What you need to know about Breast Enhancement Surgery
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If your cleavage lacks clout and you
feel cheated by Mother Nature with
your bee-sting breasts, a solution
has never been more accessible. However, if
plastic surgery is what you want, it's essential
to have the facts before you...
These days, you could be forgiven for feeling that to remain untouched
by the plastic surgeon's scalpel is practically abnormal. Botox, collagen
fillers, liposuction and, of course, boob-jobs are splashed all over our
celebrity gossip magazines, adverts, on TV and in films. Recently, there
have been reports that even middle-aged men are taking the plunge
and opting for tummy-tucks and 'moob-jobs' in the quest for the
appearance of eternal youth.
While breast enhancement has been around for
decades (in fact, the first breast-implant surgery was
carried out in 1895!), popular opinion dictated that
boob-jobs were only for porn-stars, glamour models
and 'it' girls. Not so anymore. Perhaps society now
views big, firm, pert breasts as the norm - which can
surely only worsen any issues women have over
their own endowment. There is a lot of
information available to women considering
breast enhancement, and the following
summary is a brief review, set out as simply
and clearly as possible.
Who opts for boob-jobs - and why?
The category I want to focus on here is
women who (for whatever reason) yearn to
change the size, shape and position of their
breasts. In studies published in recent years
in the medical journal Plastic Reconstructive
Surgery, it was found that women who opt
for breast enhancement for cosmetic reasons tend to
be, on average:
- Young
- Healthy
- Of a high socio-economic status
- Often married with children
- Tending to have slightly higher levels of low
self-esteem, depression, or conditions such as
body dysmorphic disorder, than those
exhibited in the population as a whole
The Department of Health explains that women
often have breast enhancement surgery because of
dissatisfaction with the size and shape of their
breasts, to regain size or shape following childrearing,
or to correct deformities or asymmetry.
Many flat-chested women feel less feminine
and curvy than their big-boobed
counterparts, and in this instance a boob-job
can bring significant psychological benefits.
It's important to remember that you
shouldn't even consider a boob-job unless it's
because you want it. Partners and loved ones
should like you for who you are - otherwise
they're just not worth associating with!
What options are available?
To begin with, there are implants. There are
two main types of breast implant - silicone
gel or saline. Both of these implants:
- Have a long history of use
- Have not been clinically proven to be
unsafe, despite media reports to the
- Are available in a 'teardrop'
(anatomical) or round shape
- Consist of a silicone shell with
different filling options
Saline implants obviously contain a
saline filler, which is chemically similar to
products found naturally in the body. This
means if the implant bursts, the filling will be
safely absorbed and then secreted by the
body. This implant is less suited to women
with very little natural breast tissue, is also
more prone to wrinkling, rupture or deflation,
and is thought to have a shorter 'shelf-life'
than its silicone counterpart.
Silicone implants are available with
either a soft or firm filling. The soft filling
feels most natural, and the implant is less
prone to tell-tale wrinkling, while the firm
gel has the security of keeping its shape,
even if the implant shell were to rupture,
however, it may result in a slightly larger
incision scar. There are a couple of other
types of implant available, such as the soya
oil variety, but these are not licensed in the
UK and there is more medical speculation
over the dangers of these other types than
over silicone and saline varieties.
Surgical procedures
There are different ways to position the
implant in your breast, and different places
to make that first incision. As with the
implants, these each have their own pros and
cons. It's worth noting that not all surgeons
carry out all the available techniques.
In the simplest terms, there are two
locations the surgeon can place the implant:
- The subglandular position (the
implant is placed between the chestwall
muscle and the natural breast
- The subpectoral position (the implant
is placed under both the chest
muscle and the breast tissue)
The subglandular position is considered
to look the most natural, but any wrinkling
or rippling may show more prominently.
Subpectoral breast enhancement suffers less
from wrinkling problems and is thought to
give a more natural look to women with
little of their own breast tissue - but some
people believe this type is more likely to sag.
