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Find me a ............

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

find me a pic of a dragon, a fairy and a unicorn all together plz.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

the best I can do... that was a toughy.
A picture of Jodie Foster from silence of the lambs when she is jogging through the forest with a sweaty top.
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Quote by splendid_
A picture of Jodie Foster from silence of the lambs when she is jogging through the forest with a sweaty top.

not quite sure how much perve-value you had in mind Slendid, however, here you are.
I'm rather partial to a Foster as well!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
ooops.. do I get to ask now?
errrm... something rubbery.... and saucie please
thankyou most kindly in advance
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this should be an easy one
find me angelina jolie in full tomb raider gear
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that copper looks a bit mean... but hey
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Here she is!!!!!

Can someone find me a picture of Roger Moore spanking a naughty actress? :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
hes spanking her, honest!! wink
ermmm a candy skull tattoo lol xxj
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Quote by razor_wire
hes spanking her, honest!! wink
ermmm a candy skull tattoo lol xxj

He isn't spanking her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was in a film and he spanked the actress!
I was about 14 and realised for the first time, I must be a bit of a perve! :rascal:
Can anyone find the picture? :inlove:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

find me an angel in black please biggrin
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oooh here you go

Find me the 12 days of Christmas in pictures hehehe
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find me a picture of a mouth with a knotted cherry stem biggrin
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this is the best I could do after an hour of looking - sorry. confused
please can I now have a recliner chair with a glass of gluhwein?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
If you fancy having a go and taking pics of it....... lol
How to Tie a Knot in a Cherry Stem With Your Tongue
Work the stem around in your mouth so it becomes more malleable.
Fold the stem in half around the tip of your tongue; the easiest way to do this is lengthwise, so the folded stem lies along the length of the tongue, one end on the top of the tongue, one end on the bottom.
Take the folded stem between your front teeth and bite down gently until the two ends cross over, forming a loop.
While holding the crossed-over stem between your teeth, use the tip of your tongue to push one end of the stem through the loop you've made. Try using your teeth to rotate the looped stem toward the end you are trying to push through. This might take a few minutes, but it is possible, especially with practice.
For an extra flourish, push the cherry stone through the knotted stem (brace the knotted stem against your front teeth and push the stone halfway through using the tip of your tongue). People invariably believe that you’ve actually tied the stem around the stone. The poor, poor fools!
Tips Use the longest stem you can find, especially if you intend to push the stone through it.
The cherry with stem attached can be placed in the mouth and eaten, retaining the stem and stone for the trick.
Warnings be careful what you use this skill for ;D
Be careful not to choke on your cherry stem or pit.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

can someone get me a ginormous cheese and tomato pizza please lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Is this ginourmous enuff lol??

In the middle of the pizza farm circle we attempted to cook the worlds largest pizza - a full four metres in diameter. On a huge turn-table oven the chef, Mark David, battled with huge boulders of dough and vats of various pizza toppings to create what can only be described as a work of culinary art in monster proportions.
Armed with large scale kitchen utensils such as spades, hoes and lawn edgers Chef David worked with flair and flamboyance to create a pizza topping so beautiful to behold that, if it were not for transport problems, it could now be hanging in Tate modern. Such was the enormity of our Pizza that apparently it was later mentioned on the NASA space web-site. Up to that time only one man-made object was visible with the naked eye from outer space - that being the Great Wall of China - but now there was another - the Tendring Show Giant Pizza.

oooh now what do I want confused:
A white christmas please
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes

find me a sprout that looks edible wink
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Quote by Catcorb

find me a sprout that looks edible wink

pmsl well they are enjoying eatin em lol
find me a wireless modem thingy and all the bits for under £50
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
the modem:

the picture:

find me a picture of....jelly beans
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find me a pic of an evil santa lol :twisted:
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Is this evil enough
iwould like hmmm a lamborghini motorbike hehe :twisted:
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Quote by Bonedigger

just for you biggrin
