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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
morning gents..just a little pointer here, for anyone thats, obviously the system has a new fascility, judging by the sudden influx of "like to know more" messages landing in our, and i dare say the majority of couple's mailboxes..
ok, we haven't a problem with it, not at all..only takes a few seconds to read, save or fact, i'd be more concearned if everyone else but us were getting the interest lol ..obviously its an automated reply option, and so we'll overlook the bit that says "really liked your profile".i say ignore, because until last night, we didn't actually have need really, although we've put one up now...the bit that gets me, is upon taking up the invite to peruse YOUR would appear that 85 percent of YOU haven't got whats the point? :shock: :lol:
c'mon fellas..really..i realise that the way dogging is generally percieved by newbies has taken a downward spiral, but you really need to put a little effort into thing sitting by the pc all night moaning that 80 people have read your one line plea, but the manic panic to get to you hasn't manifested..but given the sheer quantity of blokes wanting to get a gobble in a carpark...or anywhere for that matter...and given that the majority of couples are actually a little fussy, because they can afford to be, it would seriously be in your interests to start penning your applications with the same thought as you might apply for a sought after job...unless a lavotory cleaning post at burger king is your ambition, in which case..your doing just fine wink :lol: :lol:
look, you want to get yourselves noticed, or known, right? previous attempts at introduction threads for shy newbies have failed.....lets try again....come and say hi...just tell us how often you go dogging, and for how long..once a week, for a couple of hours maybe?..if you are really new to the game, and you've yet to try..tell us whats putting you off? the reports of boy racers? police? or you ain't sure of the etiquette stuff......just talk to us...please :lol: ..the requests are fine..but we don't feel as if we know anyone anymore :lol: wheres harry?
just edited to thank the comedian who sent us a "like to know more" five seconds after submitting the post...112 miles away..profile reads "want daytime fun".. :lol: :lol: cheeky git :giveup: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
good points though!!
ONLY 112 miles gosh thats nearer than some!
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
good points well made.
we quite like the facility, but it is slighlty disappointing when the majority are from s.m., who can`t be bothered to write something akin to flirting .........however
We`re trying to find the best way of "doing" the gallery, whether for dogging opps or swinging. Let us explain:
There are a shiteload of fotos going up at present, which is great, but it makes it really difficult to track any new and unseen ones. Its doubly difficult to then "file" ones you like the look of to contact properly at a later date, without sending them a wink (granted we`ve paid the extra to allow us to do a more personable yet generic intro).
We`re wondering if the "my friends" option in the user menu is the best way forward, so that we put a tick against couples who we may want to contact when we have more time to write better intros? Unfortunately we on`t know if it sends an unintended message or whether it is merely for us this end as it were.
And we`ve also noticed how all the best ones seem to be bloody miles away! Somebody on this site must be living in the sweet spot, 'cos we sure aren`t! biggrin :shock:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi Guys
I've added you to 'my friends', so you should know whether you get any message sent to you if anyone adds you to their friends.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
.but we don't feel as if we know anyone anymore lol wheres harry?

