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cancelling my membership

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I am with a heavy heart cancelling my membership, i dont want to, but because of the amount of people who for some reason or other feel it their right to disrespect direct and abuse people on cam and in the room, i feel i can no longer enjoy coming onto the site and talking to friends in the chat room. Sorry if this offends anyone but its what i feel.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Don't let others dictate to you what to do hun.....
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
My missus wont use the chatrooms because of the things u describe and she is one hard faced bitch at the best of times.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
I am with a heavy heart cancelling my membership, i dont want to, but because of the amount of people who for some reason or other feel it their right to disrespect direct and abuse people on cam and in the room, i feel i can no longer enjoy coming onto the site and talking to friends in the chat room. Sorry if this offends anyone but its what i feel.

The chat rooms scare the cr4p out of me. :scared: It's all too fast and intense. Maybe you could just take a break from the chat rooms for a while? dunno Why not spend some time in the more sedate Cafe getting to know the forum regulars? They're all slightly loon but in a nice way. :rascal: It would be nice to see you there, but if you do decide to chuck in the towel because of a few numpties, I hope you find what you're looking for in life. wave
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Oi Cuby! the others are weird...I'm normal :smug:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Firelizard
Oi Cuby! the others are weird...I'm normal :smug:

Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thanks guys for your support. We have been swinging for 34 years and have been members of many sites, including this one, but its never been as bad as it is now. Maybe i will takes cubes advise and frequent the forums for a while, who know, but for now i am to say the least very upset at the disrepect some people have for others.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well, I for one have enjoyed chatting to you in the Chat Rooms Kiss and I think you will be missed.
However, Chat Rooms loss is Cafe's gain if you decide to spend more time in here as I hope you will :thumbup:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thank you sweet thats much appreciated .xxxx
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
We have been swinging for 34 years

According to your profile, you are 48. Forgive me for not being very good at maths, but I would say that one of those statements might not be correct. dunno
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
yes ian i need to update my profile, there you got , well we have been swinging since i was 17 ian. 51 on december 25th by the way
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
yes ian i need to update my profile, there you got , well we have been swinging since i was 17 ian. 51 on december 25th by the way
Do what thou wilt but harm non
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
yes ian i need to update my profile, there you got , well we have been swinging since i was 17 ian. 51 on december 25th by the way
Do what thou wilt but harm non
Wonder how many more xmas babies we have on site :smile:
Kiss - Ive seen you chatting away in the main rooms and you always looked like you were enjoying yourself and having a giggle...that's what its all about. Sometimes though, we all need a break from it. When you go back you enjoy it all the more I find...
Stay with the programme :lol2:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I really do enjoy chatting, but when on cam, if i say no i always get abuse, and i dont want it any more hun. I will take a break from the chat rooms. end of the month i think. Altho i will miss you all.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
I really do enjoy chatting, but when on cam, if i say no i always get abuse, and i dont want it any more hun. I will take a break from the chat rooms. end of the month i think. Altho i will miss you all.
Treat people the way you like to be treated yourself
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
Hiya kiss...
What rooms do you use ??
We often play around with our cam but never in the default rooms !! The cafe, beach or jacuzzi, as these are generally total "free for all" rooms with no host ..
Open your own room or go into a room where the host deosn`t mind you camming and there is far less trouble and often lots of fun :thumbup:
Camming in the unhosted rooms is just asking for trouble I`m afraid and you have to be pretty thick skinned.
Most of the abusers and unwanted whisperers will frequent the unhosted rooms because they know they can get away with it.

Bit like your first couple of forays into the bear pit they call The Cafe then flower :giggle:
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
I really do enjoy chatting, but when on cam, if i say no i always get abuse, and i dont want it any more hun. I will take a break from the chat rooms. end of the month i think. Altho i will miss you all.

report them I know it doesn't help much at the time, but they all get checked and dealt with, notes get added and actions taken on repeat offenders gets harsher each time.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi st3v3, I do but there's always another one to takes their place and it gets so wearing after a while, you feel like your constantly complaining
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
Hi st3ve, I do but there's always another one to takes their place and it gets so wearing after a while, you feel like your constantly complaining
Do what thou wilt but harm none
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
Hi st3ve, I do but there's always another one to takes their place and it gets so wearing after a while, you feel like your constantly complaining
Do what thou wilt but harm none
im guessing that these cryptic quotes you keep adding by quoting your last post are intended to be your signature? you need to go to forum settings and do that, then it will appear at the bottom of every post you make.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thanks for that piece of constructive advise, altho i no not what it has to do with the topic, and i dont usually use the forum so i use the quote box.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
So sorry to hear that you are planning to leave us Kiss. I have been in that same situation before as I am sure most have, and it has to be said that i think twice now before going on cam in one of the main rooms especially during the daytime. And its all very well ppl saying report the idiots but as u've already said, report one and they get replaced by three.
Its a shame you feel that you need to cancel your membership cos of the number of idiots on here cos I am sure you have more friends on here who will miss you than u realise. I know that we have chatted briefly in passing and I for one think u are lovely.
I wish you the best in the future whatever you decide to do
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thank you sweety, thats a very nice thing for you say. I may change my mind yet i dont know, but i know if i do leave, i will miss alot of very nice, a couple of very special people. My decision will be made at the end of the month, so watch this space.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
Hi st3v3, I do but there's always another one to takes their place and it gets so wearing after a while, you feel like your constantly complaining

Then keep on " constantly complaining ". For if we all give up then the tossers and there are a few on here, will have won.
We only ever go on cam in a room where we know the host. That way we at least have some control over what goes on. It usually is worse on a Fri or Sat night after the pubs have shut. The foul
abuse seems to def be worse on those nights, and at those sort of times.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Kiss Kiss xx Hi hun
I think we have spoken once in chat.
It would be a bad day to see a GENUINE person leave because of ID 10 Ts. I realise it is hard to ignore them. It's just a pity there is no "ignore" button on the new layout (st3v3 please take note). Just the stroke of one key would end it all. Stick it out and who knows what the backroom boys will come up with.
Been there, done it and come back lol
(In Arduis Fidelis)
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thank you guys for all your support, maybe i will reconsider. I'll just have to be more assertive and tell the idiots to go forth and multply lol
Watch this space
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I can only reiterate what St3v3 and others have said and that is report them.
When I am in chat I sometimes post this message

All the members of this site deserve to be treated with manners and respect whatever shape, size, age, colour, gender someone might be!!
We are mostly all here to have fun and have a laugh and a joke.
So please act like adults and treat them as such because any body who does not do so may find themselves the subject of an ops or admin intervention on their account.

Most people have my mobile number or have an ops or admin on their friends list so that they can tell when admin or a chatroom ops is online and then they can usually take action straight away.
I usually find that it's only one or two who can't act like adults and sometimes the whole room jump on them for spoiling their fun.
So get the room on your side and you will have about 70 odd angry people with you.
And remember Don't let the bu**ers win take action against them ok.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thanks woohoo, i'll bear that in mind, i am beginning to think maybe i wont cancell after all, but still have doubts. If they dont mind i to will add the ops as friends so i can see if they're online, also. Once again thanks woohoo your advise has been very helpfull. xxxx
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Kiss_kiss
Thanks woohoo, i'll bear that in mind, i am beginning to think maybe i wont cancell after all, but still have doubts. If they dont mind i to will add the ops as friends so i can see if they're online, also. Once again thanks woohoo your advise has been very helpfull. xxxx

glad to hear that you have changed your mind a bit...... even if it means you hang out with us mad people on the fourms a bit.......
we are nice... so leave the confines of the chatroom lounge and say hi to the people on the cafe.....
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
lol Maybe i will fabio you sound like a good bunch of peeps xxxx