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Would you eat it?!

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28 replies
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Cook it up?

18 votes remaining
Hell no! (22 votes) 122%
Have a go! (7 votes) 39%
Hell no! (0 votes) 0%
Have a go! (0 votes) 0%
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hmm, I'm starving and we have some yummy veggies, baked potatoes and corn on the cob, but also a pack of chicken to go with it all- and I really really want the chicken!
The slight problem is the use by date was the 29th, 2 days ago.
I hate the smell of raw meat even if it's fresh so I can't smell it without being sick anyway, so can't do the 'smell test' to see if it's good or bad!
Would you cook and eat it?!!?!
Do i risk a potential sick day tomorrow?! I'm sooo hungry and the veg alone just won't do!It also has to be re-heated when den comes in from the pub....
I fear pizza delivery coming on.....
What did everyone have for dinner tonight??Just to make me more hungry!
m xx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
maz, i'd scoff it.....give it a good nuke in the microwave and you'll be OK :lol;
in fact im so sure it would be ok...i'd feed it to my kids to smile
BTW if it does make you ill...i accept no responsibility whatsoever!!! lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'd wear rubber gloves just to touch it to put it in the bin! :shock:
I wouldn't eat it, no :shock:
Let me know what you do! lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Oh no! one of each answer!
hmmm, I'm getting hungrier by the second!!!
Does anyone have any chicken breasts to bring round for me?!!?! lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
i would not eat it, but then i dont eat chicken anyway lol
seriously though, i dont think its worth the risk, i would eat the yummy veg and bin it.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ok, 2 against one so far.....
that means bin it, anyone going to convince me to eat it? How bad for you is 2 day out of date chicken?!?!?!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
eat it raw!
Founder Member; Dangerous Foods Club!
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by mazandden
Does anyone have any chicken breasts to bring round for me?!!?! lol

Er no, sorry! We ate them for our dinner tonight! :lol:
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Dont even go there i had food poisoning recently and thought i was going to die!!! SERIOUSLY
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I've given in and i'm off to pick up pizza!
I'll get fresh chicken tomorrow and cook it all then!
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
it depends.... how cast iron is your stomach usually.... smile
you could cook it well done..... and have a chicken and sweetcorn mayo jacket potato.....
god i just made myself hungry!!!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Definately not cast iron in the slightest!
And I put myself off it just by looking at it!!
Den would eat anything, he'd probably eat it if it was a week past its date!
The pizza is good, but now i feel minging and i've not had any of the yummy veg now!
Think I'll be going to the gym tomorrow......
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
If it is one or two days over the use by date then it shouldn't be a problem as the manufacturers build in a 25% safety factor i.e. if it has 10 day use by date then it should be ok until the 12th or 13th day.
The smell and feel test is the best. If it smells off, bin it. If it feels slimy, bin it. Otherwise just eat it
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Dave__Notts
. Otherwise just eat it

Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by LondonPlaything
. Otherwise just eat it

Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yippee Ki Yayyyy (sushi stylee)
now that.... (sushi) must be dangerous, surely?
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by LondonPlaything
Yippee Ki Yayyyy (sushi stylee)
now that.... (sushi) must be dangerous, surely?

Millions of Japanese can't be wrong...........except maybe for Pearl Harbour lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Dave__Notts
Millions of Japanese can't be wrong...........except maybe for Pearl Harbour lol

that was down to sushi?????
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'm sure suhie is just fish though... not out of date chicken.
I'm sure by now you will have done whatever.. But trust me lol... DO NOT EAT BAD CHICKEN..Ewwww. Starve its safer. Order Pizza..
Unless nuked to the point it looks so bad you won't want it anyway xxx
Mike xx
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Awww, i wish i'd read this one sooner! you know when you post something, but you've already decided what you want the answer to be?! redface If dave had been first to say this along with bonedigger, then i'd be munching those breasts just now....
I can't smell chicken as the good stuff would make me feel sick anyway, and i would always think it smelt off....
As for the slimyness, i always think chicken is slimey!
I'm sure it wouldn't have done me any harm, but the pizza was good!
Thanks all- now you can tell me what you all had for dinner!
Quote by Dave__Notts
If it is one or two days over the use by date then it shouldn't be a problem as the manufacturers build in a 25% safety factor i.e. if it has 10 day use by date then it should be ok until the 12th or 13th day.
The smell and feel test is the best. If it smells off, bin it. If it feels slimy, bin it. Otherwise just eat it
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
This brings me to think about the classic argument of finding an out of date item in a shop. One feels rightfully affronted at finding such a thing. However one may have such things bought within date but well out of date nestling in one's fridge.
At a few days old it's fine. Stew it up in a curry.
Master of Sex
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by mazandden
Hmm, I'm starving and we have some yummy veggies, baked potatoes and corn on the cob, but also a pack of chicken to go with it all- and I really really want the chicken!
The slight problem is the use by date was the 29th, 2 days ago.
I hate the smell of raw meat even if it's fresh so I can't smell it without being sick anyway, so can't do the 'smell test' to see if it's good or bad!
Would you cook and eat it?!!?!
Do i risk a potential sick day tomorrow?! I'm sooo hungry and the veg alone just won't do!It also has to be re-heated when den comes in from the pub....
I fear pizza delivery coming on.....
What did everyone have for dinner tonight??Just to make me more hungry!
m xx

