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Two Dogs !

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Good for her, I hope she gets some help.
All my life when I can I have owned a dog, now for the first time we have two dogs, rescued from the RSPCA in Derby, we love them and they love us, their loyalty knows no bounds.
We sometimes go without to give them treats, the don't come cheap but they could, dogs are not expensive to keep they like her will eat budget food and scraps, they will still be better off with her than in kennels or roaming the streets because dogs love the company of humans.
She may have had her dogs a long time, I know Sasha would rather be living on the streets than give up her dogs, to some they are part of the family. especially to the old and disabled where their company can be an imense comfort.
We are not financially secure, we struggle to pay our bills but I would rather send her a £1 a week to help her keep her home and her dogs than see her have to lose them.
Is this what our Nation has come to, making people give up those they love to save a few pennies whilst squandering billions
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
what are you honestly trying to suggest here Flower...... you think she have put down or something. Pets and especially dogs, do become part of your extended family. Would you ever suggest poor families should put their kids up for adoption, as they could raise a few pounds and save themselves money in the long run !!!!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I am suggesting, that this lady has had these dogs before she knew the hardships they she was to endure. She is fully entitled to keep and look after them. As I said, your pets do become part of your extended family.
No I would not suggest she has any more. there again I'm sure she no intention of doing so. But you said you felt sorry for her hardship until you saw the dogs !!! I have one dog...I feed actually yestrday brought big bag of tesco dog food. Cost me and will feed the dog for at least a month, twice a day. a day !! not exactly going to break the bank now is it !!!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
We don't live all over the world, we live in the UK, a UK that pays for 40,000 children to live a better life in Poland because one or more of their parents live in the UK, A UK that pays billions in overseas aid, a UK that raises billions for charities in poor countries, that gives Pakistan £750 million to aid their schools programme, that does so much for those not in our Country and you think we shouldn't let people have pets because we have hit hard times ?
Is there any point in us living ? are things here really that bad ?
What's next ? what else can we kill off that we cannot afford, it is this nation that cannot afford to pay for her dogs, because if we did not have to force her to move house she could keep her dogs.
And for what, she will be able to claim some of the moving costs, the council will spend a fortune getting her house ready for some other family to occupy, they just prepared a bungalow by us for new tennants to take over following the death of the previous tennant, the estimated bill simply to prepare it for the next tennant is in excess of £8000 then there are the other related costs the council may have to bear, reimbursing part or all of her moving costs, grants for decorating etc, without that it will take the council at least 10 years to recover the cost for moving her with the extra £14 they save on her housing benefit.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
I am suggesting, that this lady has had these dogs before she knew the hardships they she was to endure. She is fully entitled to keep and look after them. As I said, your pets do become part of your extended family.
No I would not suggest she has any more. there again I'm sure she no intention of doing so. But you said you felt sorry for her hardship until you saw the dogs !!! I have one dog...I feed actually yestrday brought big bag of tesco dog food. Cost me and will feed the dog for at least a month, twice a day. a day !! not exactly going to break the bank now is it !!!

Life is hard ....we all have to make decisions .
Why should my taxes pay for this woman to keep two dogs and to have a spare bedroom.
Hard working people who don`t claim benefits have to make difficult decisions every day .
I dispair at your hard faced attitude and, total lack of compassion. You would gladly see two dogs put down ( because lets face it thats what would happen....Thousands of dogs now in rescue homes waiting to try and be re-housed ) because the a day it takes to feed, will be contributed to by you and 30 million other tax payers !!!
I hope you don't fall on hard times yourself Flower, but if you do, I sincerly hope others show you more compassion, than you are willing to show yourself !!!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I can see the middle ground in this argument.
The woman has every right to keep her pets. It's her lifestyle choice.
She also has every right to remain where she is and forego the £14 per week. It's her lifestyle choice.
But to go on TV bemoaning the changes to the welfare system and plead for sympathy whilst appearing unwilling to change her lifestyle seems a bit hypocritical.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
color=indigo]This is the first time in my life I am ashamed to be British and to have fought for you and this country, I never thought I would say that, that this is what we have become is a shame I find hard to endure. The greed of the "I have's" is appalling,
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Being asked to give up your pets???? what next? give up your children???
FFS, I hope she gets help.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
any thing smaller than 7ft x 9 ft is classed a box room and cannot be added or included as a bedroom
something the councils are reluctant to tell anyone rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Lizaleanrob
any thing smaller than 7ft x 9 ft is classed a box room and cannot be added or included as a bedroom
something the councils are reluctant to tell anyone rolleyes

Also another thing council's are reluctant to tell anyone is something called Discretionary housing payment or DHP for short.

