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No touching.

"A happy ending."

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The bar filled up quickly and noisily, there must have been a conference.  As usual, they all stood at the bar.  As usual, they all tried to out shout each other.  Non-conference guests, including me, soon filled the lounge tables.  I would have my usual one drink and retire to my room.

The woman stopped dead when she saw the crowd, looked around for a table and turned to leave.

“Would you like this table?” I asked.  “I will be leaving soon.”

“Thank you,” she said.  “But I'm not…”

“Looking for company?”  I interrupted.  “Nor am I.”

She smiled and sat.

“I'm Harry.”

I said, and caught the eye of a waiter.  I was a regular, I knew most of them by name.


She said and turned to the waiter.  She gave her order and looked back at me.

“The usual?”

Said the waiter.  Okay, if it meant a few more minutes in the company of an attractive woman, I would have another drink.  I nodded.  He left.

 “Are you in the habit of picking up women in bars?”

She said.  I laughed.

“No, I am not.”

I replied.  She looked at me, waiting for more. What the hell…

“When I first started travelling,” I said.  “I tried my luck.  The evenings are lonely, but with no success.  There are usually professionals available, but that was not for me.  Besides, I was married.”

“Not now?”

“No, not for quite some time.”

“So it's porn and DIY now?”

I was gobsmacked and it showed.

“My husband travels a lot,” she explained.  “It's what he does.  Or so he says.”

She hesitated, was she revealing too much?  But she continued;

“He usually phones me later in the evenings…”

“”Phone sex,” I interupted.  “Lucky him.  I'm envious.”

“Nobody you can call?”

“Nobody, it's just me and my hand.”

She took a big pull at her drink and said;

“I like to watch him do it.  When we're together I mean.  He likes to watch me too.”

“I dont blame him, so would I.”

She drained her glass.

“Will you promise me not to touch?  Eyes only?”

I could hardly believe my ears.

“Scouts honour,” I said.  “No touching.”

She stood and walked to the lifts.  I adjusted my erection and followed.  Her room was a clone of mine.  From her handbag  she produced what looked like a large lipstick.  She brandished it.

“An alarm?”

She shook her head.


She said.

“That's illegal.”

“So is rape.”

“I might be a letcher,” I said.  “But I'm not a liar, you wont need it.”

She nodded.

“Get undressed,” she said.  “Then lie on the bed, naked.”

I undressed.  My cock was bursting.  I stretched out on my back.  She pulled a chair to the side of the bed and sat.

“Do it,” she said.  Her voice husky.  “Use a tissue to…  catch it.”

My foreskin had pulled back, revealing my wet tip, a generous blob of pre-cum glistening.

“I usually have… inspiration.”

I said.  Not that I needed it.  She reached for the TV remote.

“Not that,” I said.  “I can get that at any time.  I've shown you mine, show me yours.”

She smiled, stood, and unzipped her dress, kicking it aside.  She was a good looking woman.  She was wearing a lacy bra and matching knickers, not exactly seduction wear, but close.  She wore hold-ups.  I suppose suspenders would have been too much to hope for.  But I was hoping that she would at least lose the bra.


I pleaded.  She lifted one tit out of the bra, then the other.  Better than taking it off perhaps, the folded under cups served as platforms.  Her nipples were erect.

“That's as much as you're getting.”

She said.  It was more than enough.  I wrapped my hand around my cock.  Gently.  It would be a pity to disgrace myself having got this far.  Besides, I wanted it to last as long as possible.  With my eyes on her tits, I cautiously found my edging rhythm.  I cupped my aching balls with the other hand.  I'm good at this.  Sometimes I use lubrication, a nice oily wank, but I also like it without.

She watched intently as I wanked, her hand moved onto her belly.  She hesitated, then slid the hand down the front of her knickers.  Soon I could see her fingers moving under the thin material.  She was breathing heavily, her eyes sparkling.  Her mouth fell open and her body stiffened as she came.  I couldnt hold it any longer.  With a few quick strokes, I finished myself.  A powerful volley of spunk shot out, landing on my body and face, tissues forgotten.

She leaned back.

“Impressive,” she said.  “Thank you.”

“Thank you,” I panted.  “You've made my day.”

She moved back and tucked her tits away.  I cleaned myself up and, good to my word, started to dress.  I had everything on but my jacket when the awkward silence was broken by her phone ringing.  She picked it up.

“Of fuck,” she said.  “It’s my husband, he's early.”

I pointed at the door and waved goodbye.  She shook her head and mouthed;


She answered the phone;

“Hello darling you're early.”

“I'm missing you.”

“That's nice, I'm missing you too.”

“Where are you?”

“In my room.”

“How did it go today?”

“Well, I think.”

“Good.  Are you still dressed?”

“Just my undies”

“What colour?”

“The blue.  And hold- ups.”

“Nice. Take the bra off, play with your tits.”

She looked at me and rolled her eyes.  She pointed to the chair, still alongside the bed.  I sat.  She removed the bra and lay where I had been.

“Push them up and together.”

Said the voice on the phone.  She complied.

“are your nipples hard?”

“Oh yes, very.”

“Roll them, like I do.”

She rolled them.

“What about you,” she said.  “Where are you?”

“Lying on the bed, naked.”

“Is it hard?”

Mine was, I could break rocks with it.

“Very,” he said.  “is your cunt wet?”

“It is.”

“Take you knickers off, leave the stockings on.”

I slowly unzipped myself, undid my belt and freed my straining cock.  I pushed pants and underpants down to my ankles.  My knickers were off.  So were hers.

“Touch yourself,” said the voice.  I did.  So did she.

“Stroke you clit,” he ordered.  “Imagine my tongue on it.”

“Are you stroking yours?”

She asked.  I nodded.

“I am.”

He said.

“Use both hands,” he went on.  “Push your fingers into your cunt and rub your clit with the other hand.”

I had a perfect view of her doing exactly that.  I could smell her arousal.  I was wanking vigorously, cupping my balls with my other hand.

“Push a finger up your arse,” said the voice, hoarse now.  “Imagine that it's my tongue.”

I tried but failed to stifle my gasp as I shot my second load onto the hotel carpet, she squealed and came noisily, masking my gasp.  Silence followed, then;

“Did you come?”

She said.  I nodded.

“Loads,” said the voice shakily.  All over myself.  Did you?”

“Like a tidal wave.”

She replied.

“Goodnight darling, sleep well.”

Then more silence.

“Sorry about that,”  she said.  “Its not usually quite that intense.”

“I enjoyed every gasp,” I replied.  “Thank you for sharing it with me.  And yes, I will sleep well.  Very well.”

I dressed again and left.

I lay in my lonely bed, yes, with another erection, and marvelled over what I had just experienced.  One of my most intense sexual experiences, two amazing orgasms.  And all with no touching.



Written by Harrycot

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