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Why be Fussy?

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Maybe means when they turn out to be into giving it to him with a strappy :shock:
Fussy bugger rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by VenusnMars
Iz it cuz I wear iron knickers? :uhoh:

i thought you clanked when you sat down..possibly why i've also never got into them... wink
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by freckledbird
Maybe means when they turn out to be into giving it to him with a strappy :shock:
Fussy bugger rolleyes

If it was due to rejecting a "strappy, then I wouldn't be a bugger. QED
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Okay, some of you have worn me down such that I have now lost the aim and purpose of this correspondence. A victory for the "carpet bombing brigade"?
I have however learned how to post generally, reply to specific posts and how to try to avoid mixing up the threads so thanks for that.
Bye all
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Nope hunny, you'd be buggered. Or not. LOL.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by douglas
Maybe means when they turn out to be into giving it to him with a strappy :shock:
Fussy bugger rolleyes

If it was due to rejecting a "strappy, then I wouldn't be a bugger. QED
Hey babe try it ya just might like it :twisted:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
having just sat here reading all the posts im left thinking 2 thoughts....... this his way of getting laid?? telling ppl basically he will shag anything with a pulse? or B.. is this guy for real??
yeah im also a relative new comer to this site and to the whole swinging scene but i thing i speak for the majority of men when i say i do need to be attracted to a woman before sleeping with her.. if its her mind her face or her body isnt important but i fail to understand how anyone can sleep with someone they are not in the slightest bit attracted to??
one word of advice douglas.... i would hate to hazard a guess at the ratio of men to women on this site prob 10-1 at least but i would suggest by this thread you have not helped you chances of meeting any off them
maybe im wrong and have read this the wrong way if so i apologise
just my personal opinion and not meant to be bitchy in anyway
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Penfold I think you're spot on and good on you for saying it, nice to know that even the guys can see the 'silly' men for what they are
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
The new year always brings these types.
It's the ones who didn't get a shag at the XMas parties and join these sites in the new year out of desperation and with a huge chip on their shoulder.
The other week we had that silly little student boy posting to say it was "not on at all" that we place ads that say "no single guys".
Knowing all the shagging Richard and I did at Uni, this guy had to be a seriously sad case!
There is another newbie here who makes the claim "I never have any trouble pulling in clubs".
And the there are all the guys who are good looking, fit and well endowed, but still can't pull or get a shag in the outside world.
I was posting in another thread some advice about how to vet guys for a gangbang, to a lady who was organising her first, and some newbie guy posted some comment "how do you vet guys? One of these guys might mess it up for the rest of us". Hello! Since when did you become one of the "rest of us" (the single guys who get the invites). You don't get that status just by signing up and whining in the forum.
The one thing these guys all have in common is they have no idea what SWINGING is all about.
The genuine (that word again) guys who are members of a swinging community do get invited to the parties, the gangbangs, and the MMFs (how do you think we do MMFs? Where do you think we get the "spare" guy from?)
It is probably a small proportion 10-1 of women to men, yes.
It is a small proportion then, maybe also 10-1, of men who get sex here and the men who don't.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by chick0074
The new year always brings these types.
It's the ones who didn't get a shag at the XMas parties and join these sites in the new year out of desperation and with a huge chip on their shoulder.
The other week we had that silly little student boy posting to say it was "not on at all" that we place ads that say "no single guys".
Knowing all the shagging Richard and I did at Uni, this guy had to be a seriously sad case!
There is another newbie here who makes the claim "I never have any trouble pulling in clubs".
And the there are all the guys who are good looking, fit and well endowed, but still can't pull or get a shag in the outside world.
I was posting in another thread some advice about how to vet guys for a gangbang, to a lady who was organising her first, and some newbie guy posted some comment "how do you vet guys? One of these guys might mess it up for the rest of us". Hello! Since when did you become one of the "rest of us" (the single guys who get the invites). You don't get that status just by signing up and whining in the forum.
The one thing these guys all have in common is they have no idea what SWINGING is all about.
The genuine (that word again) guys who are members of a swinging community do get invited to the parties, the gangbangs, and the MMFs (how do you think we do MMFs? Where do you think we get the "spare" guy from?)
It is probably a small proportion 10-1 of women to men, yes.
It is a small proportion then, maybe also 10-1, of men who get sex here and the men who don't.

<<< didnt get a shag at the xmas party...but then thats prob a good thing seeing as i work in the building trade but i do appreciate there is a ight way and a wrong way to approach both women and cples and seeing dougs post i know he is wrong
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well said, Penfold, nice to see one new guy who has the right idea.
And mark my words, Doug will still be sitting home alone wanking when you are at a party or gangbang with your cock in some girl's mouth.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by douglas
I have only joined in the last few months and posted a beginner question.
I have a sensible reply to it although further replies went off at a tangent and effectively hijacked my question. I would appreciate only sensible replies to my next question which is:
Although I understand ther is a variety of people visiting this site who require anything from just a friendly chat through a spectrum to at the other end, rampant sex, why do people who quite clearly only want sex, ask questions like how big is your weapon, how tall are you, slim are you, overweight are you etc.
Surely if there are people like me who only want sex,and is prepared to make the experience good for the partner why ask all these questions.
My punch line is, if there are any ladies out there who agree with me and are female, any race,age build or colour and live within 50 miles of Heathrow, then send me a PM.
Otherwise, comments would be welcome

