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Heaven dating

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
then they must have all been on here pretending to be swingers and really looking for love lol
seriousely take a look at the comments in the forum...
one hopes we will crawl back under the stones we have come from
xx fem xx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
OK - this is a bit annoying (also a bit funny) - but potentially annoying for others too....
I have just opened a PM from some guy saying he is contacting me on here (SH) as he has seen my profile on the dating site confused
Now I know it don't take a rocket builder to work out who I am on there (if you are a regular here) - but I have not used exactly the same name which I have on here - I have used the name I wanted to have (if some fella hadn't beaten me to it) :?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by da69ve
i've just looked at that thread.... the person who made that remark about crawling back under their rocks is from this site as well.....go figure! confused ....bugger maybe she worded it wrong or i misunderstood what she meant.....

Actually da69ve if you read my post again ( yes it was me ) you'll see that I wasn't referring to swingers in general but the QSB who seem to be unable to tell the difference between dating and swinging. There are plenty of single swingers, like me, who have joined the DH for that purpose of finding someone outside the swinging world ( hard to believe but yes, it does exist ) I'm not having a go at the many couples from SH who have joined up for a butchers, that's human nature and I'm as nosey as the next person. The 'crawling from under their stones' remark was aimed at those who just see DH as an extension of SH like some bleeding annex.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I hope that DH isn't or wasn't intended as an annexe.
There are littlerally hundreds of dating services springing up on the net and have very little to do with swinging. Money making schemes for the webmasters involved and a means for putting single people in touch with each other, but feck all to do with swinging.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Sassy-Seren

i've just looked at that thread.... the person who made that remark about crawling back under their rocks is from this site as well.....go figure! confused ....bugger maybe she worded it wrong or i misunderstood what she meant.....

Actually da69ve if you read my post again ( yes it was me ) you'll see that I wasn't referring to swingers in general but the QSB who seem to be unable to tell the difference between dating and swinging. There are plenty of single swingers, like me, who have joined the DH for that purpose of finding someone outside the swinging world ( hard to believe but yes, it does exist ) I'm not having a go at the many couples from SH who have joined up for a butchers, that's human nature and I'm as nosey as the next person. The 'crawling from under their stones' remark was aimed at those who just see DH as an extension of SH like some bleeding annex.
I knew it was you wink ....thats why i couldn't figure it out at first,wether you worded it wrong or i misunderstood it....what is a QSB?......thats what i didn't get.
now this bit is explained better here than it was there! :wink:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Come off it da69ve, hardly takes bloody Einstein to work out who it was confused :giggle:
QSB - quick shag brigade. The 'oooh look there's a single girl over there, she must be gagging for a shag' types. Can be applies to females too but generally it's the male of the species afflicted by the dreadful curse.
I wonder if it'll appear in the Oxford English Dictionary next year? rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Come off it da69ve, hardly takes bloody Einstein to work out who it was confused :giggle:
QSB - quick shag brigade. The 'oooh look there's a single girl over there, she must be gagging for a shag' types. Can be applies to females too but generally it's the male of the species afflicted by the dreadful curse.
I wonder if it'll appear in the Oxford English Dictionary next year? rolleyes

He's a postman remember - they are not that good with letters lol :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Come off it da69ve, hardly takes bloody Einstein to work out who it was confused :giggle:
QSB - quick shag brigade. The 'oooh look there's a single girl over there, she must be gagging for a shag' types. Can be applies to females too but generally it's the male of the species afflicted by the dreadful curse.
I wonder if it'll appear in the Oxford English Dictionary next year? rolleyes

sorry i must be having a blonde moment.....i did kind of work it out....but i'd already pressed the submit button.....i can see where your coming from....i'm sure the site will sort itself out when there is a clear out of the QSB's.....and i mean when they have to actually start paying......i haven't joined the site for the very reason its not what i'm looking for......i'm married and we only want to swing not date!..... wink
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by steve_j
I hope that DH isn't or wasn't intended as an annexe.
There are littlerally hundreds of dating services springing up on the net and have very little to do with swinging. Money making schemes for the webmasters involved and a means for putting single people in touch with each other, but feck all to do with swinging.

Not sure I agree? I think meeting between 2 single people who then want to swing is as acceptable as any other dating? I never use dating sites as I cant tell people out there about being on here without scaring them but have had 2 relationships from this site and is that wrong? single people on here may want a relationship in fact to then try swinging at some stage. Maybe I have mis understood you so ready to be shouted down smile
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Another thread debating the need for singles seeking singles on SH rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by corriefem
I hope that DH isn't or wasn't intended as an annexe.
There are littlerally hundreds of dating services springing up on the net and have very little to do with swinging. Money making schemes for the webmasters involved and a means for putting single people in touch with each other, but feck all to do with swinging.

