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If I won a billion pounds ....

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Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Not just an average lottery win, I'm talking a really amazing amount of money that would change your world entirely, what would you do with it?
I would hire Morgan Freeman and get him to narrate my life as it happened. And I would buy Coppull United (local football team) and get them in the Premier League, just for a laugh
What would you do with a billion pounds?
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by bluexxx
Not just an average lottery win, I'm talking a really amazing amount of money that would change your world entirely, what would you do with it?
I would hire Morgan Freeman and get him to narrate my life as it happened. And I would buy Coppull United (local football team) and get them in the Premier League, just for a laugh
What would you do with a billion pounds?

Everything and anything I ever bloody wanted.
I would certainly buy a large yacht and have it fully equipped and staffed. I would have it follow me to whatever destination I was at then hours before it turned up I'd fly off to another location. Why? because I could.
I would also get all the remnants of my fave rock bands together in one place and have them perform for me all the hits I adore. #
And what Jay & I would love to do is too open a really top class Spa specifically designed and equipped for physically disabled people to have the pampering of their lives and charge as nominal fee as possible, if anything if money was totally no object
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
make sure mum had everything she would ever need.
must always put mum before everything.
i always wanted to have a race team/business that was involved in providing racing time for those who couldnt afford it.
purchase north wilksboro speedway (last time i checked it was available for around $10 million) and build it up to nascar standard with seating for over 150,000. totally redesign the banking so speeds of 150 mph could be obtained on the .625 short track.
build a race school next to the track and employ the local community in running the facility.
bid for 2 races in the sprint cup (one night race and one day) with all the revenue going to the charity sponsors on the drivers cars.
buy mount panorama in bathurst australia.
the rest im unsure of at the minute but id make a lot of my friends very happy.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'd build a purpose-built music complex that had recording studios and practice rooms, so anyone who wanted to could come down, have a jam with whoever wanted to, or bands could have somewhere soundproofed to practice and facilities to record. Preferably with a venue attached, so there was somewhere to perform (and buy beer from.)
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I don't need that much to do what I want, personally, but I would fund a manned mission to Mars with a view to setting up the first off-world colony!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'm already happy so don't need a fortune as it might make a mess of things.
But if I did come into that kind of money, About £2000 would do me to clear of a couple of depts, any more than that I would split up between my family and friends and put some in trust for my youngen.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Buy a house that had a munch type venue in the garden with land as well, near / on the coast, so we could have munch / camping weekends!! lol :lol:
There would still be loads left over, so would do 'good works' for the community.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
ah its nice to fantasize
my sis has 6 sprogs and a menagerie of animals and not enough room so would buy her the house she needs to fit them all along with my mam her own place
the rest i would probably spend on a huge animal sanctuary/farm type thing in the middle of nowhere so i could be not just the crazy cat lady but the crazy animal lady
i'd also employ someone every year to take all my stuff to download an set up camp for me lol and do all the other festivals i want to
oh and buy a motorbike or two
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Rogue_Trader
I don't need that much to do what I want, personally, but I would fund a manned mission to Mars with a view to setting up the first off-world colony!

Oh... I love that idea.
Where do I get my ticket? lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'd get a new van for work.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by bluexxx
I don't need that much to do what I want, personally, but I would fund a manned mission to Mars with a view to setting up the first off-world colony!

Oh... I love that idea.
Where do I get my ticket? lol
I said to my Kitty the other day that they were looking for volunteers for a mission but it would be one way, I would still apply and go. I only ever dreamed of being an astronaut when I was younger but my eyesight put paid to my career!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I would buy swinging heaven, and have only one forum mwahahahah.
Or i might create my own Tracey island with a mixture of the Playboy mansion thrown, oh and a racetrack.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Devon1
I would buy swinging heaven, and have only one forum mwahahahah.

Hehehehehehe I could get Morgan Freeman to narrate the bun fights lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Other than paying off my debt and financing my destructive lifestyle, I think I'd give the other % to a responsible person. Blue - step up. lol
Your ideas are way better than owt I could/would spend it on. Enjoy, but save a bit for Widey's new van though eh? wink
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
this thread reminds of a discussion or even numerous discussions about winning that money and owning a sw hotel/club thing, new thread time i think!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Earthchild
this thread reminds of a discussion or even numerous discussions about winning that money and owning a sw hotel/club thing, new thread time i think!

lol ohh earthy, it has only just got going, so surely not time for a new one all ready!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Sarah
this thread reminds of a discussion or even numerous discussions about winning that money and owning a sw hotel/club thing, new thread time i think!

lol ohh earthy, it has only just got going, so surely not time for a new one all ready!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Pay for parents new house and car,
Make sure my brother had a nice house....
Travel round the world ...
Invest some in new Internet companies...
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by MikeC
Pay for parents new house and car,
Make sure my brother had a nice house....
Travel round the world ...
Invest some in new Internet companies...

what *shock* you wouldnt buy out ManU and own them!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Earthchild
Pay for parents new house and car,
Make sure my brother had a nice house....
Travel round the world ...
Invest some in new Internet companies...

what *shock* you wouldnt buy out ManU and own them!
Cos when I buy Coppull United, no other team has any chances of any silverware ever again rotflmao
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by bluexxx
Pay for parents new house and car,
Make sure my brother had a nice house....
Travel round the world ...
Invest some in new Internet companies...

what *shock* you wouldnt buy out ManU and own them!
Cos when I buy Coppull United, no other team has any chances of any silverware ever again rotflmao
erm whodunno lol
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Earthchild
Pay for parents new house and car,
Make sure my brother had a nice house....
Travel round the world ...
Invest some in new Internet companies...

what *shock* you wouldnt buy out ManU and own them!
Cos when I buy Coppull United, no other team has any chances of any silverware ever again rotflmao
erm whodunno lol
They're a local team. I'd buy them for a laugh, no other reason - they're shit :rotflmao:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'd like to say something noble that fund a cure for cancer or fight famine and starvation. However I'm not that noble and therefore I wouldn't waste my time. I would ensure my family and closest friends were as comfortable as possible, and then spend my time betting on red or black!