Anyone on here who is affected by the bedroom tax or knows somebody that could be, here is a link explaining what the DHP is. All council's apparently have resources put aside for this but they keep it very silent for obvious reasons. I hope it can help someone out there who has been affected by this cruel and unfair tax on the poor.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
It is a difficult problem however i only earn just abve minimum wage, i get no finacial help from anyone or anywhere. I live in a house that i can only just afford and i dont have a spare bedroom, i can't afford to support 1 dog let alone 2 dogs.
So to be honest it does seem unfair that my taxes are going to help support people who can afford more than i can !
If she wants the spare bedroom then she should pay for it same as i would have to. It's her choice about the dogs and as she already has them then i presume she has already made some choices on how to budget her money.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by deancannock
I am suggesting, that this lady has had these dogs before she knew the hardships they she was to endure. She is fully entitled to keep and look after them. As I said, your pets do become part of your extended family.
No I would not suggest she has any more. there again I'm sure she no intention of doing so. But you said you felt sorry for her hardship until you saw the dogs !!! I have one dog...I feed actually yestrday brought big bag of tesco dog food. Cost me and will feed the dog for at least a month, twice a day. a day !! not exactly going to break the bank now is it !!!

Life is hard ....we all have to make decisions .
Why should my taxes pay for this woman to keep two dogs and to have a spare bedroom.
Hard working people who don`t claim benefits have to make difficult decisions every day .
I dispair at your hard faced attitude and, total lack of compassion. You would gladly see two dogs put down ( because lets face it thats what would happen....Thousands of dogs now in rescue homes waiting to try and be re-housed ) because the a day it takes to feed, will be contributed to by you and 30 million other tax payers !!!
I hope you don't fall on hard times yourself Flower, but if you do, I sincerly hope others show you more compassion, than you are willing to show yourself !!!
I doubt it is as much as per day ..even for 2 dogs..
In this country even on the "tightest" budget everybody is entitled to some modest element of "luxury" / a bit of walking around money...some smoke fags others have the odd pint.. if a family budget were to include the cost of a couple of pints each week or a cheap bot of vino evey few days no one would suggest that they were living in the lap of luxury or spending beyong their means ...
a subscriotion to SKY now seems "accepted" as one of life's "necessaries" nowadays and i bet this lady doesn't have Sky!
Let her keep her two dogs ... besides which the exercise she takes walking them every day is probably saving the health service money!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
As always with stories such as this, there is always a wider picture. Not seeing the news for this story but what I know is that she is disabled. I do not know her plight but many people lead very lonely lives and if really disabled I can imagine she would possibly have a very lonely existence in how many people visit her.
Her pet to her is probably a God send and how uncaring and totally lacking in any compassion, are those who would want her dog taken away from her to pay the extra money for her spare room. How utterly fucking heartless and I hope that anyone who thinks her dog should go, I hope they also fall on such hard times.
The bedroom tax has been brought in by people who have mansions of their own, and yet want to take more money from the poor and vulnerable in our society. How has this country become so uncaring for the disabled and the poor and the jobless and the homeless?
One of the surprises so far in this thread is that Too Hot has not come along to blame this disabled woman for a multitude of things. She cannot work I would presume and is claiming some kind of disability allowance. Just the kind of person the likes of TH and some others on here hate with a passion. These people see EU migrants come here and milk the system, but when it is a British disabled person asking for a bit of help, well another story.
What it must be like to be so heartless and show no compassion, is to me a bloody disgrace, and these people should be utterly ashamed of themselves, but then something tells me I am not suprised, hidden agendas and all that.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
The trouble is that some of us are also disabled and poor (i am disabled and earn just above minimum wage) but we get no help at all but then see our taxes go to help others who have a bigger property and have enough money to suport pets aswell .... !
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by deancannock
what are you honestly trying to suggest here Flower...... you think she have put down or something. Pets and especially dogs, do become part of your extended family. Would you ever suggest poor families should put their kids up for adoption, as they could raise a few pounds and save themselves money in the long run !!!!