Typically, there are four types of incision
available to surgeons when performing
enhancement surgery:
- Inframammary incision involves
cutting under the breast, where a
scar will be hidden by the position of
the breast. This is most suited to
patients who will have breasts of a
suitable size to conceal the scar in
the fold of the breast
- Periareolar incision involves cutting
around the nipple area, and is most
common in mastoplexy (breast-lift).
Scarring here can be less obvious,
depending on the natural colour of a
woman's areolas
- Transaxillary incision involves going
in from the armpits, producing a scar
that will not be easily spotted, even
by the keenest eye
- Transuembilical inncision (knowtn as
TUBA) - makes an incision in the
navel and a saline implant is inserted
from there. The obvious benefit of
this is that nobody would ever think
to look for your boob-job scar in your
belly-button, but it is generally
recognised that this procedure
suffers problems with attaining good
symmetry - for obvious reasons.
The Breast Implant Information Society (BIIS)
offers some advice on what to expect from
your consultations - such as taking a list of
questions, and a pen and paper to take any
notes. The Department of Health also offers
a comprehensive checklist of questions to
ask a prospective surgeon - which is a
helpful first port of call. The BIIS also point
out that the various clinics advertising in the
back of many women's magazines are merely
agents which give you the easiest access to a
surgeon.While this is not necessarily a
negative thing, it's important to remember
that the free consultations they offer are
with surgical 'advisors', and not usually the
surgeons themselves.
The BIIS advise that you do not make a
decision until you have had a consultation
with the actual surgeon who will be
performing the procedure. This will be an
additional cost, but it's worth it.
Don't be afraid to schedule more than
one consultation with more than one
surgeon; this is your body we are talking
about, and you have to be 100 per cent
happy with the person about to slice you
open before you part with your money... or
go under the knife. Try to remember that
your surgeon will do everything within their
power to give you the look you desire, but
they are not miracle-workers, and your
finished result will depend on a lot of things
- particularly the size and shape of your
breasts prior to surgery. You should try your
best to have realistic aims.
How much will it cost?
There doesn't appear to be such a thing as a
'one-price-fits-all' approach to boob-jobs. It
boils down to the type and size of implant,
the type of surgery, the amount of aftercare
you require, and so on. The BIIS give a
guideline of between £3,500 and £5,000.
One way to reduce the cost is to consider
plastic surgery overseas. One clinic in Prague
offered a total package from between £2,089
and £2,674. However, it is worth really doing
your research on this one. You have to know
where you stand once you return home if
there should be any complications, and it is
incredibly unwise to book a major operation
without seeing the clinic and surgeon, so
factor in the extra return flight to check out
the clinic - and you may find it works out as
well in the UK where you have more peace
of mind. Boob-jobs aren't cheap, but
economising on your aftercare could be very
dangerous. Many companies offer finance
options, which may suit your financial
situation and make payment easier.
The op, after-effects... and complications
The operation lasts a couple of hours, and
how long you remain in hospital will vary
from person to person - but you can expect
to be in for at least one night.
When you wake up you will be covered
in dressings and be expected to wear a
special support bra until told otherwise.
Initially there will be swelling and your
cleavage area may feel very firm. The amount
of pain you experience will depend on factors
such the surgical technique, your personal
pain threshold, the amount of swelling - and
smoking is also known to retard the healing
process. The Department of Health lists the
post-operative 'warning signs' (that is, things
happening after your boob-job that require
medical attention) as deflated breasts,
offensive wound discharge and excessive
swelling, and heat or pain in the breasts.
Breast sensation tends to change after
the operation too, and many women report a
loss of nipple sensitivity - but this will vary
from person to person. It may also take a few
months for the breasts to look natural.
