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Feeling proud

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yesterday, I opened a letter from my daughters school bag.
I started reading....
Dear Parent/Guardian
Gifted and Talented Pupils Enrichment Courses- Autum Term 2005
In conjunction with the Local Education Authority and have planned a Programme of Pupil Enrichment courses for children who have been identified as having special abitilty in one or more school subjects. These courses aim to give highly motivated Gifted and Talented children in Key Stages 1 and 2 the oppertunity to learn in an exciting and challenging environment with other very able children.

It was right about that point of the letter that I stopped paying attention... My eyes welled up... I was ever so proud and pleased for her....
Now.... this is where I have my dilema, and call upon you good people of SH to help me out... advise me etc....
My daughter is the kinda wee girl who knows she is clever... bright... articulate etc.. and I really don't want her to get too much up her own arse... i know she is only 6 but it could so easily happen could it not...?
I know how clever she is and talented etc... and am very very proud that she is as artiulate as she is for a 6year old.... but I just want her to be a wee girl d'you know what I mean... enjoy herself have fun, do things....
I think I've just found the problem... perhaps i want her to be all the things i wasn't. I was forced to sit and do school work etc, and never had many oppertunity to actually have fun as a kid...
Ok so how do I find a balance... answers/responses etc here please...
Off making coffee and getting the bikkies...
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well personally, i think you should be saying all this to your daughter. If shes articulate as you say, she'll understand and then you can both make the decision together, and not made for her.
Good luck xxx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Damn - there was me thinking you were going to ask where the hell we thought she got the brains from!
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I dread reading letters from school about my son as i know they wont be complimentary lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Or why you have 2 threads on this ;) However I agree with GenHertsCpl. Let your daughter in on this, equally if she is gifted be glad your school want to offer her more. While there is 'up yourself' risk, I think this is less likely to occur surrounded by peers who will stretch her abilities... Think how much easier it is to be 'up yourself' when you leave all your peers behind in a 'normal' class?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
How bout a kinda comprimise ???
Ask her what she wants and u as her parent help decide between u ???
Or a trial on it to see how she goes and if she likes it and see from there ?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Know the position you are facing but...........
let her exel at school, help her all you can to achieve what she's capable of, but YOU provide the childhood for her and as a parent YOU keep her feet firmly on the ground !!
Thankfully it's worked for us
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi hun
my grandaughter has been selected for a similar course
we have spoken to her and shes looking forward to it......not only that weve spoken to parents who have sent their children,,,,and were all for it....rather than her being up her own arse as you say they are with peers who are as gifted or more so
my daughters neighbour said it stopped her little girl being big headed when she realised she wasnt the only one with the talents she had.......but it gave her the opportunity to channel her talents in a different way and not get bored in class.
Talk to your wee one and see if she wants to take part........
I bet you are very proud and rightly so hun kiss
Vicky xxxxxxx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Brilliant news hun,
but the general advice is right........speak to her, the only problem is what she wants today she may not want next week.......thats 6 year olds for you.
I've been in a similar position and didnt take the offer up, he was only 4 at the time, whether I was right or wrong only time will tell, but I took advice from his teachers.
One of the problems I faced was as you said > would he be up his own ar*e and would it alienate him from his peers even more?
There are a few teachers on here, might be a good idea to speak to them as well as your daughters teachers.
But what ever you decide I know you'll do it with the best interest of your daughter, not as some would - for themselves.
Good luck and congratulations to your little girl smile
Kaz xx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by the_Laird
Know the position you are facing but...........
let her exel at school, help her all you can to achieve what she's capable of, but YOU provide the childhood for her and as a parent YOU keep her feet firmly on the ground !!

Sound advice, exactly what I was thinking biggrin
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I was in one of these programmes when I was a youngster. The one in primary school was good: very stimulating. Bright kids get bored quickly if they're kept at the pace of the rest of the class, which can lead to all sorts of problems.
High school was mixed. They put us through an accelerated maths and science course, which was great. We were lucky in keeping the same excellent (and inspiring) maths teacher for the whole time.
But they accelerated the humanities too. By the end of it I was officially illiterate (at least as far as university entrance requirements were concerned). It took another decade before I understood literature.
They also had us all in one class, not mixing with the other kids in the school. That was a disaster for my already weak social skills.
That was a long time ago, in another country. I hope things are different here and now.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by DJohn
I was in one of these programmes when I was a youngster. The one in primary school was good: very stimulating. Bright kids get bored quickly if they're kept at the pace of the rest of the class, which can lead to all sorts of problems.


Good teachers don't let that happen; they differentiate work so that it's appropriately challenging.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just to let you's know I am reading your comments and advise wink
To be honest i never thought of it like that Vicky... that for her to go to the course it would let her see that she isn't really all that, that there are other kids her age just as clever, if not more so... cheers babe... See this is what i love about this place... you can get mutiple suggestions etc.. but at the end of the day the final decision will be down to me (and my daughter)
Thanks all redface
I'll just finish this coffee and :smoke: and go off to :yawn: bed
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Tatty I was in a similiar situation when i was at school - junior.
I was found out to be very bright and interlectual - no please dont laugh.
It was suggested to my parents that i should apply for a scholarship to a private school. I thought about this and decided no.
My parents never done private school and it done them no harm. So i stayed in the normal education system. Ok i didnt do well at A Levels. I left uni with a HND in computing and nearly my degree. So i dont think i dont to bad.
I would say let your daughter make up her own mind. She is very bright and she will understnad if you explain to her. The best thing would not to push her...
MikeC smile
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Congratulations Tatty smile well done all the pain and hard work the kids put us through and finally it pays off wink and congratulations to your daughter :) for being capable and puting the hard work in.
I think you will have to decide between your selves but isnt it a nice choice to make?
You should both be proud!
Mr & Mrs goodtimez
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Our daughter has been taught in a year above the one she should be for the last 2 years and we have not had any problems so far (fingers crossed) You have met her Tatty so you know that she is a very confident and (scarily) mature young lady and like your daughter (who is gorgeous, as is your son) takes everything in her stride.... I dont think you have to worry hun, kids are very versatile and adapt to situations very easily.... It will keep her level headed to be among other children who are talented as well.... The only thing you have to ensure is that she also mixes with the other kids and not just the talented...
We are now working towards her going to the local grammar school in 3 years time rolleyes lol
If the opportunity is there then you have to take it otherwise you will always be saying "what if"
In other words... She will be fine Tatty :lol: kiss
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
If both you and she decide she wants to do it then it can only be a good thing for her. The classes will stretch her and allow her to develop at a pace thats right for her along with others of the same ability and with teachers who can devote time to them.
I agree that a good teacher will do or try to do this, but if one person is ahead of the class then it can be hard for the teacher to devote specific time to developing that pupil as they rarely need help and the teacher is usually stretched so much alrady with the rest if the class.
I think it sounds like a good thing, if your daughter wants to do it, as it will allow her to learn in an environment that is matched to her ability with her peers, she won't be bored with learning as she will be challenged and stimulated, with a chance to develop her skills.
It ios also important that she know if she does choose this, that there are no expectations on her as a result, and that it is for enjoment and personal development.
Just my two pence worth! Well doene to her and you!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Have to agree with Vicky biggrin
Think these things are a great idea, I moved from continent to uk when I was younger and was far more advanced in languages, history, maths etc..........but still lagging slightly in the the sciences........
I got put up two years for most classes, and then did the other ones seperately to catch up..... after year, was great fun, meeting and having two different groups of friends and making my parents proud :P well so they said, Once!....meant that I went to uni early and finished early , so could travel for a year after I finished :D
But like to think, because of the special circumstances and acceptance and help of good teachers and staff,,,,I've turned out a fairly decent well balanced person (still to see!)....
Godd luck with everything :D