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GFZ - Late opening, late closing weekend

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Quote by KitKat
It occurs to me, that us boys need a little corner where we can go and relax and be boys, have a boys chat, a good scratch, and do all that important boys stuff which gets frowned on in mixed company.
So here it is, a girlie free zone where we can relax and be boys.
Perhaps we could talk about the girls on the site, and say all those things we wouldn't dare say when they were looking, swap notes and things.
Go on then, who wants to be first up?? Not scared are you??
Club rules - Only one
Any message which is in the least way hurtful or deliberately insulting to any of the women in this forum will be removed immediately. I love them all dearly, and THIS IS JUST FOR FUN.
Official Opening Times
The GFZ will be open for business from around 1700 each Friday, until midnight on the following Sunday. Extensions will be frequent.
Links to previous GFZ weekends:
GFZ - Opening Weekend
GFZ - Graduation Weekend
GFZ - England win by 19 points
GFZ - DJohn: "OK Blue, do your worst!"
GFZ - Confessions of a Stag Night
GFZ - That Ralgex Moment
GFZ - 1320, Leather Kilts, and a VERY Shiny Red Helmet
GFZ - The Kate and Mel show
GFZ - Cartoon Fun
GFZ - Anything BUT Girlie Free
GFZ - Sgt Bilko Captures the Record
GFZ - Will gets his 10 out, which turns out to be 7 really!
GFZ - Gretchen, Chocolate Sauce, and a VERY loaded Shotgun
GFZ - Kate Calls Jag's bluff
GFZ - Sarge, Hughies and Ralphs
GFZ - Bedrock Bedlam
GFZ - Mr FC gives his missus one - and keeps one for himself
GFZ - Sarge Cleans Up
GFZ - Of Nipples, Munches and Two Men Mowing a Meadow
GFZ - The Red Mist Descends
GFZ - Manchester United 0 - Liverpool 1
GFZ - Kit Rules
GFZ - The Lost Boys GFZ.
GFZ - The shortest ever, only because the Lost boys got lost!
GFZ - Sarge Opens Up
GFZ – Easy gets locked in

As none of the boys have bothered to open the doors this weekend, I thought it was about time ladies got proper control of jacuzzi, the dance floor, the seating areas and of course the drinks behind the bar wink
So, as we have had a late opening of the doors, I think we should also get a late licence and party well into the night.
White wine for me lol
Sex God
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I didn't have the keys....rolleyes
I was side tracked by a mysterious person who then proceeded to nick them! :shock:
I wonder who....? :roll:
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Quote by Dlep
I didn't have the keys....rolleyes
I was side tracked by a mysterious person who then proceeded to nick them! :shock:
I wonder who....? :roll:

Typical, excuses, excuses.
Anything to get out of opening up :roll:
Sex God
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Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
I didn't have the keys....rolleyes
I was side tracked by a mysterious person who then proceeded to nick them! :shock:
I wonder who....? :roll:

Typical, excuses, excuses.
Anything to get out of opening up :roll:
I'll open up just depends on who she is....:wink:
Sex God
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Getting the ice cubes out :P
Sex God
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Quote by Sarah
Getting the ice cubes out :P

I assume for a G and T? (Well, I hope it is....:shock: )
Sex God
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No, ice cubes for the ice carving competition later on....
Like they have at the ice hotel, I thought we could have the SH equivelant! lol
I am going to carve myself an ice glass, and the drink goes in the middle! :P
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Evening All!! wave
Good grief, what a week! :shock:
Who's on naked bar duty tonight? What do you mean me? :shock: Again? Oh, alright then :giggle:
I'll just pour myself a G&T glug, glug, glug
Easy on the tonic splash
Right then - what's everyone having?
Will checks bar stocks and mumbles that no-one looks after it like the old days. He pootles off to find two cases of red wine (one spicy Shiraz, one soft Merlot) a case of crisp dry white (Sancerre seems popular, if I remember rightly :rascalsmile. Beer (lots), gin (chilled), tonic (ditto), scotch, bacardi, vodka (also chilled).
Have I forgotten anything? dunno
Will :cheers:
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Bugger! mad
Been waiting all evening to get in here. Then, when I do, the weekend treat take-away arrives! :x :x
See you all later! rolleyes
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May I indulge in a glass of red please Will?
Seeing as I've been waiting all this time for servicing. I mean service, of course rolleyes
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>>>>>Taps fingers, huffs & says thats the last time I post piccies for you useless lot rolleyes >>>>>
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:cry: Will - you forgot my Grenache :cry:
Sex God
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Quote by winchwench
>>>>>Taps fingers, huffs & says thats the last time I post piccies for you useless lot rolleyes >>>>>

What would the lovely Winchy like?
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I've only been waiting two hours rolleyes Make it a large one- by this point I've given up caring what it is- and I'll forgive you. wink
Sex God
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Quote by winchwench
I've only been waiting two hours rolleyes Make it a large one- by this point I've given up caring what it is- and I'll forgive you. wink

A pint of tizer then? :giggle:
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You're a very brave man. :dry:
Now I know where the dead man walking thing comes into it.
Sex God
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Quote by winchwench
You're a very brave man. :dry:
Now I know where the dead man walking thing comes into it.

Are you infering I'm a cheeky bleeder?
You could be right.....:giggle:
Okay, okay your Winchiness....a pint of Lager biggrin
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F*%K me......... :shock: this place is in need of re-furbishment confused
I trust the bar is still working........ cool
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Quote by MrFC
F*%K me......... :shock: this place is in need of re-furbishment confused
I trust the bar is still working........ cool

>>>>Glugs down drink.......and breathe
It's working- just very slowly!
Sex God
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Quote by willxx69
Bugger! mad
Been waiting all evening to get in here. Then, when I do, the weekend treat take-away arrives! :x :x
See you all later! rolleyes

Ahem !! Will........... I'm here for you wink
don't be sooooo willing to get away for the grub !!
The liquid could be as good...........mind you fill ya boots with the food.
Please say hello to the lovely Saffo x
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MrFC sneaks behind the bar and.................
MY ROUND!!!!!!!!
Sex God
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Quote by winchwench
F*%K me......... :shock: this place is in need of re-furbishment confused
I trust the bar is still working........ cool

>>>>Glugs down drink.......and breathe
It's working- just very slowly!
I'm sorry I'm sure rolleyes
Another? Or is it Irn Bru time yet? :lol:
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Sorry? So you should be! You just made me count compliments! Yes, I'm that bored lol
And whoever's serving, may I have some Morgans Spiced & Coke please? My ships gonna be here soon , have to get in the mood :bounce:
Sex God
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Quote by winchwench
You just made me count compliments! Yes, I'm that bored lol

Be thankful you get any! I don't :cry:
And "Thank fluck he's gone" doesn't count :lol:
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Awww, take that passionkiss
Throw me the rum (by way of celebrating my new avatar) I'm off to hit the sack.
Thank you for the (ahem) service! wink
Sex God
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Quote by winchwench
Awww, take that passionkiss
Throw me the rum (by way of celebrating my new avatar) I'm off to hit the sack.
Thank you for the (ahem) service! wink

Pleasure is mine! :inlove:
Just have pity on us
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MrFc retreats to find a bar with more atmosphere.
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Quote by MrFC
F*%K me

If you insist :rascal: