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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 50
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · Greater London


Warming the Bed
It's easy enough to say yes to a meet, but what if you get there and you don't fancy the other person / people, and they show that they're very keen on you or just come onto you?
I have found in the past, when swinging as a single that I find it difficult to say no in person, and just went through with it regardless, so I became very fussy with my screening beforehand.
My OH is far more direct, and while it hasn't happened yet I know he'd just say no after drinks or something if it wasn't a go for him or I. At clubs he's able to say no to people if he sees that I don't like them, but I have let quite a few people I don't fancy grope me or touch me because I don't know how to say no and my OH hasn't seen.
It's not a big problem anymore, but I would like to know how others handle it?
Warming the Bed
1) People who write in text speak. I don't mind (a few) spelling mistakes, but I wouldn't be attracted to a woman or a couple that don't mind appearing to 'grunt' at others to try and attract them iykwim?
It just seems so sloppy, lazy and indicates a person not on our wavelength.
2) Grooming and age are important to me. I'm the female btw. My oh is far less fussy, and fancies women from all different age groups as long as they're groomed and good looking. I would prefer someone less than 10 years either side of me. Too old or too young would be creepy for me.
Things that are not necessarily deal breakers but have an effect on my desire:
Shape / height / hair. I like both slim and buxom women (big breasts with huge nipples are fab - sadly mine are small), but short women don't turn me on. I prefer taller women. The hair for me is important as well and I prefer it long.
Fussy? Moi?
Warming the Bed
I would love to try one myself. Especially while my face is used for other things. wink They look amazing.
Warming the Bed
I've not had any outrageous liars except once. A few years ago on here with a different profile name as a single girl, and I had my pick of SH, I had a few meets, and one gave a photo of this gorgeous blonde bloke, IN rugby gear by a bunch of other blokes playing rugby, mischievous smile etc etc. 6foot 4 or something.
I was on heat going to meet him, but sadly the pic must have been about 5 years and 500 pies out of date. Don't do that to a girl! The disappointment was so awful.
We have one torso pic in public of mr a, but full body and face shots in our private album which I send out when replying to anyone.
Warming the Bed
I try my hardest, and I love giving them to my partner, (and always swallow), but I had to be shown the techniques that he likes as apparently I was a bit crap in the beginning. I tried though. Now I think I'm pretty good, but when it comes to hand jobs I still often get it wrong and have to be shown again...
I'm now learning to DT. Not easy. I want so much to do it and am nearly there, but find I can't breathe after a bit so have to pull back.
Warming the Bed
FFM for me lol
A good seeing to by Mr A while our lady friend uses my face...heaven! So hard to organise though so has only been a rare treat. Could also do with trying FFF(M) or FFFFF(M)'s but will stick with what I can get.
I've had a MFMF which was also very good. I still prefer more girls though - I also mainly watch lesbian porn smile
Hmmmm I wonder if I'm trying to tell myself something....
Warming the Bed
Is it too late to add mine?
I'm the female half of alliteration, and 3 years ago, having been separated for too long, was very horny. I found this site, and put an ad on for a couple as I had always wanted to do the deed with another woman. I had loads of responses and settled on 2 couples, who I met within a week of each other.
The first was a fantastically orgasmic experience and well worth it. However, they were having an affair with each other, and when we were all in a post sex afterglow, she leaned over to the bedside table and saw a used condom in the bin (it was his house) and started freaking out that he had been seeing someone else. I thought she was joking at first, but she got more and more worked up and he had to usher me out, completely apologetically, while we could hear her smashing stuff upstairs.rotflmao
The second couple I met at a hotel; he was about 20 years older than her, and she was a fantastically good looking redhaired girl, and we got on very well. So well in fact and we gave each other such a good time, that I think he felt excluded or something, because he didn't try to join in. He just watched in silence. At the time I thought maybe he was just into watching, but afterwards he said 'That was pretty boring actually', and I just got dressed like an automaton while she was apologising, and when dressed walked out without saying anything.:wary:
They did apologise by text and said he'd just felt left out, asking to meet again and next time would be better, but I was so peed off I never responded. redface
Oh well, it all adds to lifes rich tapestry and it didn't put me off for too long...
Warming the Bed
Quote by Midlandsman1970
If you look really really hard at my avatar you maybe able to see i have both mine done, I did them myself with a big saddlers needle after the professional one ripped out and split my nipple open, I havent lost any feeling in either that im aware of.

That is seriously brave... wow. I had mine done a month ago at a tattoo parlour, and each one was extremely painful to have done. They're fine now though. I also had my vertical hood done the same day, but they put it in off-center so I had to take it out. I'm going back next week to have it redone. At least that wasn't as painful as the nipples.
Warming the Bed
I only started wearing heels semi regularly this year. Prior to this, I've hobbled along once every 2 months or so to a function in vertiginous heels, but I'm aiming to make them a daily staple. (Apparently there isn't a trick to it, just lots of painful practice).
My motivation is that thanks to my oh, I now own a few pairs of seriously good, expensive shoes and want to get some wear out of them dammit!
Talking of daily heel wearing, has anyone been watching the Apprentice, notably the women stalking around in their tight skirts and killer heels? They look gorgeous and as they can run around London all day in theirs, it spurs me on.
Warming the Bed
I'm really interested in this. I first squirted about 6 months ago, and it's still hit and miss to the extent that it's only happened a few times. My oh LOVES it when I do, and I'd like to be a bit more in control of it, but at least it happens now and then.
I have always had abundant clitoral orgasms, and I think that the muscles developed over the years keeping myself from peeing now are part of the mechanism of said orgasms. (Does that make sense to anyone?)
Are there particular vibrators that are best to use?