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viagra and swinging clubs

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Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Do u think many guys who go to swinging clubs take viagra to enhance their performance. would love to know
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Do you think they do ?
Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
i dont know thats why i am asking
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well you obviously think they do or you wouldn't be asking...
Either that or your jealous they can go so long ....
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like
Quote by Steve
Well you obviously think they do or you wouldn't be asking...
Either that or your jealous they can go so long ....

The guy asked a simple question , why then be an arse?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
jips.....a club can be quite a pressured enviroment for a single guy...especially if you not a regular. So in answer... I think a fair few do. Alot might not need it, but use it as a sort of insurance policy !!!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by starlightcouple
Well you obviously think they do or you wouldn't be asking...
Either that or your jealous they can go so long ....

The guy asked a simple question , why then be an arse?
Makes a change forme to be an arse !!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Steve
Well you obviously think they do or you wouldn't be asking...
Either that or your jealous they can go so long ....

The guy asked a simple question , why then be an arse?
Makes a change forme to be an arse !!
Not really Steve, you do it a few times.
So why be an arse to a person that asks what I thought to be a rather sensible question?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by jips66
Do u think many guys who go to swinging clubs take viagra to enhance their performance. would love to know

Yes I think many do, I know I have.
If you are looking at swinging with more than one person, best be prepared as lets be honest here, many guys hitting the big 50 are not the studs they once may have been. We have met many guys where there was not a chance of them repeating.
Many guys in their early 40's can struggle with getting and certainly keeping an erection in a club environment. So if Viagra helps them maintain it and keep it hard for longer, then you would be foolish not to have a dabble with it, unless you are one of the so called studs we have met who last ten minutes and then struggle a second time.
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by starlightcouple
Not really Steve, you do it a few times.

Yeah....Whatever you say rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 1 like
Quote by Steve

Not really Steve, you do it a few times.

Yeah....Whatever you say rolleyes
Quote by YOU lovingly
Well you obviously think they do or you wouldn't be asking...
Either that or your jealous they can go so long ....

On answering a simple question from a member with only 5 posts. No wonder people don't post much, and your reply was an arse comment no matter what you might say. smackbottom
:roll: Indeed !
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Must admit on our first 2 visits to a club I tried some in case of "1st night nerves! lol.
Having never taken it before I took a full tablet on the first occasion.....I literally had an erection for almost 3 days solid !!!. It was really painful after 24 hrs and I was beginning to think I would need a visit to the doctors.
The 2nd time I tried it I just broke the tablet in half and took one of the halves lol.
This was far far better .....altho I did find that altho I could get hard when needed I couldnt for the life of me orgasm ???
Has anyone else who has tried it had a similar problem or was it just me ?
Mrs Nu said I just took the full tablet to get me out of washing the pots as I couldnt get near the sink pmsl .
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by nucouple
Must admit on our first 2 visits to a club I tried some in case of "1st night nerves! lol.
Having never taken it before I took a full tablet on the first occasion.....I literally had an erection for almost 3 days solid !!!. It was really painful after 24 hrs and I was beginning to think I would need a visit to the doctors.
The 2nd time I tried it I just broke the tablet in half and took one of the halves lol.
This was far far better .....altho I did find that altho I could get hard when needed I couldnt for the life of me orgasm ???
Has anyone else who has tried it had a similar problem or was it just me ?
Mrs Nu said I just took the full tablet to get me out of washing the pots as I couldnt get near the sink pmsl .