Maz, my dearly beloved is a qualified butcher and I have every confidence that she would have said to bin it too. When they sell chicken it has 2 days on it and that is from super-fresh as she works at one of these country farm/shops where they breed, kill and sell most of their own stuff. Having seen some of the nasties she's had to put on the counter in other places, and assuming that we're talking pre-packed supermarket chicken here, I wouldn't have touched it with a bargepole!!
The one thing to remember with any raw meat is that if you even have to ask yourself the question as to whether or not its fit to eat or not then you've basically answered your own question.
Enjoy your tasty veggies when you get round to them though smile
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Problem if the meat in our fridge was a day or two old?
It would be nice if we new how accurate those sell by dates really are! :shock:
It's seems the 'choice' we thought we had regarding consuming 'past sell by' meat may not be what we're entitled too...
Some utalised by unscrupulous vendors makes me wanna heave!
Warming the Bed
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
yuck maz you are an intelligent female and i defo would never ever ever ever ever eat meat that unless it has that day on it, i put all meat in the bin if it is not in the use by date I think that the problem is companies make out it will be bad for you but i would never ever take that chance, bin it and have den's sausage instead lol..........
love ellie15
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :twisted:
Sex God
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I would have binned it too. Hope you enjoyed whatever it was you had in the end, I had chicken tikka masala it was yummy lol
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I am amazed by the almost universal reliance on use-by dates. I seldom even look at them preferring always to judge by look and feel and smell, and possibly taste - for cream and yoghurts and stuff like that. I have never been ill from my own cooking ... yet! rolleyes
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
I know it's too late for your dinner choice but thought I'd share this.
The rawer you want to eat something, the fresher it has to be.
The smell test is one of the best ways of telling offness, but won't help much with contamination and is useless if you have a cold.
Never use the smell test on anything spiced (salami etc).
Eggs can go weeks after their sell by date.
Beef is hung for 2-20 days - use your judgement on the dates on your steaks.
Don't take the risk with shell-fish EVER.
Be careful fetching stuff home from the shop - if something like chicken gets warm, even for a short time, cook it as soon as you can - even if you then freeze the result.
That's it for now from Granny Foxy :lol2:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
With raw meat you have to look at what the problem will be.
If pathogens are on raw meat then it would be unwise to eat it, but then again how many people eat raw meat?
If you cook raw meat then you will kill off the pathogenic bacteria and that will not harm you. The FSA is looking at declassifying raw meat from a "use by" to a "best before" date.
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by foxylady2209
I know it's too late for your dinner choice but thought I'd share this.
The rawer you want to eat something, the fresher it has to be.
The smell test is one of the best ways of telling offness, but won't help much with contamination and is useless if you have a cold.
Never use the smell test on anything spiced (salami etc).
Eggs can go weeks after their sell by date.
Beef is hung for 2-20 days - use your judgement on the dates on your steaks.
Don't take the risk with shell-fish EVER.
Be careful fetching stuff home from the shop - if something like chicken gets warm, even for a short time, cook it as soon as you can - even if you then freeze the result.
That's it for now from Granny Foxy :lol2:

and not forgetting pork! :shock: terrible stuff to get food poisoning from and rice!.. rice left in a fridge and reheated can double your chances of food poisoning.
It's also important to remember (I learnt this at food hygiene classes) that the worst culprit is a cooked chicken/turkey left on a bench to cool down, by the time to put it into the fridge the bacteria has already started to multiply. Never put on a window sill to cool down quicker (I actually used to do this confused )