douglas sounds like you running before walking mate
does`nt matter what questions people want to ask you
after all if you were in a night club for example anyone can see what you look like
if they fancy you physically that person is still going to have to talk to you to see if you have a personallity( if you do`nt have one they may still want you)but
do you see what i mean in s.h. your a nobody until people ask questions
im new by the way...
also having been out dogging had sex with a complete stranger (what the purpose was for both of us) ive also been back to their house because of a somthing in conversation completely unrelated to sex we have in common and i would regard that person as my friend just like any other
are you really saying your not intererested in the person 'just the hole' :shock:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by chick0074
Well said, Penfold, nice to see one new guy who has the right idea.
And mark my words, Doug will still be sitting home alone wanking when you are at a party or gangbang with your cock in some girl's mouth.

mmm rachel ty for the support lol was that a sneaky invite lolol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by penfolds06
having just sat here reading all the posts im left thinking 2 thoughts....... this his way of getting laid?? telling ppl basically he will shag anything with a pulse? or B.. is this guy for real??
yeah im also a relative new comer to this site and to the whole swinging scene but i thing i speak for the majority of men when i say i do need to be attracted to a woman before sleeping with her.. if its her mind her face or her body isnt important but i fail to understand how anyone can sleep with someone they are not in the slightest bit attracted to??
one word of advice douglas.... i would hate to hazard a guess at the ratio of men to women on this site prob 10-1 at least but i would suggest by this thread you have not helped you chances of meeting any off them
maybe im wrong and have read this the wrong way if so i apologise
just my personal opinion and not meant to be bitchy in anyway

Must say I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion :!:
It's a great shame that this doesn't do much to help the male cause :!:
I can understand how some women tar all males with the same brush.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by master55
It's a great shame that this doesn't do much to help the male cause.

What's this male cause all about then? Nobody told me I was supposed to be involved in any cause. I'm not marching under any banner, I'm just here to have fun, and the fact that I'm male is incidental.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Ice Pie
It's a great shame that this doesn't do much to help the male cause.

What's this male cause all about then? Nobody told me I was supposed to be involved in any cause. I'm not marching under any banner, I'm just here to have fun, and the fact that I'm male is incidental.
And a bloody miracle given your DNA. :mrgreen:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by aka loco
I have only joined in the last few months and posted a beginner question.
I have a sensible reply to it although further replies went off at a tangent and effectively hijacked my question. I would appreciate only sensible replies to my next question which is:
Although I understand ther is a variety of people visiting this site who require anything from just a friendly chat through a spectrum to at the other end, rampant sex, why do people who quite clearly only want sex, ask questions like how big is your weapon, how tall are you, slim are you, overweight are you etc.
Surely if there are people like me who only want sex,and is prepared to make the experience good for the partner why ask all these questions.
My punch line is, if there are any ladies out there who agree with me and are female, any race,age build or colour and live within 50 miles of Heathrow, then send me a PM.
Otherwise, comments would be welcome

are you really saying your not intererested in the person 'just the hole' :shock:
I have the solution for Douglas :idea: Buy a copy of his local evening paper ..... go to the personal ads page .... look under the column headed "Escorts" .......... he could then have "a female, any race,age build or colour and live within 50 miles of Heathrow ... who only want sex ........ " :grin:
Quote by penfolds06
having just sat here reading all the posts im left thinking 2 thoughts....... this his way of getting laid?? telling ppl basically he will shag anything with a pulse? or B.. is this guy for real??
yeah im also a relative new comer to this site and to the whole swinging scene but i thing i speak for the majority of men when i say i do need to be attracted to a woman before sleeping with her.. if its her mind her face or her body isnt important but i fail to understand how anyone can sleep with someone they are not in the slightest bit attracted to??
one word of advice douglas.... i would hate to hazard a guess at the ratio of men to women on this site prob 10-1 at least but i would suggest by this thread you have not helped you chances of meeting any off them
maybe im wrong and have read this the wrong way if so i apologise
just my personal opinion and not meant to be bitchy in anyway

I've just checked the ads :small-print: .... the odds are 66:1 ..... great if you're female :grin: and looking .... not so good if you're a single bloke.
Thank you penfolds ... it is good to know there are guys like you that want to be with a woman because they are attracted in some way to them and not because that woman is there for your own self gratification.
There is of course something else that has to be taken into consideration and that is ones own personal safety rolleyes .... obviously the "Douglas's" of this world wouldn't give something like that another thought!
I need to sure that I will get home safely :doh:
That's my ranting over for this morning LOL
Lucy kiss
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by VenusnMars
It's a great shame that this doesn't do much to help the male cause.

What's this male cause all about then? Nobody told me I was supposed to be involved in any cause. I'm not marching under any banner, I'm just here to have fun, and the fact that I'm male is incidental.
And a bloody miracle given your DNA. :mrgreen:
When were you given my DNA? Was I sober? :P
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Ice Pie
It's a great shame that this doesn't do much to help the male cause.

What's this male cause all about then? Nobody told me I was supposed to be involved in any cause. I'm not marching under any banner, I'm just here to have fun, and the fact that I'm male is incidental.
And a bloody miracle given your DNA. :mrgreen:
When were you given my DNA? Was I sober? :P
:giggle: kiss