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"Reverse" dogging..

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just wondered if there was a "reverse" of normal dogging ie women watching men in their cars!
I¬d be more than happy to do that!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
It's one way to be entertained when there are no couples about lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Serendipity
It's one way to be entertained when there are no couples about lol

That would never happen. It's just plain rude!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Interesting subject.
I would be willing if anyone is genuinly interested.
After all done in chatroom lol
let me know
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
hmmm..i remember the time that mrs dirty, and mrs doggingtwo were having one of those girl know, "oooh, i do like your boots, can i try one"? rolleyes lol this fella just drove round, and round and round..doing the little light beam sweep as he did..eventually he myself and mr d2 suggested the girls go dogg him..which they did :shock: :lol: quite funny seeing them stood there in mini skirts, boots and stockings, hands cupped to the driver's window shouting "c'mon, lets see some action darling" :lol: do you know what the twat did? yeah, drove off :shock: really fast :lol:
mrs dirty likes to see fellas having a spank..something they are increasingly reluctant to do during shows lest they loose off, then discover the object of their tugging fantasy might have been granting favours :lol: ..mrs dirty would make for an appreciative audience to such a demonstration of self appreciation, and she is a sucker for a copious pop shot..i can't help feeling though, were you to sit in your car, interior on and spanking for all you were worth..on killing the light, you might find your watchers to be mostly male :lol: good concept, not knocking it..but that kinda behaviour just gets mrs D all horny, having gotton a glimpse of the owd cock :roll: then she starts messing with me :shock: hands down the trousers, leaning on my shoulder etc redface and i can't be doing with all that i'm afraid :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
when we used to go it was always a bonus if the guys performed a little, bloody rare though, cant think why , perhaps they were embarassed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
shouting "c'mon, lets see some action darling" lol do you know what the twat did? yeah, drove off :shock: really fast :lol:

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ahhhhh DD I do love your way with words!
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
not surprised he drove off!!
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
to elaborate think it rude to call someone a t**t just because he dove away! Takes allsorts in this scenario and men are due respect as well as women! Women are not the be all and end all and yes I am a woman!! We ladies need to be sensitive to others (men) as hopefully they will be to us!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I wouldn`t have driven away - DD, if I wasn`t so far away, u could watch me anyday!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I wonder what I would have done if Mrs D2 and Mrs Dirty had done that to me confused: wink biggrin :D
Harry Jones
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Quote by bc1
to elaborate think it rude to call someone a t**t just because he dove away! Takes allsorts in this scenario and men are due respect as well as women! Women are not the be all and end all and yes I am a woman!! We ladies need to be sensitive to others (men) as hopefully they will be to us!

Well said bc1. To have equal and fair you need respect from both sexes. Spot on! but noway would i have driven away either, ok the bloke was obviously a twat
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by bc1
to elaborate think it rude to call someone a t**t just because he dove away! Takes allsorts in this scenario and men are due respect as well as women!

my usage of the word "twat" was due, and ONLY due to my being banned, by a moderator of this website, from using the word "c**t" wink lol
if you read the post again, you'll see that i'd granted him twat status long before, and not because he drove off :wink: the term was designated upon his relentless orbitting with headlights on full beam and doing his "dogger's jiggle" on each lap in order to illuminate us to best effect..where was HIS respect then? :shock: our reasoning, in sending the girls over was actually to humiliate him..the doggers were getting a little irritated by this time and we thought the move prudent lest one of the lads lob a lump hammer at his headlights :wink: it got a round of applause too cool :lol:
doggers such as he, do not get out of their vehicles..instead, if they thought there was a "show" on, they would position themselves, lights on full, and shining into the target its not actually illegal for him to do that, there is little that can be done..we weren't showing, and he was the sole reason that it wasn't an got rid of, don't ya think? or maybe you've not got any issues in playing, showing or having a little photo fun whilst being driven at or dazzled repeatedly by fuck knows who? humiliation works kinda well in those circumstances we find...bc1, let me ask you..when, or IF you've ever been followed out of a carpark known for dogging, then tailed for miles, every road you take, he is there, behind you and with every intent of tailing you to your destination...isn't it NEARLY ALWAYS the kinda fella i've just described? :wink: someone a little too wrapped up in themselves, wanting to see, but not be seen and putting themselves into sexual envoironments where they can play out some fantasy scenario whilst legally at least, one up on those they intend to stalk? prostitutes are very wary of such people, and yes, i've known a few :wink: i said "known", not shagged :lol: neither am i suggesting that was his intention, more often than not its not, but in the context of dogging, his innapropiate and persistant methods and blatant disregard for the doggers and ourselves, i'd say in that respect, he was a twat, yes biggrin have we ever sent the girls over to dogg a lone male, in that manner for merely sitting in his car? no, i think not..IF we had, and the driver chose to flee the venue, would we describe him as a twat for doing so? no, i'd say it was a foregone've not seen the state of mrs dirty :twisted:
our usual way of dealing with the velcro arsed rugrats is to take out a camera, and start doing some photography in their direction..that'll always clear em out..we knew sending the girls to dogg em would have similar consequences..those kinda doggers do not like it up em :twisted: it was a public carpark, and he had every right to be there..he had a right to drive around with his headlights on..he had a right to park up with his headlights on us..he knew that..he also knew that everyone would be irritated by his antics, and knew that there was little they or we could do about it..dogging them, in the manner the girls did, changes the emotion somewhat :lol: its why couples leave when men put their faces to the glass and shout requests..such fellas might be considered twats..this guy however had already made a twat of himself, so to avoid the doggers twatting him with a mallet, the girls made twats of themselves in the hope he'd feel such a twat, he'd leave..which the twat did :wink: say you wouldn't have driven away? agree with mrs bc1 that respect should be given to the fellas..i agree..nowhere have you suggested his relentless driving around with us as his spotlight target was in any way innapropiate :shock: do we surmise that you deem those antics acceptable? :shock:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
i was agreeing with "men deserve respect" as from personal experience of relationships(and several other people i know) I felt i tried hard to keep things equal and fair,though they tried getting their own way most of time, which made me realise how important respect is. So admittedly wasnt a very appropiate post for your thread. The latter was just a light hearted comment as I would love the attention of 2 woman at my car, but certainly not for the reasons you mentioned. Apologies if seemed i was' having a go 'at you as i most certainly wasnt smile
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Luv2joinu
Apologies if seemed i was' having a go 'at you as i most certainly wasnt smile

