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Impertinent Brat

One way to deal with a brat.

She was in full on pest mode. They had checked into a hotel and were shortly to go out to see friends. She was being over excited and wanting everything now. She had her shower. He started to shave. Her hand snuck out from behind the curtain and pinch his...


As the situation deteriorates can the sergeant save Mel from them there killers?

IT’S THE FINALE! We’ve finally got to the end and what an ending it promises to be. A big thanks to everyone who has read this and commented so far as your enjoyment is my enjoyment. Please be sure to leave a like and a comment at the end if you enjoy it...

Morning Coffee in the Kitchen

Distraction, impatience, pleasure

You sit in the Kitchen, a book in your hands, a fresh cup of coffee on the table beside you. Early morning sunlight streaming through the window, warming you, rendering you an oasis of contentment in its glow. And so I distract you, standing behind you, s...

The Penitent Girl

When punishment is waiting to be punished

Her transgression was minor. In fact it was hardly a transgression at all. Now she thought about it she had really only been being good. The young man who had come to mow the lawns and prune back some of the trees had been working hard and needed a drink....

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Girlfriend and a visit to a hotel

Girlfriend and i have an evening together

This is a work of total fiction, it is not true, or is it. I picked up my slut from the normal place we left her car, in a car park halfway between her house and mine. Normally empty and not well lit on the edge of a large grassy area and next to a car re...

Happy woman

Just what I needed

He suggested we watch each other wank

Since my divorce I have lived by myself , I’ve had a few dates but nothing serious , my only fun was with my rabbit or fingers. Then out of the blue my sex life took a massive step forward , my shed roof was leaking , a friend gave me a phone number of a...

Happy woman

Just what I needed

He suggested we watch each other wank

Since my divorce I have lived by myself , I’ve had a few dates but nothing serious , my only fun was with my rabbit or fingers. Then out of the blue my sex life took a massive step forward , my shed roof was leaking , a friend gave me a phone number of a...


Sex in the kitchen comes with consequences

You come into the kitchen dressed in one of my t-shirts, it reaches to mid-thigh. Your dark hair is slightly tousled but you’re more clear-eyed and rested than I expected after your condition the night before. I pour a glass of orange juice and you sit at...