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Strange stops by the police

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Sex God
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As per fun ad dirty chat here we go.......
Have you ever been stooped by the police either in a compromising situation or just generally
I have been interviewed in Berlin by German police
Stopped for being with someone who was thing to steal a pub sign (uni student)
Stopped for looking like I was trying to steal a car, I wasn't I was waiting for friend to arrive
All have been fully dressed.
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Quote by MikeC
As per fun ad dirty chat here we go.......
Have you ever been stooped by the police either in a compromising situation or just generally

You beat me to it, I was just going to do this lol
In a dark secluded car park ..... You know where this is going right?
There I was draped across the front seats of the car, hubby's cock in mouth and a bloke crouched in the passenger doorway, head between my legs. We saw headlights but didn't think much of it as it was generally quite an active place. Just as it was about to pull up alongside us, on come the blue lights! Big police van!! SHIT!! I've never moved so fast in my life!
Out steps 2 police men and 2 police women. I've gotta say, the blokes probably just came for the perv as they didn't seem bothered, but the women were proper bitches!
We were asked what we were doing so we gave them the 'we'd had an argument and come for a drive to clear the air' line and told them that the bloke's car wouldn't start so he'd come to ask us for help .... while all the time hoping that they wouldn't ask us to get out of the car. I had no idea where my knickers were (I'd tried to kick them under the seat) and hubby had just pulled his top over his open jeans and his cock was still out!
They took our car reg number and names and told us to move on as "this isn't a good place to hang out, some dodgy stuff goes on down here!"
Of course they knew exactly what we were doing and had probably seen everything!
Sex God
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Was stopped once when dogging and asked if I was OK. I said yes and the police just shrugged and left.
Jolly decent of them, I thought :-)
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stopped in London recently on the way home from a fetish club :doh:
Liza was wearing just a coat over a corset stockings and killer heel boots as in our profile
i was in a leather kilt and leather tshirt and goth boots
we did think it was a little inconsiderate when the smarmy officer asked us both to step out of the car, then checked Liza,s crops in-case they was considered a weapon, all this at 4 in the morning outside a rather busy kebab shop
when asked where we had been Liza scowled at him and said "somewhere YOU dare not visit out of uniform " rotflmao
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when i use to road test new or prototype motorbike for suzuki and now honda i use to get stopped all the time.
questions would be:
1. reason for stopping you today is your a bit short for the size of the motorbike so we just want to check your details.
my reply to first question.
officer can i please have your number so i can report you for making a inappropriate remark about my build to which i find offensive and unnecessary.
you tell me why your vehicle has no headlight and is on trade plates.
answer. because it is daylight and under the law i can legally ride a motorbike on the road as long as weather conditions are clear. as the bike is not yet released it uses factory plates.
3. wow can i take a picture as ive hear about this bike but never actually seen one on the road.
answer . certainly. and while your doing that i will sit in your police car with your colleage and make a formal complaint on the phone directly to your superior and then to the ipcc as clearly you have nothing better to do and are a wasting tax payers money.
and what really pisses the police off is when i point out i have a forward and rear facing camera on my crash helmet and one on the rear of the bike which has recorded everything and can be used has evidence.
is an offense to record an officer going about his/her duty so i must ask you to stop recording and hand over the equipment or we will take the vehicle.
answer. not when your wasting my time officer and making remarks which are questionable and can be used as evidence as a crime has now been committed.
but ive taken your number now so if for any reason you stop me again without reason i will instruct legal council to seek damages against your service for harassment and the stress it has caused.
at this point usually i am warned about keeping my speed down or some other rubbish and let go for them to folow me for about 5 miles.
not all police are like this but some think they can do as they please.
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Many years ago I was "pulled over" by a police car (I was walking at the time). They told me that I looked like someone else and asked if I'd be willing to appear in an ID parade. Being the good citizen that I am I stepped up (after being told I would be paid for the job ;)), not quite realising how many condemning looks I'd get from people as I got out the back of their car in front of the station.
Anyway, I duly stood in the line-up, staring ahead as instructed, when it dawned on me that I was the youngest, skinniest, shortest, blondest person there! To top it all there was a huge range of types who'd obviously been the first ones they found on the street. No wonder the accused was so easy to spot! :shock:
To top it all, I then had to argue with the desk officer to get the promised pieces of silver! mad
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I once got flagged down by two Community Police Officers (they were walking, I was driving) and the officious one said something like "I'm sure you know why I've stopped you madam"
"Ummm no... I genuinely have no idea!"
He made me get out of the car and walk up to the top of the street I'd just turned left into. As we were walking up to the sign it dawned on me what his problem was and I started to giggle inside...
"What does that sign mean?" he asked me
"It means no entry officer, but the one underneath does say "except for access" - and I live down here. You can come and watch me put my key in my door if you like?"
Cue a very red faced uniformed man, babbling excuses about having to check because lots of people use this street as a cut through (the direction I'd come from meant that it wasn't any kind of short cut to anywhere, but I resisted the urge to point that out to him)
The only other time I can think of, I wasn't actually stopped.... but I'd gone to meet someone for a bit of dogging - wearing a very tight PVC dress and thigh boots! I was sitting in the car park waiting for my fellow perv when a police car pulled in :shock:
Luckily they just did a quick circuit of the car park and then drove out again, but that was a very tense couple of minutes while I imagined all the scenarios of what could have happened if they'd been a few minutes later!!
Sex God
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I once flagged a police car down at a dogging site to report suspicious activity.
They did what I asked.
I must look trustworthy lol
Sex God
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I have been stopped by airport security a few times
- stopped as someone that had the same name as me was on a banning was a tense wait till they sorted our that I was a non hooligan
- Spain...left passport on plane had to get escorted around Barcelona airport till my passport was handed in.
- Spain....try to take a a blow up doll and metal fluffy pink handcuffs in hand was for a stag party. Ummmmm the Spanish security were not happy. ipad got tested for chemicals and it came up....I dunnow where the chemicals came from. Tense few mins when trying to work out what had to bed done.
Sex God
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Quote by MikeC
I have been stopped by airport security a few times
- stopped as someone that had the same name as me was on a banning was a tense wait till they sorted our that I was a non hooligan
- Spain...left passport on plane had to get escorted around Barcelona airport till my passport was handed in.
- Spain....try to take a a blow up doll and metal fluffy pink handcuffs in hand was for a stag party. Ummmmm the Spanish security were not happy. ipad got tested for chemicals and it came up....I dunnow where the chemicals came from. Tense few mins when trying to work out what had to bed done.

