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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 47
0 miles · Gloucestershire


“Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. ” ….. Cynthia Nelms

looking for nice and well behave company as I miss the fun in my life . One more significant thing, I have noticed that some girls think I am obsessive about them because of the way I am writing, which is not the case at all. Please let me know if any girl, think I am obsessive of her, and I would be very pleased to stop any activity concerning her at once. IT IS NOT MY FAULT by any mean that some guys do not pick the right words for girls. Second thing, if any one, think I’m annoying/bothering/irritating her/her please notify me quickly and I will be more than happy to forbidden any kind of contact with her/him so quickly as well. I hope that I am quite clear about those two points.

Thank you.



Erotic writing
Oral sex
Straight sex


Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 150 miles