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my first black girl

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I am going to meet a black girl for the first time. I have never been with a black woman before.
Have any of you guys been with a black girl before?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
well are you worried you might say or do something a bit odd? or get self conscious or something?
For the first dates or so you'll be fine. It is more likely that later in the relationship you begin to associate with and recognise some of the characteristics that make all the different races distinctive. that is the nature of racial relationships. that's the journey, the fun and the heartaches.
You'll be fine. She'll know your nervous and well intentioned etc. She'll go easy on you now. But later on watch out!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by abloke6969
I am going to meet a black girl for the first time. I have never been with a black woman before.
Have any of you guys been with a black girl before?

No never have, but my best mate is of Asian extraction and we go to the pub for a beer and a game of pool most nights. It works out fine so don't worry about it. Just make sure if your playing pool she wears trousers or a long skirt.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Never been with a black lady but have been with an asian and she was an absolute stunner. wink :wink:
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Quote by abloke6969
I am going to meet a black girl for the first time. I have never been with a black woman before.
Have any of you guys been with a black girl before?

Yes, several. Don't think of anything as "different".
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yes, black, asian and Scottish! For a one-off it's no different to anyone else.
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Quote by chief-kaiser
Yes, black, asian and Scottish! For a one-off it's no different to anyone else.

Kinky bugger! lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
ok... am i being niave.. isnt a woman a woman.... what does skin colour have to do with anything.....
~~~wanders back out wondering what apart from a boast thread is about.......
Warming the Bed
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Lots i love um , hope she turns out to be bi, could have some fun then lol x
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Quote by meat2pleaseu
Yes, black, asian and Scottish! For a one-off it's no different to anyone else.

Kinky bugger! lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by chief-kaiser
Scottish! For a one-off it's no different to anyone else.

Good to see you are welcoming to minorities.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by essex34m
Scottish! For a one-off it's no different to anyone else.

Good to see you are welcoming to minorities.
These days I'm just grateful for anything I can get!:-)
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Regardless of a ladies colour she will still have pink bits :rude:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
never have, the chance has never presented itself. To be honest i have only ever seen white folk at the munches, parties and my occasions at clubs.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
The anatomy is the same. Your personal social skills of good manners and respect for the individual will no doubt see you through as they are universally transferable. It's 'others' that usually cause the problems! So best not to take her to a KKK BBQ on a 1st date. lol
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I adore black girls, I find them extremely attractive and I've met a couple from SH, and I've known a couple otherwise. One of my 3 wives is an african beauty. Girls are girls, and sex will be whatever it is between two people. The race factor really only enters the equation if you have some hangups or if you actually go further down the road and enter into a relationship which will traverse all sorts of scenarios. First of all just relax and enjoy each other.