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Greetings that make you groan chuckle or swear

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Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I really like it when people come into a chatroom and say hi to everyone before addressing any specific member. Comes across as good manners to me. Not so sure about when someone comes and says "Hi all....Helloooooo GIGANTITS" (fictitious tag...I hope)for example. That always seems a little crass. But hey, at least its a greeting so not whingeworthy.
What does irk me is when someone comes in turns on a cam and within seconds says, for example "Nice snatch GIGANTITS need a cock for that!"
Anyone have any pet hates/likes greeting wise?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yeah! I really hate the 'show us those puppies' as soon as a woman comes on cam.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Lost
I really like it when people come into a chatroom and say hi to everyone before addressing any specific member. Comes across as good manners to me.

Couldn't agree more Lost. I often enter with a "Hi room". It does irk me that I can enter a room of 70 members with a greeting and be completely ignored though. But it doesn't irk for is too short lol.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'm not bothered if anyone says any welcome to me as I'm used to being sat in the quiet corner staring at the floor redface :idea:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I hate it when you come into a room and you say Hi and only a few reply but as soon as you go on cam the 'quiet' ones become the next francis coppola. And they auto whisper you with lewd comments.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Good topic Mr Lost, to us it's basic good manners to say hello when we enter (the room!) and also to say hello to others, sadly not all have the same values.
That said, the greeting which really gets my goat is the "oi oi" type!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Blimey theres LOADS!
How about when a fella is on cam and the first greeting from a potential suitor is " Is it just you there?"
Anything containing "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" or variants therein.
We loathe the 'subtle' attempts at getting a more explicit camera angle .............things like " I wonder if she is shaved down below" or perhaps "do your panties match your bra?"
However it has to be said its just as bad in reverse , when you say hi to the room and the prevailing clique just continue chatting without any acknowledgment at all
or someone asks a question about you and when they dont get the answer they wanted simply fall silent without the manners even to say fuck off youre mingers.
Blimey we are gettin techy in our old age. Perhaps channel four might consider a TV show called " Grumpy Old Swingers" we'd love to see Arthur Smith in a gimp mask.
Peace xx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Incidentally .............we just saw Jennys pics and no one could blame a viewer come over with a touch of the Coppolas when they first saw that ! :-)
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
xxxxxxxxx whispers: may i whisper you?
erm - you already are rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
PMSL thank you hunni xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I also get annoyed at the 'tourists'after midnight who just look for crumpet on cam and start to direct, but i tell them if they want a cheap thrill to go to the spar and reach the top shelf and buy a wank mag lol.
Also i hate the greetings ' do you meet' or 'do you fuck' ............ hellooooooo im a swinger course i bleedin do.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Ian
xxxxxxxxx whispers: may i whisper you?
erm - you already are rolleyes

Guilty as charged.
But at least I stop whispering if I get a negative response.
I get sick of people who tell me that Jen is hot.
If you read our profile for more 15 seconds, you'll see that the female half of this couple is called Charlie
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by robandjen
xxxxxxxxx whispers: may i whisper you?
erm - you already are rolleyes

Guilty as charged.
But at least I stop whispering if I get a negative response.

Why not just ask in the room as the site rules stipulate? Apart from being good manners it saves you from being thought ignorant and having your arse booted out of the room.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I know this is really weird, but I don't like people knowing who I'm whispering.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
I know this is really weird, but I don't like people knowing who I'm whispering.

That`s not weird lol
I can understand people whispering a whisper request and I have no problem with it whatsoever as long as they don`t continue to whisper after being asked not to.
In some rooms there are people who take great joy in taking the piss out of people when they ask to whisper and I have even seen people commenting on other peoples refusals of a whisper request rolleyes
So I can`t really see any problem with a whispered request to whisper :lol:
I don't have a problem with whispering as you suggest either, I think its ok to do that. As long as the whisperer is polite and has read the profile then they would get at the least, a no ty.
And i think its a bit off when you see whispers cut n pasted straight into the room from cold, but hey i suppose someone could always bring up the 'but if your a fem on cam or something then you get 4 billion whispers and it ruins the chat' dunno
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
I know this is really weird, but I don't like people knowing who I'm whispering.

That`s not weird lol
I can understand people whispering a whisper request and I have no problem with it whatsoever as long as they don`t continue to whisper after being asked not to.
In some rooms there are people who take great joy in taking the piss out of people when they ask to whisper and I have even seen people commenting on other peoples refusals of a whisper request rolleyes
So I can`t really see any problem with a whispered request to whisper :lol:
Nope, me either - providing, as you mentioned, they cease whispering if asked not to. When I first started using the chatroom I was very shy (yes, really!) and would often approach people like this, politely though and explaining that I was unsure of how/if to approach so to forgive if a whisper seemed rude.
On the saying hello when you enter a room point, yes I do - it's manners.
Nola x
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Best line ever has to be "does your arse match your tits " - yes mate i got a nipple on each bum cheek" - i could go on forever with the greatest ever one liners, in fact i might write a book !!