For it to work you have to be sexually aroused mentally. Why you had an erection for 3 days is an absolute mystery to me. If you read the literature regarding Viagra etc, it makes no mention of that.
Maybe it was simply in your head that you had taken a tablet, coupled with the fact of going to a swingers club and the arousal of all that, just made you think about sex constantly.
Master of Sex
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by deancannock
jips.....a club can be quite a pressured enviroment for a single guy...especially if you not a regular. So in answer... I think a fair few do. Alot might not need it, but use it as a sort of insurance policy !!!
Does help with stage fright.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yes, they do. I've spent many hours at Chams and spoken to may people and a lot of single blokes have admitted to using the 'little blue pills'. Quite a few have said half a tab works better than a full tab as it gives them a really big headache.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well the first two visits to a club I went to (Bristol Spa - Brighton) I didn't use Viagra and really struggled to rise when in close proximity to other couples having sex. On our own no problem, but with others about it didn't happen for ages which was really frustrating. So
Next time I'll be taking one for sure. As pointed out, they only work if aroused so it'll be an interesting test. I've got both official Viagra and generic versions from a website, the latter I'm still not sure about.
But in my view, better to take one and enjoy the night than not and get frustrated.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I used to take half a tab when I first started going to clubs, I believe that swinging in clubs is a situation where the little man in your head can pop up and say "hey this isn't what I am used to" there isn't the comfort zone you have with regular partners or even with a new gf.
Taking a viagra or Kamagra puts the little man in his place.
It is not so much needed for performance as to quieten the anxiety some will feel, I believe if you give a man an asprin that he thinks is a viagra the same effect will happen, it's a state of mind that is the biggest problem.
BUT I found that as time went on I took a whole tablet, then two, I started to think that without them I would have a problem.
That was over 10 years ago, for the last 3 years I haven't used a single one, I realised it was a mental state not one of performance and did not want to become dependent on them, I never needed them with my partner so why after becoming experienced in the swinging scene should I need them for that, and it worked, no change in performance and no feel better for it.
Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Oh you lucky young studs!
Those of us with heart, circulation, etc, probs do need extra help because of the medical condition. Viagra may be an "instant hard-on" but in my opinion Cialis is a better product over a longer period. It's slower but longer acting, so a pill on Friday lunchtime will still be working (for me) on Sunday as well as the Friday night! Unlike Viagra, it doesn't give you the instant erection but... I have no headaches, or an inability to cum because my cock is too rock-hard. I just get "normal", but extended, hard-ons - most satisfying (for all concerned!).
With Viagra, I found that once I'd cum I couldn't normally get him back again (or at least, half-heartedly!), but with Cialis he's there again after 20 mins or so.
Try Cialis instead, if you're "at it" over an extended period (days).
Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
lol Know what you mean there mate,i am 65 now and have used Viagra in the past,some years ago though and now use Cialis and it does work well even a couple of days you it aint cheap is it?.My only problem is getting to pull a nice bird at my age !! and would like to try a swinging club but somehow don't think i would fit in at 65 :sad:
Any nice ladies out there,any age like to take me wink Have a nice swing all of yer..
Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by eight
lol Know what you mean there mate,i am 65 now and have used Viagra in the past,some years ago though and now use Cialis and it does work well even a couple of days you it aint cheap is it?.My only problem is getting to pull a nice bird at my age !! and would like to try a swinging club but somehow don't think i would fit in at 65 :sad:
Any nice ladies out there,any age like to take me wink Have a nice swing all of yer..

Just be a bit careful when taking Cialis, You should not take it if you are on beta blockers. We dont want you having a heart attack when on the job, how would you explain that.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
The only reason you will struggle to get meets or stand out at a club is because you think that way.
I am 58, I never have a problem with meets or at clubs. For sure I am too old for many people, but not too old that some don't find me sexually attractive and want to play with me. Most of the time it is the younger couples, partly because some guys feel more comforatble when their partner plays with an older guy but mostly because I make an effort and show respect.
Now I am not saying you don't, but respect is the key to swinging, personality beats six packs and believing in yourself goes a long way.
For every swinger, the youngest to the oldest, couples or singles if you don't make an effort get nowhere, read profiles, have a decent profile yourself, send mails that have some thought put into them, show in mails and profile that you have respect, personality and a sense of humour, think about what the person you want to meet is looking for not just what you want out of it and you will be successfull.
Clubs are for all age groups (consenting adults of course).
Swinging is not a free pass to sex it is a way of life and you have to live it and work it not stand on the edge looking in thinking people will do all the work for you.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by MidsCouple24
Swinging is not a free pass to sex it is a way of life and you have to live it and work it not stand on the edge looking in thinking people will do all the work for you.

What a profound statement but one so utterly incorrect for so many...essentially, speak for yourself re swinging being a 'way of life' one that has be 'lived' for it to work? You might eat/live/breathe swinging and it might very well be your vocation in life but I doubt many others are that way inclined.
For many I would think swinging be a fun activity to partake in once in awhile, sure there is an amount of effort required for it to stay fun but it's not a lifes work, it doesn't require huge amounts of effort to stay 'swinging' it just requires an amount of input for a short period of time but noting more than that.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Toots

Swinging is not a free pass to sex it is a way of life and you have to live it and work it not stand on the edge looking in thinking people will do all the work for you.

