise very well and he has no idea what kind of career he wants to pursue now he's finished school, he only seems to be interested in music and art.... Oh... and playing with himself, which I presume he gets from his father now, what's Ben up to, they are in the same year aren't they"

Claire giggled to herself, obviously the wine was going down well.

"Oh Ben's lucky, his girlfriends Dad has got him an apprenticeship on a plumbing course with his company, he seems keen to learn at the moment, just hope it lasts"

"Claire, l must say, but please forgive me, this artwork is amazing, although I'm not sure that I should be looking at it as much as I am"

"It's okay, I shouldn't have left it out, I just wasn't expecting company"

"Did you draw these images yourself"

"No, not the ones you see there, they are topless images of me, my evening college teacher drew them, I have just been going through them, trying to pick out the best ones to frame. Lewis has a birthday soon, and didn't know what to get him, just hope he likes it"

Helena continued to look and study the image's before remarking.

"l wish I were as confident and liberated as you Claire, these are something that you should cherish"

"Thank you Helena, I appreciate that"

Helena slowly moved through the artworks on the table, before a silence.

"0h, emmmm, this one"

Looking at Claire.

"Oh that's one of mine, it's from a set from my course assignment earlier in the year, l actually got top marks for.... I named it the four seasons"

Helena was now studying the four images.

"So you just drew these from your imagination, that's very impressive"

"Not exactly, I drew them here, upstairs in my bedroom to be honest, but no imagination required, I had a muse, well Lewis actually"

"What, you actually got him to pose like this"

"Well with a little encouragement obviously, as you can see, he didn't mind too much, the deal was as long as l didn't expose his face"

Helena laughed sipping at her wine.

"You got him to expose everything else l see. On a serious note though, do the classes and courses do more of a general kind of art study, more suitable for Tommy maybe"

"The courses cover all types, still life and landscape etc. You should send him round, l have all the basics here, eseal, different charcoals, oil and water colours, l could see if he's got any hidden talents, l could get him to sketch some flowers in a vase or something, and then take it to Lucy, she has an art class at the college and also offers evening courses at her home, tell you what, send him round tomorrow morning, say 11am....l don't do much on Sunday mornings anyway"

Claire continued.

"In fact I might be able to offer you a little something too if you fancy it"

"How do you mean Claire"

"Well I normally go and visit Ben on a Sunday afternoon, but Lewis will be around, when you see his car and me leaving, make an excuse and come around, he will probably be able to give you better advice than myself about men and masturbating"

Helena had another sip of her wine.

"So may l ask Claire, have you ever seen Lewis relieve himself"

"Haha, you mean masturbate"

"Well yes"

Claire replied as she reached for her glass.

"All the time, we both get a kick out of it, especially if he is undressed and I'm fully clothed, although sometimes I like to get naked too, we have found that we get better and longer lasting..... loud love making"

With a friendly wink.

Helena replied.

"I don't know how I would ever go about asking Derek to do such a thing, I can't honestly remember the last time I even saw his penis, probably a few years ago when I took him a coffee whilst he was soaking in the bath after he had laid some slabbing on the patio, I don't think that I've been missing much, he used to look after himself, but now he seems to think it's alright to just eat and put on weight, it wasn't a pleasant sight. That must have been about 3 years ago, he has little interest in sex, well so I thought until I caught him in the spare room as l mentioned. Even when we did have had sex, it's always been vanilla, under the covers, pull my nightie down when he's finished, don't think that we have ever slept naked together"

"So you have never experienced, well oral, or let him cum on you"

"Oh God know, only ever inside me, would never dream of letting him cum anyway else, just that kind of upbringing I guess, we were both virgins on our wedding night, and Tommy came along pretty quickly after that, how about you Claire do you like the feeling of penis ejaculation inside you"

"Honestly Helena, no, and I'm not really one for any kind of contraception"

"So you can't get pregnant any more"

"Yes, of course I can, I just don't enjoy or particularly like the thought of a guy cumming inside me"

"So you just get them to cum into some tissues and maybe watch, that sounds disgusting"