Well I'm always happy to know more Dirty! biggrin
If we get 10 new doggers to tell us about themselves, can we have a story?? (note to newbies, it will be worth it!)
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I suggest you put at the bottom of your posts:
Which should stop quite a few pms'.....if they can read.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
ha, true enough jomu lol mind you, they'll probably turn their attentions to MRS dirty then :cry: :lol: like i said though, i haven't got a problem with it, just kinda wondering why they invite you to read a profile that doesn't exist, then can't figure the lack of response when all they give of themselves is the fact they "only drink occassionally" and "haven't had any complaints in the pants department" :lol: ahh bless em..too nice a day to worry about it..the lads will figure it out one day......hopefully :lol:
hey, serendipity...guess where we visited on the way back last week? wink i have photographic evidence, but i'm struggling to upload the pics on a private message..i will just say..that opening of your's is soooo tight baby :lol: nearly took me arches off :shock:
just learned that the unpaid members can't even post on the forums :cry: kinda explains why they can only draw attention with the automated reply....even more reason to get those profiles sorted :wink:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Uncle dirty, I was just going to 'wink' you but thought I would say hello on here instead.
It would be nice if we could get some of the old threads running again, the silly daft ones we used to have, like the dogging display team etc. Really miss al thatt.
As for the free members sending winks, they can actually put posts on the forums as well, so really they have no excuse not to join in the ramblings, I mean banter lol
Now we have heard from Dpity and Jomu, we just need some quotes from Harry, Mr & Mrs D2, Single Dogger and Silk and Big G etc :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
so those automated replys are called "winks" are they? i didn't know that redface seems like i was missinformed regarding the free members being able to post on the forums too surprisedops: ...i'm not having a good day naughty lol
still no newbies want to discuss anything other than wheres the best place to go, and at what time then?...shame :cry:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
there you go lads..what would you give to ride into a dogging site in a beast like this? lol no, i'm not talking about the half german twat on the left, but the trojan horse of carpark fun centre shot...boy racers eh? problem :lol: :lol:
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
worst thing ever invented is a 'wink'...nothing is said, no bother is taken to find out about the person, and no intention of doin anything. Just show me yours....not a good move. But then not conventional and don't like interruption to service...grins
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
hey, serendipity...guess where we visited on the way back last week? wink i have photographic evidence, but i'm struggling to upload the pics on a private message..i will just say..that opening of your's is soooo tight baby lol nearly took me arches off :shock:

See, I did warn you that you'd struggle to squeeze it in! :twisted: Did you find it ok from my directions? - such a shame it was an early morning visit!
On the topic of PMs, I've had some right ones today rolleyes
Mrs Wiggy kiss
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
As a single guy I always make the effort to be polite and flirty, what's the point of just writing "want to fuck".
People should be polite at all times and if they get a no, accept it gracefully biggrin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
wink :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Well, there is a wink for all of you, and another for good measure :wink:
We need to get the 'conversation' rolling again, so missed the little ditties posted by you lot. Someone did bump up the dogging atire post the other day which was a real blast from the past, but my mission this weekend is to find some of the other funnies we had going and see if we can get some of the newer members to join in with the banter. I still laugh when I think about the display team!
Browning, welcome to the mad house, and please feel free to join in with all the banter, but after seeing Uncle Dirtys car above, I wouldnt risk sending him a 'wink' orhe just might chase you round the car park in that :shock:
Dipity and Jomu kiss
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
steady on naughty...that ain't my bitch ride in the photo..well, the one on the left is redface lol but that piece of thunder with the V8 several litred motor was transportation for mrs dirty, the master and myself on a recent excursion into south american indiana jones territory.. :lol: :lol: didn't find much dogging out there, but one fella weilded a machette at us, muttered something in spanish then flung it into the rear of his looks like the scene is attracting some right funnies out there too :lol: :lol:
regarding trawling up the old posts naughty..if we promise to write more, will you promise to spare us the humiliation? surprisedops: :lol: i barely recall the "display team" thread, and i shudder to think :lol:
in the interests of research, and to avoid making my "knob" status an observational fact..i genned up on the sites facilities...and....discovered there is a wink reject button :lol: upon sends an automated rejection to the automated response :lol: :lol: :lol: oh my lord..this cyber dogging lark just gets funnier all the time :lol:
serendipity..please..if i make a smutty inuendo..don't go along with it :lol: makes me hot under the collar :lol: shouldn't be encouraged :lol: tell you what though...yeah, it was quite early, about 8'sh i think..AM that is..your directions were spot on, but my driving wasn't..we did turn one too early and ended up in rather upmarket surroundings :lol: :lol: still, found it in the end..and its a fabulous location..just luv the logs...many a photo oppertunity there..alas, the only pics i got were of the sign-map things...there were five cars in...and then one turned up with a couple of lads and a young girl..(not racers)..they couldn't seem to figure how i'd got the car in, and stood with great interest as they watched me struggle to get it out again :lol: hopefully we'll visit again, you'll be the first to know wink
the point made, regarding being polite in private messages..yeah, thats cool...BUT..the couples don't really give a damn..they just delete the ones that ain't..which was pretty much my point..polite is good, for sure..but writing "giz a job" to alan sugar ain't gonna rattle him too'll go in the waste bin, like the other similar applications :lol: the guys that don't fill out profiles and pen one-line shag requests are only letting themselves skin off the couples noses really :wink: :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
the master and myself on a recent excursion into south american indiana jones territory.. lol :lol: wink

