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What is a male slut?

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it seems it is a derogatory remark to make to a woman, but a fella will puff his chest out if he is called a slut...
i have been called a flutterby, not sure if thats the same thing ??
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Definitely my husband in his salad days...
I mused to him the other day and asked how many clits he'd tasted in one day... full well knowing the kind of parties he attended in his twenties.
He paused at the question and replied thoughtfully, 'yes probably at a party was the most' but he went on to tell me just what a slut he'd been. Having been a nightclub DJ for the largest club in Derby he could pretty much take a different girl home each night... even though he'd been courting his future wife for years (not me). He laughed as he told me this one particulary 24 hour period... bedded a girl before taking her back at - no sooner had he got back to the house - girl from next door turned up... she left.... his girlfiend then required his attention for the afternoon... then back to work... then a new girl later that night... <head shake>... what a slapper!
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Most male "sluts" are nothin' of the sort. Just pretenders! :huh:
rolleyes :roll: :roll:
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I think I qualify as a tart...
Sex God
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