"Helena, seriously, have you lived that much of a sheltered life, l enjoy watching men cum, you've seen my pictures and images, l love the feeling of causing a cock to lose all control in front of me, the excitement and feeling and watching as it explodes everywhere, sometimes all over my body"

"Really Claire, you do that"

"Sure, it's such a blood rush and thrill, has Derek never got himself over excited a little too soon with your foreplay"

"Well of course, l let him slip his finger's inside me, and l do stroke his penis for him under the sheets, l even let him suck my nipples if my nightie rides up, or slides down occasionally, it's been such a long time, I can barely remember"

"So you have never given him or anyone a blowjob"

"Oooh, no never, I'm not that kind of girl, I do have a secret stash of erotic novels hidden in my wardrobe, l like to read the juicy bits when I'm on my own, I've even bookmark the pages"

"So you do have me time so to speak, a couple of hidden sex toys, I'll openly admit it, I have a couple of vibrators in my bedside drawer, although they haven't had much use with Lewis being on the scene"

"Gosh Claire, no l wouldn't dream of doing or using anything like that, I do miss the intimacy, but I guess I've just suppressed myself into the life l have made"

Claire again topped up the wine for Helena and herself.

"l really shouldn't have too much more, I'm definitely feeling a little tiddley and I've probably told you way too much than I should have, my eyes do keep getting drawn to this picture though... Summer, that penis is so erect and hard, I have to admit, it's got me a little damp"

Helena allowed herself a little giggle again.

"It seems a firm favourite within the set, the girls liked that one too when they saw it, they were even more excited when they got to see it for real when they came around"

"Excuse me Claire, I'm a little lost, did you film it for them to watch"

"No silly, well l did film it, but that's a little secret that no one else knows about. No, I got Lewis to expose himself to the girls, right here in this room, it's called CFNM"

Helena looked confused, as Claire continued.

"Clothed female, naked male, Lewis had never heard of it ethier until l introduced it to him, but he loves it now"

"So Lewis got himself naked in front of all your friends, while they stayed dressed, like a strip tease, l did watch The Full Monty once"

"Well I guess so I suppose, but it goes a little further then that, he gets himself hard, if he isn't already and then we make him masturbate in front of us all until he cums, and definitely not in a tissue, I'm sure that it will happen again in the future, I'll invite you to the next girlie night if you fancy it"

"I'm getting myself all hot and bothered now, this combination of conversation and drink is getting me very flustered all of a sudden"

"I'll tell you what, pop yourself around tomorrow afternoon, just make an excuse with Derek, I'm sure that you can come up with something and I'm sure Lewis might too"

"I will, he probably won't even notice I've gone, he's normally got the football on"

Helena quickly finished the last of her wine.

"Must dash Claire, need to sort dinner out"

Sunday morning, Claire had just finished drying herself off from her shower, she slipped on her long white blouse and a pair of red panties, before reaching out for her hair dryer.

Doorbell, she checked her phone 10.45am. Tommy was early.

Claire rushed down stairs to open the door, her blouse barely buttoned up.

"Morning Tommy come on in, I've got everything set up, follow me"

Tommy was looking his nerdy self, almost 6ft tall and probably only 8 stone soaking wet, he carried no extra weight, his short sleeve cheque shirt offering no definition, and this beige chinos were doing absolutely nothing for him.

"Can I get you a drink, tea, coffee or I could even offer you a shandy if you want something cold"

"Oh thanks, a shandy would be great"

Claire took the opportunity to button up her blouse, she didn't want Tommy to see too much, but maybe just enough. She confidently walked back into the living room and passed Tommy his drink, he was already sitting down.

"So, your mom tells me that you are keen on art, it would help if you could give me an idea of what you are interested in as a starting point, do you like landscape, still life, you know, what are you comfortable painting or drawing with, I was thinking for starters about you just sketching these dried flowers, just with use of a pencil, don't want to throw you in at the deep end with oils and canvas yet"

She passed Tommy a sketch book and a selection of different lead weight pencils,

"Just have a go at drawing the flowers, I know it's probably a boring thing to have to draw, but we have to start somewhere"

Tommy replied.

"Well at school, my art teacher was always impressed with my wildlife work and a couple of family pets I'd drawn in the past"

Claire bit her lip, but couldn't resist.

"Oh, so you have drawn and painted pussies in the past"

Well Tommy face turned into the deepest crimson colour that you could imagine, as he quickly reached for his shandy in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.

She walked around behind the chair and looked as Tommy worked the small detail of the patterned vase containing the flowers.

"I have a good friend at the local college, she's an art teacher, but has her own studio and workshop's at her home, if you could get me some of your previous works, I'd gladly take them over to her for a look, she can offer many different aspects of art"

Claire walked over to the side board and flicked through some of the sketches Lucy had drawn of her, being sure to put aside the images she had drawn of myself.

"Art has so many forms and aspects from within don't you think, it's all about perception, for instance, Lucy drew this pencil image of me"

Claire reaching down letting an image fall on Tommy's lap.

It was Claire standing topless, with her hands covering and holding her tits.

"What do you think Tommy, do you like it, good likeness l thought, I'm considering framing it"

Tommy again went to the shandy not sure quite what to say, although his eyes never moved from the image.

Claire threw the next image down, this one with her boobs exposed, the work concentrated on Claire's curves and pierced nipple, but no face on this drawing.

"You like this one Tommy"

Again not much of a reaction although he did get a little shifty on his seat, again his eyes focused on what he viewed before him.

"You know Tommy, I know that you have watched me from your bedroom window when I've been in the garden planting or sunbathing, l saw the curtains moving, and I know that you were watching when Lewis was in the garden with me a few months back, I remember you being home alone that day, tell me Tommy did you have yourself a good wank thinking about me"

Tommy was now looking down, his body visibly shaking as Claire now walked from around the back of the chair where he sat.

"This is my favourite image that Lucy has done of me, what do you think"

This one was of Claire smiling and leaning forward into the image, totally naked, the palms of her hands together tight between her legs her tits hanging down and forward towards the artist.

Tommy raised is head, his face still bright red with embarrassment.

"Look at me Tommy, Claire was now holding her breasts as in the first drawing only now through her white blouse, teasing Tommy.

Have we been keeping you up all night, l would suggest in more ways than one, do you hear my moans, screams and shouts, as I ask to be fucked harder, does it turn you on"

Claire leaned forward to remove the artwork she had dropped on his lap as well as his flower and vase sketch, she had achieved the reaction she'd hoped, Tommy had an obvious erection.

"Right Tommy, stand up an undo your shirt, come on, right now"

Reluctantly Tommy did as he was told, fumbling with his shirt buttons until they were all eventually open.

"Right take it off and remove your chinos for me, chop, chop"

Tommy protested.

"But it's not fair"

"Well you should have thought about that when you were wanking yourself whilst thinking about me, actions have consequences, it's a valuable lesson, drop them"

Tommy let out a sigh, as his phone fell from his trouser pocket as he let them fall to the floor.

Claire did her best not to giggle.

"The Simpsons underwear, really, toss me your phone, I need to add Lucy, the art teacher's details into it, Password"

She handed him back his phone inviting him to unlock it, which he did, as Claire read the number from her own phone and added Lucy as a contact into Tommy's, before handing him his phone back, and of course typically getting a sneaky picture of Tommy down to his underwear on her own device.

Claire sat down and lit up a cigarette, she crossed her legs, knowingly letting Tommy she a hint of her red panties, she inhaled before slowly letting the smoke release from her mouth.

"It's time Tommy, you need to get your cock out for me and wank it, go on, don't keep me waiting"

"I just want to go home now, Claire"

"Ha, not a chance until you have shown me how you wank yourself"

"But why"

"Because you seem to think that it's fine to do it behind your curtains whilst watching from the window, or after looking at me sunbathing though a gap in the fencing, and I'm pretty sure you must have wanked yourself like crazy in your bedroom, I bet you were wishing it was you when I screamed, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, so what's the difference, surely I'm giving you an opportunity to do what you have been dreaming about"

Claire tossed him the drawing of her exposed tits she had shown him earlier.

