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Reunion with uni mates

"Wife reluctantly enjoys reunion and pays outstanding “debt”"

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“Hey honey, you’ll never guess what arrived in the post this morning! 
An invite to the 5 year uni reunion” 
I knew what was coming , he would want to go, not worried about the fact that  
it would mean leaving our 4 month old daughter behind.  
“Come on we haven’t been out since you had the baby, you’ll have a great time chatting to your old girlfriends. I am sure mum and dad would love to have the baby overnight” 
“But I am breast feeding and I will have to buy a new dress, nothing fits.” 
“You can express before we go we don’t need to leave till 7 and we will be back by 12 on Saturday. 
Treat yourself to a new outfit , we both deserve a good night out!” 

I knew he would talk me into it and I knew everyone would be there. It would be great to see the girls again, but I wasn’t sure about seeing some of the boys. 
Mum agreed to take the baby and I spent the next 2 weeks looking for the right outfit. That would have to include new underwear as my breasts had grown after the baby.  

The Friday arrived and I spent too much on a hairdo and other treatments, but I felt I hadn’t lost weight after the birth so felt I needed all the help I could get. I had a nice soak in the bath after feeding Beth and packing her bag ready for granny. 

Hubby was taking Beth to granny while I finished dressing. I put on the new bra and panties and looking in the mirror thought I didn’t look too bad considering. When I put on the dress almost immediately I regretted not going for other option I had. The low top showed a lot of cleavage and I worried perhaps it was too short after all! Hubby , of course thought I looked stunning and kept telling me how I would wow everybody. Little did he know there were some people I definitely did not want to wow. I hoped maybe they wouldn’t be there! 

The taxi arrived and straight away I saw the driver looking at my stocking tops as he held the door while I got in, then had a good look down my dress at the deep cleavage. 
We held hands in the back seat repeating his earlier comments of how great I looked.  
I was starting to shake as we arrived and I saw some familiar faces at the entrance. Then I saw Marge a good friend who I hadn’t seen for a while. We had a hug then walked in together. 
The party was already in full flow, lots of drinking and kissing and hugging with people I hadn’t seen for  
I enjoyed a good laugh with the girls and we had a few dances together. Hubby had disappeared but I could hear his laughing as he was surrounded by a group of lads from the football team. 
Then one of the girls cornered me to warn me Matt had been asking for me and she knew he had a thing for me. Little did she know! 

I couldn’t avoid him , 5 minutes later he was there asking me to dance! 
“ you’re even hotter than I remember , I still wank remembering that morning in your house. No wonder Pete has been telling me he is looking forward to seeing you, he says you owe him one! We were out together celebrating his divorce and he told me he couldn’t wait to see you again.” 

Marge came over to rescue me, thankfully and I spent the next few hours dancing and drinking too much 
soft drink, no alcohol as I was breastfeeding. I had to go to the bathroom but on my way I saw Pete , Chris and Matt in a little huddle. As I came out of the bathroom Pete and Matt were waiting for me, and led me to the elevators.  
“Where are we going” I asked.” Pete has a room” Matt replied. Inside the elevator Pete kissed me hard ,pulled me close and told me it was time to collect what I owed him! 

We got to his room and he asked if I wanted a drink , I explained about the baby and he put his hand on my breast saying I thought these were even bigger. Matt stood behind me as Pete stared into my eyes. “ you are so hot, why waste yourself on that football mad hubby of yours”. Matt began to feel my breasts and slowly undid the zip of my dress. Pete just stared at me as the dress fell to the ground leaving me in bra panties and stockings. 
My nipples were getting harder as Matt took full advantage to feel my melon like breasts and tweaked the nipples till they were long and stiff. Milk started to emerge! Pete slowly undid the zip of his pants and took out a rapidly growing cock.  
“Suck it like a good little slut” By now Matt had his hand in my panties and his finger slowly slid from top to bottom of my pussy.  
“Hey , she’s so wet, she wants you bad! “ said Matt.  
“She will need to empty my balls first, not much action since the divorce” 
Matt pushed me to my knees and Petes cock was slapping me in the face. He held my head and pushed his cock into my mouth. He pulled on my head as his cock went in and out as he fucked my mouth. Before long I could taste precum and as Matt squeezed my tits I felt Pete cum in my mouth. 
Just then there was a knock on the door. Hoping it was hubby come to find me hopes were dashed as Chris entered.  
“ Her husband is well pissed he’ll be no trouble the boys will keep him away!” 

“Let’s get her on the bed, I want a feel of those massive tits” 
I knew there was nothing I could do, we hadn’t had sex that much since the baby and looking at that hard cock had got me really wet 
They took me to the bed Chris was at my tits straight away, unhooking the bra and holding them tight. 
Pete rolled down my panties while Matt and Chris took one tit each and began to squeeze suck and nibble. 
Pete stood at the end of the bed , his cock growing again. He began to lick and suck at my pussy and used his thumb to caress my clit.My orgasm came like a giant wave as my body shook. He then placed the head of his now very hard cock at my entrance and rubbed from top to bottom. After a few minutes of this he pushed in an inch at a time till I felt his balls smacking against my arse, telling me he was in all the way. 
By now Chris and Matt had their cocks out, I held one and felt the other against my lips. Pete was constantly thrusting in and out , long strokes this time taking much longer to shoot. As he withdrew and then plunged in full length my second orgasm came, as Pete let out a loud roar, and he filled me with his sperm. 
Matt always the randy one stopped sucking my tit , rolled off the bed and turned me over onto all 4s.  
I could feel his fingers at my wet pussy as he dove straight in 
“ Hey look at those big tits swinging”he said as he continued thrusting in and out. Not as long as Pete but he felt wider as my pussy stretched to accommodate his fat cock. After what seemed like ages I felt his balls contract and the contents spilled into my love tunnel. 

Chris always the gent, was happy playing with my tits for a while longer. But like the others, his cock was ready to fill my pussy and he took his turn spooning me, not wanting to let go of my tits. 
Nice and slowly he fucked me till my pussy got sore and I asked him to shoot quick I was going to orgasm again. He duly obliged and all 3 of us lay on the bed , exhausted .......... 

Was that a knock on the door??

Written by expatwife53

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