What you came to Wigan and didnt tell us :shock:
Ok, I promise not to humiliate you, so long as you keeping posting the 'classics' :wink: but I can remember a single post of your which would cause any humiliation at all!
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I have to confess to being guilty of inadvertently sending a couple of "like to know more- check out my profile" messages to females and couples and apologise to thse that received them.
What happened was that I saw the option to send someone a wink and thought "I wonder what that does" . I thought it hadn't done anything until I received a reply from an unhappy couple who said "You gotta try harder than mate". I was quite puzzled by this and checked my sent box. It was only then that I realised the wink sent out this standard message (which can be amended). This explains why messages are going out saying "Check my profile" when people haven't got one.
I haven't so much as blinked at anyone since in case I upset them. (My eyelids are growing heavier by the day biggrin )
I would guess a lot of people are clicking on it, not realising what it does.
Have fun
Charlie x
wink <-- Oops sorry!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
ah charlie..don't worry about it mate, really, its no big deal..personally we'd never respond to a "wink" as we now know it to be, with the kinda reply you've evidently recieved...we get too many for starters lol :lol: we don't subscribe to the "couples are gods and all single guys are losers" school, and so if we get heaps of inapropiate mail, then its easy enough to junk it..just the nature of the game...we've had a few today, again with no profile..surprising really, i thought i'd activated the "reject winks" option :lol: obviously some winks are more determined to hit their target than others :lol: ...
most couples, including us are happy to recieve unsolicited mail, if the content is at least reasonably coherent..we recieve many messages, and indeed emails from couples and singles seeking advice, but not willing to put their requests on the open forum..if the request is a considered one, then we reply in fact, my pm box currently reads messages in, 345..messages out you can see, i talk as much bollocks behind the scenes as i do on the floodlit stage of the dogging fact, posts on the forum are treated the same way, by us, and your post demonstrates.. :lol:
we never arrange pms' and emails aren't something we expect, or require..however..i will say this..we once recieved an email from a guy that was so understanding of our gameplay, having done his research on us rather thoroughly :lol: ..we did actually bend our rules to fascilitate his wish to view us at play wink ok, we've yet to meet him redface we've been away..but we anticipate a rendevous this month...thats what we mean by a targeted reply, and in this game, its gonna work far better than the scattergun junk mailshot employed by most of the fellas..
come back and talk to us again soon charlie. :wink:
ooh, just got another wink...its from a fella, but he's got a naked lass's pic on his profile..BUT....338 miles away!! MUST be good :lol:..SHIT!..i've just looked again..they are a couple, and she looks well fit :shock: i hadn't scrolled down far enough surprisedops: if my car does 20 to the gallon, and its much would it cost to travel 338 miles and back? :cry: :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
It would be nice if we could get some of the old threads running again, the silly daft ones we used to have, like the dogging display team etc. Really miss al thatt.

