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Time to say goodbye

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Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Although not very (well not all at all actually) active on the site or prevelant in the forums in the last few years I have still been logging in and contributing now and then and reading quite a lot...
I split with my last partner some 4 1/2 years ago and since then have remained single(only cause no-one wanted me)...
I'm now in a new relationship and we are very much "loved up" at the moment..
She isn't the swinging "type".....I haven't asked her lol but I just know....So for me to remain a member here seems akin to being unfaithful even though I don't partake any more...
It is with this in mind I shall be asking admin to ,at the very least,suspend my account for the foreseeable future....
So have fun guys'n'gals and maybe I'll see you again some day..
I hope not (but don't take that personally) ;-)
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Steve
Although not very (well not all at all actually) active on the site or prevelant in the forums in the last few years I have still been logging in and contributing now and then and reading quite a lot...
I split with my last partner some 4 1/2 years ago and since then have remained single(only cause no-one wanted me)...
I'm now in a new relationship and we are very much "loved up" at the moment..
She isn't the swinging "type".....I haven't asked her lol but I just know....So for me to remain a member here seems akin to being unfaithful even though I don't partake any more...
It is with this in mind I shall be asking admin to ,at the very least,suspend my account for the foreseeable future....
So have fun guys'n'gals and maybe I'll see you again some day..
I hope not (but don't take that personally) ;-)

It's never goodbye, just taraa a bit but in the meantime have fun wherever it may take you.
Vaya con dios.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Bon Voyage a good decision for this moment in your life, swinging is fun but not worth losing a relationship for, best of luck in your new relationship. lol
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Wishing you both well for the future Steve.
We've had our spats from time to time over the many years I've been a member and from your previous life as a ChatOp (oh those heady days of the _Mids clan!) but we have still managed to exchange posts nicely in the forums, and I have always respected your take on things.
I for one will miss your occasional contributions but will be glad to see the back of you - for all the rights reasons, of course :lol2:
Nice that someone at long last is making you a priority in their life wink
Au revoir mon ami...
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
All the best for the future Steve smile its been great readin your posts over the last couple of years anbd I hope you are happier than the happiest thing ever
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
good luck Steve :thumbup:
always liked your posts and found you an unbiased contributor to the forums.
all the best in your new life matey wink
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
All the best, I hope to never bump into you again wink
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Made up for you in finding a new relationship Steve that's fantastic news and all the very best for a bright future too. Nice one fella!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Best wishes, I know where to find you! wink
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
May the best of your past be the worst of your future, very best of luck sir.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
That is one of the best initial posts we have seen on here for a while and what a great reason to be saying cya to the rest of us.
All the best to you Steve and the lady lucky enough to have captured you. We will also miss your comments but will know that if you aren't here then you must be happy.
Keep safe xx
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
hope you'll still call by the Forums occasionally, thought good luck otherwise
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Have a great life Steve (sounds like you already are ;)). You'll be missed.