What a profound statement but one so utterly incorrect for so many...essentially, speak for yourself re swinging being a 'way of life' one that has be 'lived' for it to work? You might eat/live/breathe swinging and it might very well be your vocation in life but I doubt many others are that way inclined.
For many I would think swinging be a fun activity to partake in once in awhile, sure there is an amount of effort required for it to stay fun but it's not a lifes work, it doesn't require huge amounts of effort to stay 'swinging' it just requires an amount of input for a short period of time but noting more than that.
My bad for my terminology, I was trying to say you cannot just join a site put a few words in a profile and expect to get copious amounts of people wanting sex with you, you do have to put some effort (work it) in and understand the concept of swinging (way of life).
Many on here think it is only about sex and that people will just drop everything and meet anyone and everyone who mails them, not aimed at the thread author or anyone in particular just a number of people in general.
Swinging is a concept, it does have etiquette and rules and reasons why it exists.
In my opinion those are
Because consenting adults enjoy variety in their sex lives and not the reason many people believe in that we are all "gagging for anything we can get because our partners cannot please us"
That the possibility of having sex overrides all other requirements such as personality, looks, size, gender, sexual orientation and basically what turns us on.
Age can be relevant and for some older is better not always the other way round, you simply cannot write yourself off for being too old, too young, too tall, too short or any other reason, there are people looking for all types.
It IS a way of life, you might do it once a year or once a month or once a week but when you do it you do it under your own terms. We ourselves meet new couples once or twice a year but when we do it is under our personal terms which therefore mirror the terms of those we meet.
It DOES require work, very few will be successful in arranging meets if they don't put some effort into organising them.
But what I said was confusing, I don't believe you have to eat, breathe, sleep with swinging in mind, it is like any other pastime that can require a little thought and organisation, going to the swimming baths without your costume could be embarrassing and a waste of time.
Spend 9 hours a day practicing archery and you may end up in the Olympics, but you could do it once a month and have a very enjoyable time when you do, try to do it without a bow and it might be a waste of time.
The basic rules
Swinging - like minded adults having fun with a partners consent (if you have a partner)
No means no
Respect is paramount
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
It is the stuff I rub round my eyes to make me look hard lol
Meanwhile if that is a serious question, it is a tablet that enables those who cannot get an erection or those who struggle to maintain an erection.
Forum Virgin
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well as a member of a swinging club, i can tell you that yes men do use
the blue pill to help them keep it up.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by jips66
Do u think many guys who go to swinging clubs take viagra to enhance their performance. would love to know

The older the guy more the chance of taking some sort of pill would be the simple answer.
We have tried all sorts of pills over the years, viagra and herbal. Don't use them very often just when we go on meets but never at home just for the 2 of us. Not sure I agree with it being a head problem, it's more the case of right place at the right time. Some years ago we looked into the effects of the different products on the market and somewhere on a hard drive we must still have our finding (must dig them out sometime) it would be fair to point out some herbal products WERE as good as viagra, cialis and others less good. We also found a wide range of results with some having little or no active content so not working or not working as well as others. Headache, dry eye were the 2 main side effects we found with viagra - where some herbal pills for the same effect had next to none. We found that some herbal pills contained illegal and false ingredients. Our end result was to use a herbal pill which was reliable with next to no side effects to me.
Hope I have helped
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by starlightcouple

Not really Steve, you do it a few times.

Yeah....Whatever you say rolleyes
Quote by YOU lovingly
Well you obviously think they do or you wouldn't be asking...
Either that or your jealous they can go so long ....

On answering a simple question from a member with only 5 posts. No wonder people don't post much, and your reply was an arse comment no matter what you might say. smackbottom
:roll: Indeed !
I was just going to quote an earlier post but thought I'de scroll down and found this. This is exactly my thoughts. We've been members for a long time like the OP but until probably 10 days ago had made only 2 or 3 posts and hadn't joined in with the site. The site can be a daunting place and us quiet shy ones in the corner need to feel brave to get up and speak in front of all you "gods", a blunt response has us scurrying back into the corner with our tail between our legs not to reappear for a few years !
. . . so be nice to us, the site needs more people joining in
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by starlightcouple

Not really Steve, you do it a few times.

Yeah....Whatever you say rolleyes
Quote by YOU lovingly
Well you obviously think they do or you wouldn't be asking...
Either that or your jealous they can go so long ....

On answering a simple question from a member with only 5 posts. No wonder people don't post much, and your reply was an arse comment no matter what you might say. smackbottom
:roll: Indeed !