You will only get "the silly daft ones" back when a sensible person is wrighting them wink
Phredd :love:
ps = How the hell did I get in here ???
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Have read the thread and wondered if anyone else has found the same problem with winks that we have, IE we have a profile, an add sometimes 2 adds and we have a post on here. Now the crux of our problem is because our adds, profile and posts may all be on different themes, when we get wink we never know what the wink is in response to.
Can be very infuriating when we reply asking if they like our dogging suggestions and they reply sory we not into dogging but replied to your profile.
Any comments suggestions on how to proceed.
Paul n Olive Wink Wink xxxxxxxxxxxx
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
We agree with the 'wink' thing but we do feel it probably wasn't explained that well. It is really more like a 'favourites list'. But we too feel if people cannot send some sort of dialogue to you, then perhaps they are just lazy or number crunching and not worth bothering with and yes it is disappointing to find that they haven't even bothered to set up a profile for us all to look at! Please people make the effort to at least make yourselves sound interesting to others and make sure you read their ads carefully, so if we are straight then it doesn't mean we could suddenly turn bi overnight! Each to their own, there is someone for everyone!! So don't waste your time or others!! Have fun!!!!! wink
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Charlie_665
What happened was that I saw the option to send someone a wink and thought "I wonder what that does" . I thought it hadn't done anything until I received a reply from an unhappy couple who said "You gotta try harder than mate". I was quite puzzled by this and checked my sent box. It was only then that I realised the wink sent out this standard message (which can be amended). This explains why messages are going out saying "Check my profile" when people haven't got one.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so that's what those messages are, I thought there was a "too lazy to write a real PM" button that people were clicking.....oh dear, it's all getting a bit confusing for my wee brain redface
Paul & Olive - don't really know what to suggest, perhaps a wink code is needed (a bit like the hanky code). One wink for threesomes, two winks for 1 to 1, three winks for phone sex, fifteen winks and a knock knock for dogging lol
(How am I doing on the sillyometer Mrs Wiggy? biggrin )
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
serendipity..please..if i make a smutty inuendo..don't go along with it lol makes me hot under the collar :lol: shouldn't be encouraged :lol: tell you what though...yeah, it was quite early, about 8'sh i think..AM that is..your directions were spot on, but my driving wasn't..we did turn one too early and ended up in rather upmarket surroundings :lol: :lol: still, found it in the end..and its a fabulous location..just luv the logs...many a photo oppertunity there..alas, the only pics i got were of the sign-map things...there were five cars in...and then one turned up with a couple of lads and a young girl..(not racers)..they couldn't seem to figure how i'd got the car in, and stood with great interest as they watched me struggle to get it out again :lol: hopefully we'll visit again, you'll be the first to know wink

I know where you went on your wrong turn, expensive!!! Glad you found it and liked it!!
I would say sorry for the smutty remark, but you know I can never resist an innuendo...can't beat a good fnaaaar :rascal:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
the master and myself on a recent excursion into south american indiana jones territory.. lol :lol: wink

What you came to Wigan and didnt tell us :shock:
Ok, I promise not to humiliate you, so long as you keeping posting the 'classics' :wink: but I can remember a single post of your which would cause any humiliation at all!
yeah redface i thought it was wigan, something about the strange dialect and the way the monkeys kept calling us "cock" you are going to tell us the dogging site we stumbled upon whilst there, is the one you use? :cry:
hmmm, that pic came out smaller than i'd a new digi-cam, but still learning to drive it surprisedops:
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just wanted to say thanks to DirtyDoggers for their kind words. Sometimes as a single guy it seems an uphill battle, but you keep plodding on. I do anyway. It takes a lot to get me down and not much to get me up! biggrin
I would also like to add that I have found this to be a great site with some great people.
Have fun everyone
Charlie x
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
ahhh, charlie...c'mon, giz one one those man hug things lol thanks for saying that, i'm moved wink its been one of those days really..woke up this morning, to find a really nice private message from a fella who enjoys my style of posting cool :lol: , then to top it all, got a message from mal..he reffered to me as "uncle" that might not mean a lot to you guys, but i tell chokes you up when you see things like that biggrin
there is always a listning ear or two for fellas such as yourself charlie..its a little hard to get guys talking sometimes :lol: so thank YOU for joining in the banter..don't become a stranger now :wink:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
cant shut u up "uncle" dirty lol only kidding bud well good to see ur back again its been abit low while u not been around prob cya out and about soon. :P
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
..i will just say..that opening of your's is soooo tight baby lol nearly took me arches off :shock:

We can vouch for that if you've anything with a bit of extra width, it's tight biggrin think we might have to take the lube next time......... but very worth while
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
all this talk about dogging as made me want to start going again, as im now single again after being in a relationship for a year.
always loved dogging, and ive missed it.
so as soon as i can im getting out there again.
well it is the weather for it ;-)
Tina xxx