Telltale scarring
There are two possible types of scar that can
linger as a reminder of a boob-job. The first is
the incision scar, which may take a long time
to heal and be very red, thick and even
painful. This can remain after any surgical
procedure, but you can take homeopathic
arnica tablets to optimise healing, and
applying vitamin E oil (or other oils specially
formulated for scars) to the wound-mark can
help reduce that angry look.
The second is an internal form of
scarring known as 'capsular contracture'. The
body will put up a wall of scar tissue
(effectively a fibrous capsule) around any
foreign body, in this instance, the breast
implant. This will eventually shrink (known as
the capsular contracture), but there is no way
of determining by how much - which may
distort the implant. Capsular contracture is
indicated by the hardening of the breast. It
may need further surgery to remove the
implant, the capsule of scar tissue, or both.
This is the most common complication with
breast-implant surgery, although the latest
implants with a more textured shell have
been developed specifically to reduce the
amount of capsular contracture.
Life expectancy
It is difficult to establish an absolute 'use-by'
date for implants. They are expected to last
for twenty to twenty-five years according to
the BIIS, but it is not fully known as yet. It is
important to remember when considering a
boob-job, that the implants do not last
forever, and that down the line you must
expect to shell out more of your hard-earned
cash for replacements.
The 'risk' of silicone implants
A number of women have reported serious
illness after having silicone implants. Their
symptoms included rashes, hair-loss, musclespasms
and painful joints. As a result, an
independent review was carried out to
determine if silicone implants were
dangerous. The review concluded that it
could not be clinically proven, so the current
medical thinking is that silicone implants are
safe. However, for the results of a survey like
this to be more accurate, many longer-term
studies would need to be carried out on
women over a period of up to twenty-five
years, studying separate groups who do and
do not have breast implants, to see if any
developing illnesses are only found in those
who have gone under the knife. You can read
the entire review online, allowing you to
draw your own conclusions.
Non-surgical alternatives
Not sure that going under the surgeon's knife
is for you? Can't afford implants? Terrified at
the thought of it all? Here's a quick look at
some other options:
- A good bra - there are so many
options out there these days! There
are ones that lift, ones with gel
inserts - and don't forget chicken
fillets and the like!
- Dusting a touch of bronzer down
your cleavage creates the illusion
that there's more there than there
really is (think about how artists use
darker paint to give a 3-D impression
- it's the same principle)
- The BRAVA system is a special bra,
which claims to encourage the
growth of breast tissue nonsurgically.
At around £790 it is pricy,
but cheaper than a boob-job
- Perfect C is a herbal supplement
which contains natural hormone-like
substances. This appears to be a
favourite with the celebrities.
A three-month supply will cost you
around £175
- Hypnosis. No, really - some women
swear by it. It could set you back up
to £1000, depending on how many
treatments you have
- DermaBreast products are beauty
products containing natural
phytoestrogens, which they claim
will solve any breast woe (cure
sagginess, increase size and firmness
etc). The full kit costs $112 US, and
they offer free worldwide shipping
Final advice
So, still thinking of taking the plunge? Here
are some tips:
- Research, research, research. Ask
friends who have had boob-jobs for
advice and recommendations; look
for related forums on the internet,
check out unbiased websites such as
those of the Department of Health
and the BIIS
- Don't make any rash decisions. This is
not a new pair of shoes; this is a
major operation on your body
- Don't be afraid to see more than one
surgeon. If you don't like the surgeon
you have a consultation with, don't
let him touch you with his scalpel
- Don't be tempted to settle for the
cheapest option - it might not be the
best for you. And be aware that this
is a lifelong commitment; you will
need to replace your implants at a
later date - at further cost
Remember that women do
not all look the same, and
this goes for your breasts as
much as any other part of
you.Without wishing to
sound cliched, celebrate
your uniqueness!
The Department of Health's Information Booklet
The Breast Implant Information Society
The Silicone Review website, containing all
medical studies carried out on the risk of silicone
The BRAVA non-surgical breast enhancement bra
The Perfect C breast enhancement supplement
DermaBreast natural breast enhancement products