Not sure I agree? I think meeting between 2 single people who then want to swing is as acceptable as any other dating? I never use dating sites as I cant tell people out there about being on here without scaring them but have had 2 relationships from this site and is that wrong? single people on here may want a relationship in fact to then try swinging at some stage. Maybe I have mis understood you so ready to be shouted down smile
I don't shout :)
You're right in what you say, which is why I didnt say that dating sites DONT have anything at all to do with swinging.
The DH site didnt strike me as being one I could quickly pigeon hole, but then thats probably to do with the majority of people on there being from over here. If DH is meant to be a dating service for SH singles then OK fair enough, but if its aimed elsewhere then the aim is off course.
And like you, Married, we dont date only swing
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I have read the posts on this forum and frankly I am amazed that only a few have picked up on the this point.
Is this because you are all scared of the owners - 4T
We joined this site after the turn of the year and so are relatively new PAYING members of the site. We are customers of 4T in the fullest sense of the word! And we feel totally let down by 4T.
For months we have asked politely about the new software that is supposed to be coming for the chat rooms - and the new improved mail and forum formats.
For months we have been asssured that it'll be here shortly.
|Now we discover that far from devoting their time and resources into helping and resolving the issues of their existing customers 4T has gone after the extra buck.
So we have questions -
1. Why wasnt the time and money spent on HD spent instead on SH?
2. Should SH members really be helping 4T make its new venture profitable when 4T has so clearly failed to provide the promised services for its existing customers?
3. Should we pay for failed promises when our membership is due for renewal?
oh yes - the new services are being trialed on HD so that they will be as near pefect as possible by the time they are introduced on SH - thats the line being used to encourage all and sundry to join HD - the few small changes on HD that have been made could have been done here very very simply.
The biggest and most difficult change and the one that has been asked for the most - the new chat software - has not been showcased on HD.
This ommision makes us seriously doubt 4T's commitment to the SH site
The perception of many is that 4T have no intention of investing in the promises that have been made to its existing cutomers.
Instead of congratulating 4T on its sharp business practises ( as some of the ops/mods seem to do) we - as customers - are asking what does that business practise mean for us??
Are just commodities? - to be used as and when suits 4T - Are we to be fobbed off with false promises?
Perhaps 4T would do well to remember that businesses who lose their core business dont last long - service your existing customers well and you'll have customers for life - ignore their needs in preference to new 'exciting' projects and you'll find yourself struggling to have any business at all.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw - that feels better
had me rant
now who did i offend ................................. ooooer sorry
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Martin_M
What do you think of the forum over there as well? (design wise)

Not logged in for a day or two just seen heaven dating, from a design point of view I don’t like it. The red’s too dark, the greys to faint, the light red on dark red tabs don’t work for me, the fonts are a tiny bit small, and I feel it’s all a bit hard on my eyes. Don’t like the borders round the forums and the last posted bit’s make’s it look blocky, reminds me of VB for some reason. There’s too much blank space under the user’s in forum bit.
The pink on white/grey work well, maybe that should be the main colour instead of dark red.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
i finally got in to HD (thanks to st3v3's huge help) got signed up, had a look around went into the chatroom
and was hugely disappointed
because i went into the chatroom, saw there was some single females, and thought great, not in a "im going to pester them" as i only do that to certain people (those that has been PM'd by me in SH know who they are) but when i had a look at their profiles, they said in their profiles or ads that they are married
so what is the point?
they are basically lying about being single, which doesnt do anybody any favours
because, for some reason, they havent had the success in finding the Bi-female they crave, they cast their net even further, to include HD, and feel they have to be dishonest in saying they are single, to increase their chances of being noticed
but they would be the first to complain if someone wasnt upfront with them, complaining the QSB will say and do anything to get in their panties, so is it a case of playing the liars at their own game? are they getting the first strike in?
is this all just a game, and i dont know the rules?
or am i being too naive, and should maybe think about where im going wrong?
or am i just in the wrong place and not suited to be here?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Martin_M
What do you think of the forum over there as well? (design wise)

It's shit. Sorry but you did ask :giggle:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Martin_M
What do you think of the forum over there as well? (design wise)

The sites good but the forum is horrible.
Think it needs some time before it settles then i will have a closer look.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Sassy-Seren

What do you think of the forum over there as well? (design wise)

It's shit. Sorry but you did ask :giggle:
Sorry, that just tickled me redface
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Laff_n_Chilli
I have read the posts on this forum and frankly I am amazed that only a few have picked up on the this point.
Is this because you are all scared of the owners - 4T
We joined this site after the turn of the year and so are relatively new PAYING members of the site. We are customers of 4T in the fullest sense of the word! And we feel totally let down by 4T.
For months we have asked politely about the new software that is supposed to be coming for the chat rooms - and the new improved mail and forum formats.
For months we have been asssured that it'll be here shortly.
|Now we discover that far from devoting their time and resources into helping and resolving the issues of their existing customers 4T has gone after the extra buck.
So we have questions -
1. Why wasnt the time and money spent on HD spent instead on SH?
2. Should SH members really be helping 4T make its new venture profitable when 4T has so clearly failed to provide the promised services for its existing customers?
3. Should we pay for failed promises when our membership is due for renewal?
oh yes - the new services are being trialed on HD so that they will be as near pefect as possible by the time they are introduced on SH - thats the line being used to encourage all and sundry to join HD - the few small changes on HD that have been made could have been done here very very simply.
The biggest and most difficult change and the one that has been asked for the most - the new chat software - has not been showcased on HD.
This ommision makes us seriously doubt 4T's commitment to the SH site
The perception of many is that 4T have no intention of investing in the promises that have been made to its existing cutomers.
Instead of congratulating 4T on its sharp business practises ( as some of the ops/mods seem to do) we - as customers - are asking what does that business practise mean for us??
Are just commodities? - to be used as and when suits 4T - Are we to be fobbed off with false promises?
Perhaps 4T would do well to remember that businesses who lose their core business dont last long - service your existing customers well and you'll have customers for life - ignore their needs in preference to new 'exciting' projects and you'll find yourself struggling to have any business at all.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw - that feels better
had me rant
now who did i offend ................................. ooooer sorry

A fair assumption to make but the conclusions are not, the main points being that the new chatroom is late and that there are certain changes that haven't been made to SH.
There is a reason for this, the devlopment of the new chatroom has been subcontracted to another company, its not laking funds or input from our end and as I've said in other posts its taking longer than forecast.
Changes to SH have been hampered while we try to move the whole site onto the new servers, at the moment we can't change the database structure as this can take the site down (some will remember when the site kept going down a few months back), until we have the database on a better cluster arrangement things like the new pm system can't be introduced. As with the chatroom the configuration of the new database cluster is being handled by a third party, there have been problems importing some of the tables due to their size and server specs have had to be changed, the delay hasn't been down to funding, in fact at this moment in time we have SH running on 11 servers and the new unused servers in place.
So while that goes on our team build new things, its also worth noting that not everyopne in Symbios works on SH, we have other developers working on these new sites of which HD is the first and about half of the company works on something totally different.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Now i'v found my way around the new site i must say it is a class site straight of the bat and in a few months and some minor improvements could be no 1.
But the forum is still rubbish lol
As a cynic i knew another site was coming to take my money at some point as soon as i noticed the heaven network logo down the bottom.
I did say i wasnt going to pay for two sites but as i have 6 months to think about it before renewall time i'm now thinking differently allready.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I raised a support ticket a few days ago and although I've not had a reply to that ( and it doesn't matter now anyway ) I've receieved about 20 emails telling me I'm number one in the queue ffs !
I logged on this morning to find 10 emails waiting for me. I thought my luck had finally changed only to find them all from the support team :cry:
Stop with the emails already ! mad
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just a small point about the HD profile system. I think the height ranges that you can choose from are far too wide! (5ft - 5ft 5, 5ft6 - 6ft or whatever.) Surely this is totally useless if you are filling in the "ideal partner" profile, or doing a search using criteria. For example, say I want to meet a woman who is not small and not tall - for me that would be between 5ft 3" ish and 5ft 10" ish. Well I can't! I can only say she must be 5ft 6 - 6ft!
Surely either the height bands should be a little narrower (e.g. 5ft - 5ft 2, 5ft 3 - 5ft 5, 5ft 6 to 5ft 8 etc etc) or totally specific (height is 6ft 2) and then make it so you can enter a range of heights in your search or ideal partner profile. (I know the latter is harder to code and so more costly but c'mon people - it's not that hard really!)
The other thing I don't quite understand is how come free members can't get into the chatroom?