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Friends Stories


Turns out I like spas, after all.

You go to a spa to either recharge your batteries or drain them dry. To the last drop.

This one is slightly simpler than than the previous one, but it does not lack steam - literally. It all happened, and it is one one of my go-to memories if I need a good wank. I was never a massive fan of baths or spas. There's something about them that m...


A first swap with friends

First swap doesn't end as we expected.

We’ve known Carol and Phil since we were all at school together and they are still our closest friends even now we’re pushing 40. We’d been out to a show and gone for drinks afterwards and it was nothing unusual to go back to their house and carry on drin...

Trevor G

sleeping with my best friend

Best friends decide it is time to go that bit further.

Carley was a 22 year old beautiful woman that had many boyfriends. She never seemed to stick to any one man very long. The longest was Frank and he lasted just three weeks. I had known Carley all my life and it felt almost like brother and sister between...