Why have we never seen you on one of those reality Airport programmes? :lol2:
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I once had my car taken off me by a policeman redface he was very nice about the whole thing and rather than leaving me stranded without my car he said he'd give me a lift to where I was going (although he disappointingly wouldn't put the blue lights on for the ride) as we were driving along I realised I didn't have my seat belt on so had to try and surreptitiously put it on with out him noticing so he didn't try and do me for that as well lol on the journey I also managed to confess to him I had a habit of accidentally driving the wrong way down a one way street we went past :lol: I was single at the time and he was a bit of a fittie but I decided against seeing if he fancied a drink sometime in case I confessed to anything else :lol:
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Quote by MikeC
I have been stopped by airport security a few times
- stopped as someone that had the same name as me was on a banning was a tense wait till they sorted our that I was a non hooligan
- Spain...left passport on plane had to get escorted around Barcelona airport till my passport was handed in.
- Spain....try to take a a blow up doll and metal fluffy pink handcuffs in hand was for a stag party. Ummmmm the Spanish security were not happy. ipad got tested for chemicals and it came up....I dunnow where the chemicals came from. Tense few mins when trying to work out what had to bed done.

:notes: Note to self: never travel anywhere with Mike! wink
Sex God
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Quote by poshkate
I once had my car taken off me by a policeman redface he was very nice about the whole thing and rather than leaving me stranded without my car he said he'd give me a lift to where I was going (although he disappointingly wouldn't put the blue lights on for the ride) as we were driving along I realised I didn't have my seat belt on so had to try and surreptitiously put it on with out him noticing so he didn't try and do me for that as well lol on the journey I also managed to confess to him I had a habit of accidentally driving the wrong way down a one way street we went past :lol: I was single at the time and he was a bit of a fittie but I decided against seeing if he fancied a drink sometime in case I confessed to anything else :lol:

Isn't it the driver's responsibility to ensure that all passengers are belted before they set off?
He should have done himself! :high-smile:
Sex God
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Quote by noladreams
I have been stopped by airport security a few times
- stopped as someone that had the same name as me was on a banning was a tense wait till they sorted our that I was a non hooligan
- Spain...left passport on plane had to get escorted around Barcelona airport till my passport was handed in.
- Spain....try to take a a blow up doll and metal fluffy pink handcuffs in hand was for a stag party. Ummmmm the Spanish security were not happy. ipad got tested for chemicals and it came up....I dunnow where the chemicals came from. Tense few mins when trying to work out what had to bed done.

:notes: Note to self: never travel anywhere with Mike! wink
Lol I have a lot more traveling stories....
Confessions of a traveler..........blush
Ended up in tranny bar in pigalle in Paris
Ended up in red light district of Athens...ooooppps
All night bender in Helsinki
Throwing up the entire flight back from JFK.
Twisting ankle after arriving in Budapest
Lots more......
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We love a bit of outdoors fun and frolics and have met the police on a few occasions, luckily one was just after I had climbed off the bonnet after being well and truly...well you know, and the most memorable meeting was in a car park with several other cars in it with dodgy looking characters when the community police pulled in, they went round to all the cars with men in but somehow seemed more focused on the two of us, questioning us on why we were there and that quite a few cars had been broken into on that particular car park etc, at which point my partner called them a few choice names for bothering us and told them precicely where they should go.