"This one, shoot your load over this image for me, go on, looks like you have a semi anyway"

Slowly Tommy let his boxers drop to the floor, as he stepped over them and covered his cock the best he could with his hands.

"Please Claire, I beg don't make me do this"

"The sooner you do it, the sooner you can go home"

As she drew on her cigarette, flicking the ash into a tray by the side of her chair and fiddled with her phone.

Tommy moved his left hand and began to stroke himself with his right hand.

Claire bit her lip, and pushed her glasses back onto the bridge of her nose. Tommy was hung, easily 6 inches and only just about semi, as he began to pump his ever hardening cock in front of Claire, who was trying to re-compose herself, it certainly wasn't what she expected, but she didn't want to give anything away, and more importantly she needed to stay in control. She could tell that even with both her hands wrapped around it's shaft that there would still be cock exposed, although now fully hard it was up to about 9 and half inches, and by far the biggest Claire had seen, although I do believe she was a little disappointed that it hadn't grown significantly bigger baring in mind it was 6 inches when pretty much flaccid.

I guess Tommy must have been going through all kinds of emotions, embarrassment, excitement, and vulnerability just to name a few, it was pretty much all over within seconds as he blasted his hot cum all over Claire's tits, the one's on the drawing of course, he pulled up his boxers, and dressed himself as quickly as possible, before making a bolt for the door.

Claire shouting.

"Thanks Tommy, I'll be in touch with what Lucy thinks, but I'm sure that she will be impressed"

As she looked down at the pictures she had taken on her phone.

"And not a word Tommy, I have pictures here and I'm sure that Ben would be easily be able to find you on different socials"

It must have been getting on for 2.30pm when Claire's doorbell rang. She had left at just after 2pm to see Ben as she did most Sunday afternoon's, especially since passing his driving test and the weekend car swap arrangement.

I opened the door to be greeted by Helena, Tommy's Mom from next to to whom I'd barely spoken to.

"Oh high, I'm Helena from next door, could I have a word with Claire by any chance"

"I'm sorry Helena, she's gone to see Ben, hence her car not being here"

"Oh l did notice, she mentioned something about the exhaust blowing a little, and mentioned that you were going to be taking it to Kwik Fit to be checked over for her, that's why I thought that she would be here alone"

Helena put her head down, snuffling and blew her nose, looking a little upset.

"I've just put the kettle on, you are welcome to come in and wait, I'm sure that she won't be too long"

"Oh can I, that would be great, Lewis isn't it"

She brushed passed me, a little pleased with herself that she had managed to blag her way into Claire's home without too much difficulty.

"Coffee or tea"

I shouted from the kitchen.

"Tea, white, one sugar would be great...oh in a cup and saucer please"

I can remember thinking to myself what a posh tart.

I walked with the drinks into the living room, placing my mug of coffee on Claire's table, Helena was looking outside at the garden, she looked good from behind, a smart dark blue blouse, tartan skirt and black tights with a sharp heel on her black shoes.

She turned towards me still snuffling, pulling a tissue from a small pocket in her skirt as she sat down opposite me.

"Everything ok"

Not really with any idea what her response would be.

"It's Derek my Husband"

Again I was confused, had he had a fall, heart attack or stroke l remember thinking as I looked at her.

"I caught him Lewis, last week, upstairs in our spare room, he was masturbating"

"Well that's a relief, I thought something serious had happened and that you needed me to call an ambulance or something"

"It is serious Lewis, I'm devastated"

"Seriously Helena, he's just a bloke we all do it"

Laughing as l sipped my coffee.

"You mean that you masturbate also"

"Well yeah, of course I do, probably more often than I should to be honest"

"How often, Lewis"

Again I reached for my coffee.

"Well I have quite a high sex drive so I've been known to do it three times a day in the past, as you probably know, I'm seeing Claire at the moment so no where near as much, maybe only once a day in my own company if I'm not seeing her"

"So have you masturbated today yet, Lewis"

"No, obviously because I'm seeing Claire, so hopefully no need"

I smiled towards her as l spoke.

"So have you ever masturbaited for Claire, you know, in front of her, naked.