The bedroom tax Dean is a new tax that does not even start until April of this year. Whereas this woman has had her dogs for possibly a number of years, long before this new tax has come into play that's for sure.
Don't you just love it when taxpayers start demanding what their money is spent on.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by starlightcouple
what are you honestly trying to suggest here Flower...... you think she have put down or something. Pets and especially dogs, do become part of your extended family. Would you ever suggest poor families should put their kids up for adoption, as they could raise a few pounds and save themselves money in the long run !!!!

The bedroom tax Dean is a new tax that does not even start until April of this year. Whereas this woman has had her dogs for possibly a number of years, long before this new tax has come into play that's for sure.
Don't you just love it when taxpayers start demanding what their money is spent on.
Read the definition of "tax" .. It is not a tax it is a reduction in benefits unless you are a political drama Queen of course.
a week reduction means that you have to cut your cloth accordingly. Shock horror people on benefits being forced to make life choices. What next... People taking responsibility for their own life?
That will be the day.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
There are people here saying stuff her who support keeping terrorists in this country and paying thousands for them while wanting to take a disabled pensioners dogs from her.
Your moral high ground is lower than your sense of caring and that is lower than a snails slime, (wonder what made me think of a snails slime)
But they are not all bad, some are just attention seekers who always go for the controversial answer because they need to feel important
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Rogue_Trader
Being asked to give up your pets???? what next? give up your children???
FFS, I hope she gets help.

Why do people - not just you Rogue - equate pets and children? They are fundamentally different. Pets are bought and sold - children are not. Pets are put down when they are in too much pain/suffering to carry on - children are not. Pets can be eaten - children are not. Most parents bear their own children - I've never heard of a human giving birth to a puppy.
Treatment that is completely acceptable by a pet-owner would result in a parent being imprisoned. So comments like "What next, XYZ your children?" Are specious and often destroy the very argument being made.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Because to some people a pet is as important as a child, some will never understand that and I understand why they won't, I accept they won't just as you must other must accept just how important a pet can be.
Personally I would knowingly put my life on the line for my dogs, I would go without for them, just as I would for my children, my dogs are loyal and loving, they ask only love and loyalty in return (and maybe the odd dental stick chewy) they greet me like a long lost best friend just for getting up in the morning, they would protect me should I need them to, they would put their lives on the line for me, if I open the front door they would be out like a shot, but 10 minutes later they would come back, of their own free will.
To many they are a lifeline, they help us find lost people, they help us spot the drug dealers, they tell us who has cancer, they show us the way if we are blind, they tell us the phone is ringing if we are deaf, they provide companionship when we are lonely, they can care for us more than children sometimes, I would not recommend anyone to replace family with dogs but for those that don't have family they are a total replacement.
Some will mistreat them, some will abuse them, some are indifferent to them and yes I bought my dogs, from the RSPCA for £350, the fact that I can buy them doesn't make them any different in my eyes.
We as humans do so much harm to animals in this world, it is nice once in a while to see us do the right thing by them.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by MidsCouple24
There are people here saying stuff her who support keeping terrorists in this country and paying thousands for them while wanting to take a disabled pensioners dogs from her.

Would you mind substantiating that spurious claim?
For the record: I am not attention seeking and going for the controversial answer because they I to feel important. I'm just interested who is breaking the Terrorism Act so I can shop them.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
First I never thought for one moment that you were one of them, second I believe that what I said about attention seekers is true, I don't have to prove it, I can think anything I want and that is what I think.
As for the terrorists, when I said kick him out, many defended his right to stay under law, when I said change the law they said it was wrong to do that, when I said just ignore the law and kick him out they said I was wrong, I know it would be wrong, I dont care, I say kick him out anyway but some will always defend his right to stay here whilst saying to an old disabled woman who probably paid her taxes most of her life - kill your dogs.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Too Hot
what are you honestly trying to suggest here Flower...... you think she have put down or something. Pets and especially dogs, do become part of your extended family. Would you ever suggest poor families should put their kids up for adoption, as they could raise a few pounds and save themselves money in the long run !!!!

The bedroom tax Dean is a new tax that does not even start until April of this year. Whereas this woman has had her dogs for possibly a number of years, long before this new tax has come into play that's for sure.
Don't you just love it when taxpayers start demanding what their money is spent on.
Read the definition of "tax" .. It is not a tax it is a reduction in benefits unless you are a political drama Queen of course.
a week reduction means that you have to cut your cloth accordingly. Shock horror people on benefits being forced to make life choices. What next... People taking responsibility for their own life?
That will be the day.
Oh what a suprise for you to turn up, saying the same broken record stuff. rolleyes
A reduction in benefits that are already low enough for a disabled person living on her own. You know it is so funny how one person gets things taken away and yet there seems plenty of money in the pot for others. Take the story of the ' model ' today who had small tits, but thanks to our fantastic NHS, a nice new pair of bigger tits were afforded to her.

Here we have two stories with two completely different outcomes. The poor disabled woman is to told pay £14 a week for her spare room, to be taken from her already low benefit amount, and then a young wanna be model ( she is having a fucking laugh there is she not ? )gets a £4800 boob job on the NHS money taken from hard working taxpayers. One sick story and one heart rending story, and no suprise which one was the winner and which one is the loser.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Personally i don't think she should have to get rid of the dogs but i do think she should either pay for the spare room or move.
Her plight is no different to many others and i feel her plight is better than mine for example .... i am disabled and so is she .... i work fulltime, get no finacial help from anyone or anywhere and only earn minimum wage which isn't much at all ..... i cut my cloth to suit my earnings (i don't have a spare room as i can't afford a bigger property) so i don't see why others shouldn't too !
She has the choice on how to sort out her finances same as all of us.
This country is in trouble finacially and some how we have to get it sorted out and if this helps then so be it !
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by foxylady2209
Being asked to give up your pets???? what next? give up your children???
FFS, I hope she gets help.

Why do people - not just you Rogue - equate pets and children? They are fundamentally different. Pets are bought and sold - children are not. Pets are put down when they are in too much pain/suffering to carry on - children are not. Pets can be eaten - children are not. Most parents bear their own children - I've never heard of a human giving birth to a puppy.
Treatment that is completely acceptable by a pet-owner would result in a parent being imprisoned. So comments like "What next, XYZ your children?" Are specious and often destroy the very argument being made.
I didn't equate children and pets..I said "what's next" i.e. I intimated another level...thereby presuming that children are on a higher level than a pet.
"Children are not bought and sold"... yes they are, try private medical treatment for IVF
"Children are not put down"...try abortion, because they don't fit with a persons lifestyle...
Poor treatment of a child gets someone imprisoned...yep and the same should happen to pet owners who don't look after there's instead of a fine and banned from keeping them.
So no my argument wasn't specious at all and fitted in quite nicely with the thread. And I find your analysis of my statement facile.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
I'll just get on and make my own luck.

Had much lately on the swinging front? :rascal:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by starlightcouple

I'll just get on and make my own luck.

Had much lately on the swinging front? :rascal:
If you have flower then please let us know the secret! It's like the Sahara around here, there is so much drought :undecided:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Trevaunance

I'll just get on and make my own luck.

Had much lately on the swinging front? :rascal:
If you have flower then please let us know the secret! It's like the Sahara around here, there is so much drought :undecided:
I cannot believe that for a second Trev, certainly not with your Mrs. If you want a very nice man that is vwe to come round and see your Wife for a spot of fun, then as I am not in that category I know a man who is. wink
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by starlightcouple
I cannot believe that for a second Trev, certainly not with your Mrs. If you want a very nice man that is vwe to come round and see your Wife for a spot of fun, then as I am not in that category I know a man who is. wink

Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
It is possible, that one day, when your as old (your as in "if the cap fits") as this woman, if you are unfortunate enough to become disabled, if your loved ones are not with you, if your circumstances change you may want to have a dog or two for companionship and stay in the home you love even if it does have a spare bedroom, you might be the one thinking, I paid my taxes all my life, all I want is to stay in my hom e with my dogs :thrilled: