When Vanilla Loses its Taste
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Vanilla: noun,
flavour obtained from
tropical orchid; adjective,
flavoured with vanilla -
common, unadorned, bland.
This year, on Ash Wednesday - National
No-Smoking Day - I celebrated the fact that
it was my first such day as a non-smoker.
Patches, inhalers, gum, Zyban - I'd tried the
lot. Finally I succeeded as one of the
trialists to use Champix... well, I haven't
smoked for over six months and life has
been quite stressful.
I bring this up because I was helping a
few people in chat-rooms who had, in the
past, mentioned that they wished they could
give up. Several months on, and the same
people are still puffing away energetically on
their cigarettes.
This made me remember the odd
occasions when I had been told that x, y or z
had decided to stop chatting, posting or even
being active in a certain 'lifestyle' choice.
With extraordinary regularity that person
would inevitably turn up again, either in
rooms, on site or at munches and parties.
The hardest habits to break
Is it impossible to give up a certain lifestyle -
such as swinging, D/s (Dom/sub) or other
fetish-based ways? I believe that it would
certainly be an extremely difficult choice to
make. I have been involved in swinging for
nearly thirty years and, off and on, for nearly
the same length of time in the BDSM
lifestyle. During that period I have had the
honour of being collared to a Mistress in a
relationship that began on-line and
eventually became real-time as a 24/7
member of her stable. I have been married to
a dominant woman and been out with
Dommes and Switches - yet even when I
was uncollared and without guidance, I was
never anything but a submissive.
On a basic level, there would appear to be a
number of perceived benefits of living a
fantasy - but how practical is it? Vanilla may
well lose its taste... but would one want to
eat curry every day?
Shared philosophies
Recently, I have been looking with
growing interest at the Gorean lifestyle,
as the writings of John Lange (pen-name
John Norman) demonstrate philosophies
and tenets that are close to my own.
This science fiction 'counter-world' is
based on four main pillars - those of the
Home Stone, Caste, Slavery and the
Order of Nature.
Followers of Gor believe that their
lifestyle is far more than just roleplay
and, as such, can only
satisfactorily be followed 24/7.
This was reinforced last year
when newspapers carried the 'shock
horror' story of police raiding a house in
Darlington, where they uncovered up to
eight slaves, living in servitude with a
Master and his Kaotian apprentice -
Kaotians being a separate splinter group
of the Goreans.
Grown-up choices
The fact that all in the house were
consenting adults failed to make the
headline, it being of greater interest
that 'slaves' were 'led into shops on
a collar and lead', 'subjected to
unusual sexual practices'
and 'made to kneel
before their
The mind boggles at the thought of 25,000
Goreans descending on Darlington to join
with the 350 reportedly already living in the
north east.
So, is it desirable and/or possible these
days to live 24/7 in such a particular nonvanilla
Ancient habits die hard
Obviously, in the vanilla world we are
brought up to believe in and follow ideals
that are centuries old, dating from the times
of the Knights Templar through to modernday
religions and societies such as the
And so we live a just life, marry and
either provide for, or serve, our partner. The
marital vows and the way they were
enforced in the early days of the twentieth
century would seem incredibly familiar to
those in a BDSM relationship.
Goreans argue that their way of life is
far more than simply a subset of BDSM
practices. On the face of it, and as a cult
based on an American novelist's vision, it can
even bear some comparison with L Ron
Hubbard's Dianetics and Church of
Scientology. Neither is recognised by
governments as a religious way of life - and
some see them as (extreme) cults. Notably,
both came from science-fiction writings.
Each was started over thirty years
ago (Scientology in 1950s,
Gor in the 1970s), but
still continue to
show a growth in
The Gorean theory
As with many beliefs, there are divides and
chasms within the Gor lifestyle. Some would
have it that, as I am currently 'without
Master', I should also be without belief and
knowledge and, as such, be incapable of
writing this article. Others would state that
as a 'freewoman', while still subservient to
men, I should be able to plot and plan my
own life. Some would go even further and
suggest that it is my mindset that makes me
'kajira' or slave. Certainly I have to try to
control certain aspects of my personality in
this; I believe and yearn for a Master, to be
given a 'kef' branding and slave flower or
'dina' mark.
Obviously it may be difficult
and possibly embarrassing to
walk around on the end of a
lead, or to display overt signs
of being owned. As previously
stated, as a Gorean slave I
would hope to receive my
Master's 'brand'. Quite
often this can take the
form of a tattoo, but
if you want a true
'brand', then modern-day science enables the use of
cauterising equipment to create a more
intricate design.
Often one may desire a more discreet
sign for use while at work or in public -
especially when the relationship involves
contact with the vanilla world. In this
respect, I find it is the mindset of the
submissive that allows him or her to remain
true to a 24/7, non-vanilla existence.
The correct mental attitude
Without question, I would obey the
commands of my Dom(me), be they of a
sexual nature or purely to show the
exchange of power. I know that I
would never be placed at risk.
In this I have been reassured
in the past by my contract,
in which the hard and soft
limits of my behaviour
were clearly set out.
My last contract was
quite typical and covered
206 types of behaviour,
ranging from anal play,
deprivation, whip-and
paddle-use (all of which
are but a limited example
of things that I enjoy), to
bestiality, scat (brown
showers) or anything
underage (all ABSOLUTE
hard limits, NEVER to be
Each activity had to be
rated from 1-5, where 1
meant that I did not want
or like an activity - but as
sub would do it if asked, and
(5) meant that I found the
activity totally arousing.
Of course, there were also some
activities that I had never experienced before
and some that I would only ever explore with
my Dom(me), such as asphyxiation and
It was this contract that defined the rules of
my on-going training, and was a major
element in ensuring that I gave pleasure to
my Dom(me), in the way that I spoke, acted
- and even in the way I thought.
Departure from the 'norm'
I find it extremely difficult to enter into a
'vanilla' way of life. To me it really is bland
and tasteless... but then possibly I have
become jaded.
Certainly it is relatively easy for me to
enjoy a lifestyle that is non-vanilla. As a
transsexual, I am used to being regarded as
'different' and so my embarrassment
threshold is now quite high. For others,
however, it may be more difficult to obtain
that balance.
Can a Dom(me) be accepted as a Boy
Scout leader with all of the obvious
personality attributes that he or she will
bring to the role? Conversely, could he or she
fit into a more menial sort of job, such as an
office junior?
Given my upbringing - my years as a
swinger and as an acolyte of BDSM - it is not
surprising that a vanilla lifestyle would be
without taste for me, while my chosen path
might appear tasteless to others.
After greater, more diverse experiences,
would you too find a vanilla lifestyle lacking
in taste - bland and unexciting? I would
humbly suggest that all that you can do is to
'suck it and see!' And if there happen to be
any firm but caring Dom(me)s out there...
Tina King
(Information for this article
has come from real-life
experience and not Gorean
tavern-talk. My thanks go
to those respondents who
wish to remain nameless -
see below.)
To research this article, Tina sent
the following questionnaire to
friends in Bdsm chatrooms,with
the aim of getting a Dom(me)e's
Answers provided an insight
into registering a slave / receiving
a slave number and ID, and the
Gorean world and its inhabitants.
1 Current lifestyle - short explanation
of how you choose to show your
adherence to a particular life style/fetish
2 Date when alternative lifestyle started
3 Presence of any contracts - if so,
hard/soft limits or desires
4 Registration of either partner
5 Previous employment/vanilla lifestyle
6 Comparison with vanilla lifestyle -
eg marriage etc
7 If not 24/7, percentage of time spent
in lifestyle
8 Do family know/approve?
Understandably, a number of
people felt this information too
private to divulge, and declined
to respond, the relationship
between a Dom and his/her sub
being a deeply personal one.
However, those replies
received provided a flavour of
diverse and unique relationships,
and an insight into the
complexities of living 24/7 in
such a radically unconventional
and non-vanilla lifestyle.