Wow, I almost spilt my coffee as I tried to be upfront and honest.

"Many times, it's something that we both enjoy, and besides we always seem to get better sex if I've already cum, I just thought it would be a relatively common thing between couples to be honest"

"Well it's something that I've never experienced"

Helena now looking directly at me, as she reached for her tea.

"So how do you think that Claire could help you with this, is it something that you girls talk about"

"Well not really, l just thought that maybe she could advise me about what l could do, any ideas from a guy's prospective"

"Oh, I'm not sure Helena, I guess that you would need to know what he was thinking about whilst masturbating"

"Well I haven't really confronted him about it, he didn't have any porn on the TV and I'd know if he had any girlie mags about, the only thing in that room is.... wait..... there's a picture of me when I was a lot younger"

I laughed.

"Well perhaps he's into CFNM too"

Helena replied innocently

"What's CFNM, I don't understand"

"It stands for Clothed female, naked male"

"Oh now I feel stupid"

Again Helena putting her head down in disappointment.

"It's okay Helena, I had no idea what it stood for ethier until Claire told me, and then she showed me how to do it, please don't feel stupid"

I must admit I had began to start feeling aroused by the situation l found myself in, I tried to adjust myself whilst sitting but it didn't seem to help.

"I really think that we need to change the subject, Helena"

I stood up, I'm sure that it must have been pretty obvious that my throbbing cock was causing quite a bulge in my jeans.

"Do you want to change the subject Lewis"

She looked down at my bulge.

"I get the impression that part of you doesn't want to change the subject"

"I really want to help you Helena, but I really don't see how, and if we don't change the conversation quickly I'm going to end up doing something stupid"

"Well do you want to do something stupid, Lewis. What if I said that I want to watch you do something stupid"

"Helena, just what is it that you think would be a stupid thing to do"

"Well what if I said that I'd like to watch you masturbate for me, would that be stupid enough for you"

"I'm really thinking now that I do want to do something stupid"

Helena clapped her hands and smiled.

"Oh jolly good, but you must do it properly, you must take everything off and be completely naked, after all that's why it's called CFNM"

I stood before Helena as I removed my shirt, unbuckled my belt, unzipped my fly and let my jeans fall, I removed my trainers and socks and stood in front of Helena in just my black underwear, my cock obviously staining to be let free.

Our eyes met as I just yanked my underwear down and stood naked for her, I watched her eyes move down my body and stare at my fully erect cock.

"That's impressive Lewis, will you masturbate for me, in front of me, let me watch"

Helena sat forward on the chair, seemingly engrossed as l jerked my cock for her, I noticed her firm tits seemingly protrude more from her blue blouse as l continued to wank myself as she watched, her face only a few feet away from the head of my cock.

"You really want this Helena"

"God yes, I do, I want this so much, I've even been to church this morning and already asked forgiveness for what I'm about to receive"

Helena's words had now got me to the point of no return, my legs began to buckle, as I felt myself get light headed as I got ever closer to my release.

I moaned, and grunted, I remember panting as l tried to hold back, but to no avail, I blew my load in total excitement as my jizzy cum exploded all over Helen's blouse, she looked down at the mess I'd made and then at my naked body and shrinking cock.

"Have l really caused you to make this much mess Lewis"

Chucking to herself.

"Naughty me"

I must admit, between us, my speckled cum all over Helena's blue blouse looked like a freshly created star constellation.

It would have been the Tuesday evening, as Claire was just pulling up on her drive after work, as Helena was doing a little weeding in her front garden.

"Hey Claire, what did you think of Tommy and his artworks and drawings on Sunday morning, he seemed a little quiet when I asked him how things went"

"Tell him he's got nothing to worry about, l was more than impressed with my findings and I'm already on the case with Lucy to get him a placement of some kind within the college or her workshop, sorry l missed you on the afternoon, hope Lewis helped lighten your load in some way"

"Oh he most definitely lightened a load in more ways than one"

As a big smile beamed across her face.

"I'll be eagerly waiting for my invite to your next girlie night"

Written by Lewis68

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