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Unjust SH

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Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ive been a member of SH for a year or two now.. always supported the ops and always been well behaved and ive got on with most people on this site.
Until today when I was in a chatroom.. watching a number of people being warned for bad behaviour.. ie directing.
So when someone who was obviously taking the piss got booted I was happy and expressed this in support for the ops.... to my surprise I was then booted myself for “gloating“. I then pointed out I was expressing my support for the ops and could not believe that not only was I booted but received no warning of this .. unlike the directors who were warned a number of times each.
I thought that if we all let people know that their directing wont be tolerated then it'd make the ops jobs and the general time in chat more pleasurable.. but this alienated me from chat.
When politely raising this with the op I as told.. let it lie and I was booted again. confused
… and to my disgust when I went to air my views on the forum I found that I WAS BANNED FROM THE SITE!!! For “being argumentative and not letting it lie”.. When all I was doing was liaising with the involved ops in the most amicable way.
I realise this prob will not even be allowed to stay on the forum for more than a few seconds without it being censored but what the heck.
With this all in mind I feel that these two ops are undoing all the fine work the other ops do and am seriously thinking about leaving the site all together as a result. "who cares I hear you say" well... prob no one but ive had my say and people shouldn’t have to go through this when they’ve not been disruptive in any way what so ever.
Master of Sex
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
think he did....
.... can hear the keys jingling as we speak lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just out of curiosity how many of us have had threads locked or deleted or been banned for a period and have gone over to the chat room to tell everybody about it?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
it never posted as far as i was aware.. oh well redface that nice banned message came up when i tried. oh well.
Master of Sex
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by sheddy
Just out of curiosity how many of us have had threads locked or deleted or been banned for a period and have gone over to the chat room to tell everybody about it?

Always a first time sheddy lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by sheddy
Just out of curiosity how many of us have had threads locked or deleted or been banned for a period and have gone over to the chat room to tell everybody about it?

I haven't. If I did, I'd go to the 'forum Q & A' chatroom.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
indeed i did... just checked... my apologies!. confused
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by the_magik_s
it never posted as far as i was aware.. oh well redface that nice banned message came up when i tried. oh well.

I'm sorry you may well have a gripe but I'm in stitches here you posted but didn't know you were posting because you thought you were banned so the question is were you actually banned or did you just convince yourself you were confused :?
thats cheered me up no end I was ill and grumpy thanks biggrin :D :D
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by sheddy
it never posted as far as i was aware.. oh well redface that nice banned message came up when i tried. oh well.

I'm sorry you may well have a gripe but I'm in stitches here you posted but didn't know you were posting because you thought you were banned so the question is were you actually banned or did you just convince yourself you were confused :?
thats cheered me up no end I was ill and grumpy thanks biggrin :D :D
fair point.. think ill ban myself for thinking that i was doing too much thinking... only i think it was my thinking that had got me thinking that i do too much thinking. rolleyes hell i think i need some sleep.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Let me guess.. you tried to reply to your original post and you got an error message that said soemthing along the lines of I'm sorry but you are not autorised to post in this topic
Congratulations and welcome to the locked thread club biggrin :D :D lol :lol:
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I nearly posted on this thread, but then decided that there was far too much thinking going on and thought better of it :shock:
Blimey its cold :brrrrr:
Is anyone else cold?
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
:shock: :shock: :shock: I just got booted, dunno and I was being ever so good honest innocent
what? :dunno:
look the AUP clearly states NO ANIMALS rolleyes I merely pointed out that the lady in question was being followed by a sheep :shock:
How tf was I supposed to know it was a poodle ffs :roll:
I kid you not evil
shakes head and wonders off muttering stuff about reading aup's young people, the state of the economy and global warming
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Guess what?