thank fuck for that lol i thought there was an anti-dirty campaign gathering pace there for a minute.. :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
Apologies if seemed i was' having a go 'at you as i most certainly wasnt smile

thank fuck for that lol i thought there was an anti-dirty campaign gathering pace there for a minute.. :lol:
you know we all love you on here biggrin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I went through a phase several months back where I met with several different single males just so I could watch them.
Some good, some not so good. lol
I never really thought of it as 'dogging' though as it was prearranged.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by miltonkeynesmale49
Apologies if seemed i was' having a go 'at you as i most certainly wasnt smile

thank fuck for that lol i thought there was an anti-dirty campaign gathering pace there for a minute.. :lol:
you know we all love you on here biggrin
cool no..five people do, and i ain't saying who wink harry is one of them, and you are another, apparently :lol: so i'm chuffed to bits about that :D after i'd finished my reply to bc1 this morning, i got up really quick right, and banged my willy on the arm of the setee redface have you ever done that? hurted for ages, i thought i'd broke me cock :shock:
thing is milton, that came as a shock this morning, seeing that bc had gone mental on me :cry: thats the first time in six months believe it or not, and i wasn't sure how i'd cope with it, but i'm holding together so far..but it does get you thinking, don't it? i mean, there have been a few hundred people reading this thread now..what if every one of them, except for you and harry think i'm a cee, you, en, tee? :shock:..i'm a bit naive like that..i owned a bike once, and after some weeks, i had to ask mrs dirty why groups of kids thought it was a female bike :shock: not a female's, but actually a female bike? she asked me to explain, and i said to her, that when i rode through the town, the lads would shout "look at the c**t on that bike" surprisedops: like once it's been explained to you, ya don't half feel stupid :lol:
anyway, i see "kiss" has been diplomatic, and thrown in a "diffuser" to try and quash the rebellion and get us all back on track, so hopefully i've gotton away with it :D
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by dirtydoggers
anyway, i see "kiss" has been diplomatic, and thrown in a "diffuser" to try and quash the rebellion and get us all back on track, so hopefully i've gotton away with it biggrin

