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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
A totally non sex related thread (for a change lol ) but on a serious note, I though it might help some folk who dont know about it.
Basically Freecycle is a globe wide thing whereby people gift something they want rid of to another for free.
For example, say you get a new telly, theres nothing wrong with your old one, but you cant be arsed to flog it or to haul it to a chariy shop, so you fling it in the nearest skip, or you change your decor, and your suite doesnt 'go' anymore, but its still in good nick, but you take it to the tip.
Well, the premise of Freecycle is to keep useable and recycleable stuff from the landfill, thus helping the environment, and reducing stuff thats sent to landfill sites.
You click the link

and scrool down to where it says find your nearest group, and click that.
Then you join the group or groups nearest to you and sign up for the daily messages, and everytime someone offers something, a message will be sent to your email inbox (sometimes, depending on the size of the group you join, you can have up to 60 emails a day, but you can opt out of the daily messages if you want to)
If you see something you would like, you email the person, and ask if they would consider you for the item, some people chosee names from a hat, depending on how many people reply, some do it on a first come first served basis, some have other ways of choosing. The person receiving the item, then collects.
No money changes hands, its all free. You can also offer stuff on there if you are having a clear out.
Its not a facility to abuse, and collect loads of stuff to sell on on ebay, for you to make a profit from, and mods monitor if the same people seem to be asking for stuff all the time, and they like you to offer stuff as well as ask.
But some of the stuff I have seen offered for FREE on my local groups have been, dishwashers, washers, driers, kids garden toys, bikes, all manner of furniture for every room in the house, clothes, baby stuff, pianos, even cars and caravans.
You can even pick up or get rid of stuff like old magazine collections, bric a brac, vinyl records....the list is endless. One mans crap is another mans treasure as they say.
I thought I would put this on as not everyone has the money to spend on stuff like this, and it could help someone out of a bind, or it could help spur someone on to do that de-clutter that theyve alsways promised to do, and also if it helps the planet too, then it can only be a good thing.
sorry its been a long post :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Its a fantastic site Mrs Bone. Ive known about it for a long time and have directed several people to it since Ive known about it. Bargains galore there and serves a valuable purpose. Anything that can be recycled should be!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ive been a member for donkeys years and love it!! Its a really good positive scheme that works !
Passed on link to many friends and colleagues since!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
We were told about this site a while ago; we plan to put our stuff on it when we clear out anywhere (garage anyone?), and when we replace our suite in a few weeks.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
just registers someone will want all these old sex toys biggrin :D :D
Only joking.......keeping the sex toys
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Bonedigger
A totally non sex related thread (for a change lol ) but on a serious note, I though it might help some folk who dont know about it.
Basically Freecycle is a globe wide thing whereby people gift something they want rid of to another for free.
For example, say you get a new telly, theres nothing wrong with your old one, but you cant be arsed to flog it or to haul it to a chariy shop, so you fling it in the nearest skip, or you change your decor, and your suite doesnt 'go' anymore, but its still in good nick, but you take it to the tip.
Well, the premise of Freecycle is to keep useable and recycleable stuff from the landfill, thus helping the environment, and reducing stuff thats sent to landfill sites.
You click the link

and scrool down to where it says find your nearest group, and click that.
Then you join the group or groups nearest to you and sign up for the daily messages, and everytime someone offers something, a message will be sent to your email inbox (sometimes, depending on the size of the group you join, you can have up to 60 emails a day, but you can opt out of the daily messages if you want to)
If you see something you would like, you email the person, and ask if they would consider you for the item, some people chosee names from a hat, depending on how many people reply, some do it on a first come first served basis, some have other ways of choosing. The person receiving the item, then collects.
No money changes hands, its all free. You can also offer stuff on there if you are having a clear out.
Its not a facility to abuse, and collect loads of stuff to sell on on ebay, for you to make a profit from, and mods monitor if the same people seem to be asking for stuff all the time, and they like you to offer stuff as well as ask.
But some of the stuff I have seen offered for FREE on my local groups have been, dishwashers, washers, driers, kids garden toys, bikes, all manner of furniture for every room in the house, clothes, baby stuff, pianos, even cars and caravans.
You can even pick up or get rid of stuff like old magazine collections, bric a brac, vinyl records....the list is endless. One mans crap is another mans treasure as they say.
I thought I would put this on as not everyone has the money to spend on stuff like this, and it could help someone out of a bind, or it could help spur someone on to do that de-clutter that theyve alsways promised to do, and also if it helps the planet too, then it can only be a good thing.
sorry its been a long post :lol:

