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Ads specifying that people should be \"clean\".

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Is this referring to personal hygiene or being disease free?
Either way you'd hope it was a given...or are their hordes of would be swingers patrolling this site stinking of BO with a cornucopia of nasty STDs?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Lone_swordsman
Is this referring to personal hygiene or being disease free?

Ask them?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
yea..does always amuse me some of the wording..of ads. There are those that say..if you a timewatser....don't bother as if a real timewaster is gona admit to it !!!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Freckledbird
Is this referring to personal hygiene or being disease free?

Ask them?
It's a general point rather than one particular ad. Just thinking out loud fb! smile
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
i think i have mentioned the "clean" aspect on our profile and ad.
yes you would think its a given, sadely it isnt.
ive had the misfortune to have 3 meets where by they had not washed i would guess for at least 3 days.
really disgusting and when i refused to have sex i faced some extreme verbal abuse.
regardig the std's, well use protection and unless you decide to start asking to see a certificate from the gum then i guess you have to take your chances.
xxx fem xxx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Freckledbird
Is this referring to personal hygiene or being disease free?

Ask them?
I think he just did lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Lone_swordsman
Is this referring to personal hygiene or being disease free?

probably both...
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Emm, good point LS, we have it on our profile that we only meet 'clean' single guys and as Fem said, it should be a given but sadly it isnt always the case. For me, I am referring to clean hair, clean teeth, clean nails, clean body etc. However, I wonder if it is worth putting it on, cause I am guessing the ones who are not that clean, dont actually class themselves as dirty confused
<<<< NWC, off to rethink profile text :?
Master of Sex
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
We can't imagine going to a club / meet without a thorough shower, shave, donning freshly laundered clothes and, of course, scrubbing our teeth til they sparkle.
Alas, there are some that think 'eau de B.O', manky teeth and clothes that look like they've just been hauled out of the dirty linen basket is acceptable when they're about to meet someone with a view to indulging in the most intimate of human activities. I just don't understand what goes on inside their heads to be honest dunno
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Sugar-n-pom
We can't imagine going to a club / meet without a thorough shower, shave, donning freshly laundered clothes and, of course, scrubbing our teeth til they sparkle.
Alas, there are some that think 'eau de B.O', manky teeth and clothes that look like they've just been hauled out of the dirty linen basket is acceptable when they're about to meet someone with a view to indulging in the most intimate of human activities. I just don't understand what goes on inside their heads to be honest dunno

Clean hair, clean teeth are always the top of my list. If someone takes care of these, then chances are the rest is clean lol
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Of course some of the munch hotels have wonderful showers for getting clean in / playing in lol redface
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Sarah
Of course some of the munch hotels have wonderful showers for getting clean in / playing in lol redface

I had heard that rumour :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Of course some of the munch hotels have wonderful showers for getting clean in / playing in lol redface

I had heard that rumour :lol:
mmmm is that how you spell "spread". wink
phredd bolt
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Of course some of the munch hotels have wonderful showers for getting clean in / playing in lol redface

I had heard that rumour :lol:
I have photos biggrin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Although clean would always have to be near the top of my list, I would never think I would have to state that in my profile! It actually puts me off more reading that in someones profile!
It's a cringe word, just like 'professional'.
I really do think it should be taken as a given, and as someone else has pointed out, the people that actually are manky, aren't exactly going to read the profile and think 'ah well, that counts me out then...'
M xx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'm running a bath now.
Well it is Sunday after all
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I've been to billingsgate a few times....... rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I was dogging last year and a couple were playing, the lady was being very accomodating but asked one of the men to leave because he smelt(which he did).
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Call me cynical.... but its not just men who might happen to have these issues........... rolleyes
Im not going into details.... but whether ones playmate is "clean " and/or "smelly" is a concern for us blokes too !!!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
There's nothing more off-putting than smelly breath, BO or stinky nethers - especially when they've had to use the bathroom a couple of times and not bothered washing afterwards but expect me to get my face down there :shock:
It's like licking the toilet seat ffs! :gagged:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
We went to a club last week and I had been playing with someone ( a guy) I just happened to brush my hair behind my ear,,,,going for the oral and I caught a wiff on my hand, when I smelt my hand it was disgusting!!! I cant belive that anyone wouldnt clean up before playing and especially at a club where there are showers. Anyway I just got up and walked away from him, I was so mad that I just couldnt get my words out.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
i think it is a damn shame that you need to specify people should be clean!
we have met people in clubs who to put it nicely are minging, we saw them go into the jacuzzi and it made our stomaches turn to think of being in there floating their grime.
if someone does not have enough respect for themselves and their playmates to be clean, they are certainly not the type of people we want to play with.
the fact that they have so little respect for us, would also mean i would not think twice about telling them that they were filthy.