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Silly little stuff that pisses you off

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Sex God
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Quote by deancannock
Tall people lol

oh no....I gona bend down a little next time I see you now... :lol:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
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Memory sticks whos lids aren't attached to anything and don't have a loop or hole or anything to attach them to the stick or key-ring. What's the point? You lose it in a couple of days - they could sell them without the lids at all and save the manufacturing costs.
Oh and PCs whos USB holes are so close together you can only use one at a time.
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What really pisses me off are profiles that have no information on them or pictures.
Surely people know whether they are straight/bi curious/bi/gay?
Surely they know where they are from? Its not as if they are the only person in a town is it?
Surely they know what they are looking for - male/female/couple?
Maybe we should name and shame them.
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When I put something in a safe place .... never to be seen again!! I cant find my driving licence!!!
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Quote by Funlovers2009
When I put something in a safe place .... never to be seen again!! I cant find my driving licence!!!

I know what you mean, we are missing a marriage certificate and a driving licence (paper copy only). We swear that there must be a secret drawer somewhere and inside it are all those important things you thought you had put in a safe place.
Sex God
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Quote by domino_2
When I put something in a safe place .... never to be seen again!! I cant find my driving licence!!!

I know what you mean, we are missing a marriage certificate and a driving licence (paper copy only). We swear that there must be a secret drawer somewhere and inside it are all those important things you thought you had put in a safe place.
Our two year old son has one of these :twisted: During the last two days he has put the back door keys and the tv remote in it :mad: and we still haven't found it sad
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Quote by tweeky
When I put something in a safe place .... never to be seen again!! I cant find my driving licence!!!

I know what you mean, we are missing a marriage certificate and a driving licence (paper copy only). We swear that there must be a secret drawer somewhere and inside it are all those important things you thought you had put in a safe place.
Our two year old son has one of these :twisted: During the last two days he has put the back door keys and the tv remote in it :mad: and we still haven't found it sad
Kids are great like that!! Our son hid a set of car keys about a year ago ... still aint found them!
Sex God
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Some people dont care that their smart car does not fit in the road parked that way. Cant understand why they dont get tickets for it or some kind of law made against it. There is one parked like this every day near where I work. I have seen various other vehicles park by it including a 7.5 ton truck. The Smart car poked out further than the truck rolleyes Everyone going one way down the road has to cross the white line in order to get by it. Bloody stupid. Admittedly some of the very small ones do fit which is fine but I dont think they should be sticking out further than a 7.5 ton truck.
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Sh not working when they add silly new features, now that really pisses me off.
Sex God
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Quote by iamagreedygirl
Sh not working when they add silly new features, now that really pisses me off.

But others hit the mark dont they cat lol Quote "I like the fact we can now authorise our whispers, well done SH." unquote biggrin
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Quote by Lost
Sh not working when they add silly new features, now that really pisses me off.

But others hit the mark dont they cat lol Quote "I like the fact we can now authorise our whispers, well done SH." unquote biggrin
lol lost
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People who use infantile terminology to discuss sexual matters.
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call centers
especially the gas and electric ones banghead:banghead::banghead:
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Quote by Lost
Well today anyway...
Cup a soups with cretins in. It really spoils a moment in time for me sipping an otherwise warming drink to find my mouth invaded by some solid cube of nastiness. ARRRGGGHHHHH! :mad:

remind me not to buy the same cup a soups as you, if they have cretins in them. Ive heard of supermarkets trying to pass off a load of old sh*t but thats just taking lliberties :-)
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Taking staples out of paper and managing to jam one of them under my thumbnail in the process.
Warming the Bed
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Has anybody said Dog muck when you get in the car or go into the house and don't notice it.
Sex God
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Quote by oyes3
Has anybody said Dog muck when you get in the car or go into the house and don't notice it.

Not sure I understand? I think if people said dog muck every time I got in a car or went in a house I might start thinking that maybe I had a personal hygiene issue going on. I'd probably invest in some new deodorants.
Sex God
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Profiles/adverts that read like an application form for DSS benefits or a tax return.
Ive read a few today and I'm not sure if we are eligible or not. Anyway we've sent in a claim and are awaiting responses in the mail lol
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PDRs - Personal Development Reviews.
A crap website to do it on.
Having to grade yourself - that's what managers are for.
Spending hours making up bullshit phrases in the desparate hope you will put the words that will mean you don't lose your job.
the knowledge that they will massage the scores to produce a totallu artificial 'Normal' curve of responses.
Claims that it is used for identifying development opportunites.
Utter crap - if ever a system was better placed to provide a list of staff ripe for redundancy this is it.
At least be honest with us FFS. And if you are going to fiddle the results don't waste my f'ing time filling the stuff in!!!!!
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a boss that thinks u have no home to go too after work hours.
Sex God
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Quote by tweeky

I often wondered what flower411 did in his spare time?! Now I know, thanks Tweeky :giggle:
Sex God
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You mean I`m actually THAT annoying ??

:gagged: innocent bolt
Sex God
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Quote by flower411
You mean I`m actually THAT annoying ??

:gagged: innocent bolt
OI !! it only works if you quote the entire post !! lol
Anyway ....who asked you ?
Oranges aren't the only fruit?! :confused2:
Sex God
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Burning my elbow on the fucking cooker door :mad:
Warming the Bed
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The words over the tannoy: "We are sorry to announce that the *add time here* train, to *add destination here* has been cancelled, due to *add ridiculously lame excuse here* banghead