Blimey Bonedigger, you make it sound fantastic.
I have offered loads of stuff on there and picked up the odd useful item here and there. But it is not as you describe, anyone who has offered items learns the true nature of certain member's of society when they read their replies. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Sadly there isn't one anywhere near me, so it could be a while before I can see for myself.
Great idea though BG :thumbup:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
lol I know what you mean....its the sob stories that get me I am a poor blind, one legged, singlemother of 17 kids with no hair and we all live in a cardboard box, and we would love this wide screen TV to while away our lonely hours.
or the ones that say, have just moved into my first flat and have notheing so can I have.....and go on to list the contents of a modeat semi room by room.
its a good thing when it works properly, but is oopen to abuse LOL
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Two warts and a Verucca and not one taker....useless!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Here's a post from a group near me:
WANTED: Few bits for our first home! moving soon (XXX XXX)
theres a few bits we need as we are moving into our first home in a
couple of weeks with our two sons....
hoover, curtains, sofa throw, cd player/radio, drawers or any other
form of clothes storage, cot (we have mattress) or junior bed
anything else anybody may want to offer will be a huge help as im sure
you all know its hard getting everything together for new home!!
thanks for reading! wish us luck with the move! : )

A problem with Freecycle in some groups is the weak moderation, perhaps the SH mods should take control? ;)
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by winchwench
Sadly there isn't one anywhere near me, so it could be a while before I can see for myself.
Great idea though BG :thumbup:

Well why not start one?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
We use Freecycle and it is great. We have got rid of some unwanted stuff and have been given some great items as well.
One weakness is that there are often no photos of the item on offer, so you can't be as sure of what you will get compared to something like ebay.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Liaisons
Sadly there isn't one anywhere near me, so it could be a while before I can see for myself.
Great idea though BG :thumbup:

Well why not start one?
When they start selling time on ebay, I might just do that. wink
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by winchwench
Sadly there isn't one anywhere near me, so it could be a while before I can see for myself.
Great idea though BG :thumbup:

Well why not start one?
When they start selling time on ebay, I might just do that. wink* has a lightbulb moment*
this time next year I'll be a millio...
Oh heck maybe I'll make a fiver..
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by winchwench
Sadly there isn't one anywhere near me, so it could be a while before I can see for myself.
Great idea though BG :thumbup:

Well why not start one?
When they start selling time on ebay, I might just do that. wink
Oh but just think of the reward you would get from knowing you are facilitating the Freecycling of about % waste items in your locality! ;)
Mind you, I shouldn't knock it, as I have met many very charming people in giving and receiving of items over the last year or so.
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by winchwench
Sadly there isn't one anywhere near me, so it could be a while before I can see for myself.
Great idea though BG :thumbup:

where do you live then winch? they've got them in dover, canterbury, folkestone, thanet, there must be one in striking distance.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by triker69uk
Sadly there isn't one anywhere near me, so it could be a while before I can see for myself.
Great idea though BG :thumbup:

where do you live then winch? they've got them in dover, canterbury, folkestone, thanet, there must be one in striking distance.
Huh? Maybe im just being numptyish then, but I checked all those areas on the link & it said there weren't any groups there dunno
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
It's just the cynic in me buts whats to stop these items ending up on eBay? dunno
Personally I've used Gumtree's free section to get rid of loads of unwanted items...
I rent out property so stuff like washing machines, beds, sofas.... etc. do tend to accumulate.
As long as a good description is given working or not the jobs a gudden & the items get a new lease of life!
Thank you for bringing this up Mrs Bone! :thumbup:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by redpantherman
It's just the cynic in me buts whats to stop these items ending up on eBay?

Because people use them of course.
But you have missed the point of Freecycle. It is to give away things you were about to throw away. That way less items have to manufactured. If a person decides to go to the effort and sell that item on (and as we all know ebay selling is time consuming), good luck to them, it has still been given a new lease of life.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by redpantherman
Thank you for bringing this up Mrs Bone! :thumbup:

I aim to please RPM!! lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Bonedigger

Thank you for bringing this up Mrs Bone! :thumbup:

I aim to please RPM!! lol
:shock: Are you Flirting
or Freecycling with me Mrs Bone! :lol2:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by redpantherman

Thank you for bringing this up Mrs Bone! :thumbup:

I aim to please RPM!! lol
:shock: Are you Flirting
or Freecycling with me Mrs Bone! :lol2:
Hun, whichever you'd like better wink :smitten: