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"My little friend"

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"A memorable meeting"

It’s 16 centimetres long with three vibrating fingers, and it is pink.  It’s my favourite toy.  We call it Pinkie.  On this warm Saturday morning, C is plying a wondrous trade between my legs as he gently slides Pinkie along and between the slick folds he loves so much.  Now dallying, now pressing then retreating as the three pink fingers thrum and he twists and turns them seeking new places to excite.  My sex expands luxuriating and suddenly I flashback to a memorable evening four years ago – oh my gosh, no!  It must be five years ago now.

C and I were working.  We were away from home, and we’d rented a little apartment in the centre of this little town.  A first-floor flat, it had a large living room with an enormous L-shaped couch and a big bed in a small bedroom.  And lots and lots of windows.  It was Thursday I remember.  We’d agreed to meet and greet a couple from SH.  There was a nice-looking eatery a short 200 metres from our flat, so we suggested going there.

Seven pm, time to go.  It was drizzling and cold, so we had to dash, though a tight black dress and high heels are not ideal for dashing anywhere, except upstairs.  Gordon and Jeanette arrived moments later.  She was a pretty, naughty lass, and quite short.  I liked her immediately.  He was taller, not bad looking, with a gold tooth that glinted when he smiled.  Things were looking up.

Drinks in hand and menu decisions made, the four of us settled into the meet and greet rituals.  “When did you...?” “What was the...?” “How...?” You’ll know these conversations.  It’s a fab part of the process.  Starters and main were done.  And so, it was time for the big question. “Would you like...?  Four nods.  With final sips of wine, and breaths sweet from dessert, it was “No thanks”, to coffee, and “Yes, thanks” for the bill.  As we got up to leave, I linked arms with Gordon and lifted my lips for a kiss – a proper kiss, while C put his arm around Jeanette, and pulled her close.  I think he was a bit naughty, but I couldn’t see.  As we went into the cold night air: still two pairs but recombined, hand-in-another’s-hand, we left puzzled waiters and a gentle buzz of conversation.  That was our gift to all the diners who, seemingly bored with their dinner companion, people-watched.  Now they had something to intrigue them.

We gained the flat.  Laughing and a little out of breath; it could have been the cold.  Jeanette was quickly dressed in nothing but suspenders, stockings, and high heels – I told you she was naughty – and C, always the gentleman, led her to the bedroom.  He wanted to see goosebumps but not ones caused by the chill air.  There was the sound of a quickly indrawn breath as the curtains were closed.  Can only imagine what made Jeanette do that, but it sounded like an interesting start.

Gordon and I fell onto the couch and discovered, well uncovered, each other.  I lay there naked except for my stockings.  He was nude too, just his wedding band and no socks.  There is a real asymmetry between women and men: stockings – yes, socks – no!  This is one gender chasm that has no bridge.

He was cradling me with one arm, while the other hand was parting my lips, wetting his fingers, and then travelling up to my other lips and gently pressing them.  I opened to his touch and licked him clean.  He liked this, he had found his groove, as time and again he played and plied this game.  In the bedroom, I knew what C was doing.  Jeanette would be lying on her back, her legs held apart, spread while C teased, tasted, and tongued her.  She was a squealer, and she squealed.

Meanwhile, on the couch, Gordon had found my breasts and was squeezing them, moving the flesh with sweeping movements of his hands that ended with him tugging and torturing my nipples.  I had his manhood in my hand, and I was also tugging.  He was a big boy.  I said, “You’re a big boy!”.  Now and again I let my fingers move his jewels as I circled my hand around his testicles.  They had been hanging heavy and redolent.  Now, they were a tight mound tucked up smoothly joining his magnificent shaft.  I shifted position, just gaping my legs a little, when he wanted to satisfy his needs he would have easy access.  I was wet, he was glistening.  Things were progressing nicely.

And things were progressing well in the bedroom too.  C had mounted Jeanette.  Her legs were drawn up and spread wide to the side, her outer thighs flat on the bed.  I just can’t do that.  Her squeals were shorter, her breathing fast and then she was there, and everyone knew it.  And seconds later, a deep grunt followed by a quick laugh – a sure sign that C had spent his coin and Jeanette would soon be leaking cum.

And then the magic of swinging caught us in its spell.  Gordon, hearing my husband pleasuring Jeanette, Gordon knowing that another man’s seed was soaking into his wife, felt his need and surged into me.  Four, five swift thrusts and he emptied his soul.  The sudden flood of heat was my trigger, and my cum- coated walls flexed and rippled of their own volition and milked his mighty cock.

As our panting gentled and slowly relaxing muscles pulled apart, there appeared a pearly white pool spread thickly on the couch.  Whoops!  The itsy bit of material of my knickers wouldn’t cope, so we pressed Gordon’s underpants into service.  As he bent to mop up, I got my lips in between his legs - there would be no further drips!  Completing our chores, and when our giggles had subsided, Gordon took my hand, and we peeked into the bedroom.

Jeanette was propped against the headboard; her eyes were screwed shut and her hands were clutching the sheet.  C was lying full length on his tummy.  He had taken Pinkie from the bedside table and was delicately using it on Jeanette’s cum-drenched fanny.  Waves of orgiastic pleasure were racing up her body.  Standing next to me, I felt rather than saw, Gordon began to grow tumescent again.

The next day, Jeanette went out and bought her own Pinkie.

And that’s how the Pinkie Club started.  Now, five years on, the four of us united by a toy, there I was adding yet another chapter to its history.  C, leaving Pinkie lying on my tummy, its vibrating fingers resting on my clit, videos me as I climax.  He sent it to them.

Written by Merin4494

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