It wasn't my intention, but if it helps. lol
Try not to stress DD, if I worried every time I had seemingly pissed somebody off I wouldn't have lasted on here 2 weeks. wink
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Depends what they're doing in their cars... putting on a really good all boy show, then yeah course I'll watch lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
: say you wouldn't have driven away? agree with mrs bc1 that respect should be given to the fellas..i agree..nowhere have you suggested his relentless driving around with us as his spotlight target was in any way innapropiate :shock: do we surmise that you deem those antics acceptable? :shock:
certainly not Dirty
This is what put an end to dogging for myself with previous partner .We knew the local spot but only knew about dogging what I had read in newspapers. Slightly drunk we got a taxi there ,found lone male and got in car with him. The constant shining of headlights prompted us to move to a quiter spot, but once comfortable again and happily filming , a car pulled up and parked with lights full beam on us . It was enough for gf to want to go home and never return and me gutted as only 5 minutes of film to watch . If only we had been experienced and confident with dogging, then we could have humiliated him smile
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
You have to be a bit careful with the humiliation stuff. Mr D sending the girls over is about the right level, anything else would need a bit of thought....the guy is sitting in a tonne of metal.
You can't even have a word with him, his type doesn't listen and you really don't need a high profile. Even less do you need a bad-attituded asshole sitting fuming in a car...
As Mr D said, the following problem is still with us, some waster even followed me home once. Well, he followed me to "B" division police headquarters....and parked opposite me and THEN noticed where he was...some people are just born to be dumb.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
yes, as jomu explained luv2join, the humiliation thing only works to your advantage with certain "types".. wink businessmen in large silver executive vehicles mostly lol i usually send mrs dirty over, as she is a better fighter than i am :lol: and anyway, its easy to be hard when you've twelve doggers on your side and a 6ft8 brick proverbial mr "doggingtwo" towering over ya :lol:
we've been followed five times now..not much in a three year period, and thats not counting the acceptable "tailing" that you get from the doggers wondering if you are leaving or merely "follow" was in broad daylight, and we'd not even gone out for naughtiness :shock: it was in a relitively quiet carpark, thats infrequently used at night..i can only guess the guy recognised the car..nothing about our attire or demenour suggested anything other than "going for a walk" :lol:
most of the "followers" are persistant beyond belief..we've been tailed for miles and miles..its frustrating, but there again, we find our digi-cam often snaps them out of it :lol:
quick case history for ya...a couple we know :wink: were followed..every diversion off the main route was taken by the tail..they stopped, he stopped..they reversed, he reversed, they pulled away, he followed..eventually they lost him..after about an hour or so of cat and mouse..
maybe a week or so later, they spotted him, sat in his car..the husband pulled open the driver's door and threatned to do all sorts of unneccessaries, at which point, the guy broke down :shock: transpires that his wife left him for another man..since then, he'd got off on watching women in cars with their partners :shock: he imagined the woman was his appears she used to meet her affair in started getting out of hand, he followed couples to hurt himself emotionally, imagining what they were doing....getting caught, as he was, probably spared him a hospital visit, as the husband was sympathetic..but if anything, it illustrates that these "follows" often have a fantasy element, and the objects are often regarded with is a linking factor, but it goes way deeper than that. :wink: , which is why these guys can be a danger, if not to us, then themselves :wink: driving around lighting cars up as they do, also suggests a lack of regard for anyone but themselves rolleyes
another time, we got followed to a garage..i got out to pay for the fuel and the fella just stood behind me :shock: he'd already followed for five miles..thing is, he was only about five ft 3" :shock: i just asked him "where snow white and the rest of the lads were" then left him too it. :lol: they target us because they are reliant on your guilt, that in some way, you are the one's in the wrong...its a similar thing to the boy racers, and certain policing tactics..not the same, just similar...but like jomu says, you gotta be carefull :wink:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Your experiences all make interesting reading for us newcomers, as the only concerns we had that night were , Was he a plain car policemen or was it someone who knew us,
but can see how careful you need to be
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
*Warning - Sense of Humour Failure in the Dogging Section!!* :shock: :shock:
Quite uncalled for too as Uncle Dirty has referred to himself as a twat plenty of times!! lol
Never mind Unc, you're still my favourite pervert - now get your bratwurst out and show us the meaning of dirty dogging :twisted:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Luv2joinu
Your experiences all make interesting reading for us newcomers, as the only concerns we had that night were , Was he a plain car policemen or was it someone who knew us,
but can see how careful you need to be

those concearns are well founded wink it is one of many reasons doggers, and couples will advise all lone males get out of their cars..killing the lights stands to is also why couples feel "safer" if doggers get their dicks out early into a show :wink:
trouble is, most of the things that make a dogger feel safer, ie sat in the car, or buddied up, consequently makes the couple feel less so..we'd feel far more relaxed in the company of fifty "lobbed" doggers that had arrived in seperate vehicles, than with only two fellas that had arrived in the same car and stood with their hands in their pockets :wink:
we used to do the big crowds, and it was fun..we are far more subtle these days, but still need to do a quick assesment of a site before we commit lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
fuck me :shock: i didn't notice dipity sliding in between us, did you "love2join"? still, now she's here :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Wish I hadn't bothered now!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
women dogging on their own is now "reverse dogging" :shock: whatever next couples in cars going out to watch single guys walk up and down secluded layby's lol ? what is the dogging fraternity coming to? all women who go dogging alone are very naughty indeed and should come to mine and R's favourite secluded spot for a good telling off.
'dipity see you there at 12 sharp wink
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Can I just make a plea for the case of the poor dogger that got driven off by the ladies confused:
Come on guys he goes to all the effort of putting dogging into the little box on Google.
Then he gets in his car and to his own surprise has no difficulty at all to act like an utter twat,
and some of you would like to deprive him of the courtesy of being called one :!:
I know that he's just one of many but at least let him have the accolades that he deserves