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Do you dance ?

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I would get some lessons. It is a lot of fun. Unless Mrs Flower can lead you will be expected to do it so get those dancing shoes on and learn.. you will have a super time.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
I would get some lessons. It is a lot of fun. Unless Mrs Flower can lead you will be expected to do it so get those dancing shoes on and learn.. you will have a super time.

Thanks for the encouraging words lol
I`m afraid that this is one of my biggest phobias !!
I can hold my own in all sorts of situations, from drug dens to society dinner parties but dancing just does my head in !!
Spose it stems from being very very shy !! Something that I fight every single day of my life redface
But dancing !! :shock:
honestly.. you will love lessons. They are great fun and as everyone else is also learning they have no time to even look at you, let alone notice your situation. They won't even have time to admire Mrs Flower!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I did LeRoc dance lessons few years ago and loved it... ya meet some great people! I went on my own and Im shy!! So be even better going with a partner...go for it, you might even have some fun in the process smile :)
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Go for it flower, it is brilliant fun. We started about 3 years ago and have had a fab time since. Classes are about £4 per hour here in Lancs, private lessons are much dearer but worth the money if you want something specific.
We have made lots of new friends and had some great weekends away through dancing.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
I be looking for some dancing lessons to get me through ?
:welcome: to my... ahem, dance class!
I have taught many aerobics/bum n tums classes so I reckon turning my hand to your request shud not prove to be such a monumental task.
At considerable expense to my street cred I am willing to undertake the task to tutor you to the required heady stratospheric heights of The John Travolta Status! biggrin
But first things first Grasshoppa!
Sit down, listen, observe & learn...
Get this first lesson under yer belt & next time your strutting it on the floor no fucker on the planet will be able to catch you to put you in a straight jacket! :thumbup:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by splendid_
...They won't even have time to admire Mrs Flower!
Wont they?
Guess we will be leaving that to you then! rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I would get a couple of lessons if I were you, more to teach you a bit coordination and the initial steps, the rest could follow.
It's great exercise and good fun, I used to do salsa until I was partnered with a guy with horrendous BO :eeek:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I also think there's nothing sexier than a man who can move... I once sat and watched a man dancing jiverock, sounds weird but I tell ya I was transfixed and well turned on by his dancing sillyhwoar:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
A few dancing lessons and your confidence soars and its really good fun.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
We've been to a few black tie events now and must say we just move whatever way we feel, most of the under 60s seem to do, its only the older generation that seem to know any form of steps,its all part of the fun and people dont bother how you move, Just enjoy!!!! xj
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
everytime I get up to dance I get escorted out for being too drunk................. rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
At a gig, I always dance, great fun.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I took salsa classes and loved it until - - - -
I trod on the teacher's foot.
I never went back.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by foxylady2209
I trod on the teacher's foot.
:shock: I bet that was on the way intothe class... :giggle:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by redpantherman
I trod on the teacher's foot.
:shock: I bet that was on the way intothe class... :giggle:
You are sooo looking for a slap. smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Has enyone ever met their parnter/lover at a dance class?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
shall we dance with richard gere mmmmmmmmmmm yes purleeeeeaassssssssseeeee
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
Well !! It`s tonight :shock:
Didn`t get any lessons so I`m gonna wing it !! lol
Had me hair cut, done me nose and ears too :lol: :lol:
Just about to tackle a couple of unruly eyebrow hairs and I`ll be done.
We`ve been promised late night skinny dipping when we get back ....hope it`s not too cold :shock:
I`ll try and get a photo of me in me DJ for you all to laugh at !!

Hope it went well flower, we want feedback tomorrow ya know :smile:
Quote by jasper100
Has enyone ever met their parnter/lover at a dance class?

No Jasper, Ive been asked out a few times though.. smile
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
The last time I danced was when I was changing an electrical plug socket and my screwdriver slipped.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
OK !!! I didn`t dance !! redface
Just couldn`t bring myself to do it !! God what the hell are phobia`s for ??? confused
Did have a good time though lol
Bloody pool was freezing at three o clock this morning :scared:
I do remember removing a nice young ladies knickers surprisedops: She wasn`t complaining but I`m pretty sure her Dad was very close by !! :shock: :shock: OMG :shock: :shock:
Mrs f`s brazilian was much admired too :lol:

Chicken :lol2:
Glad to hear you had a good time tho wink
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by jaymar
I would get a couple of lessons if I were you, more to teach you a bit coordination and the initial steps, the rest could follow.
It's great exercise and good fun, I used to do salsa until I was partnered with a guy with horrendous BO :eeek:
We have a salsa teacher down the road. I am thinking about lessons, but that is as far as I go, thinking.
So at the moment ladies keep your feet up, if you do not want them stepped on!
Master of Sex
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
well dancing is ok if you can,but i have two size 10 left feet,so i dont even bother,.The last time i went on the dance floor,if i remember rightly i was in single figures,,
So now when someone asks me to dance .i say no thanks,plus it is a waste of energy..
so iam quite happy to watch other people dancing away..
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by
We have a salsa teacher down the road.

Doritos aren't that hard to use mate :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Flower, I don't/can't dance either.
Back in my youth, when I played sports, I was in the forwards as I wasn't agile enough to run round people.
I guess I dance like I'm still going down for a scrum!
Master of Sex
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Do you dance?
Hmmmm, visualise if you can, a man with 7 legs, all fitted with left feet, being struck by lightning on a constant basis.
That'll be a NO then.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by flower411
OK !!! I didn`t dance !! redface
Just couldn`t bring myself to do it !! God what the hell are phobia`s for ??? confused
Did have a good time though lol
Bloody pool was freezing at three o clock this morning :scared:
I do remember removing a nice young ladies knickers surprisedops: She wasn`t complaining but I`m pretty sure her Dad was very close by !! :shock: :shock: OMG :shock: :shock:
Mrs f`s brazilian was much admired too :lol:

You're too shy to take dancing classes but have no problem in removing the underwear from a young lady who was therewith her dad! :shock: