DVD Reviews (2)
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Our reviewer has once again
been strapped
into his seat in front of
the screen and, despite his
sometimes impassioned
pleas to be allowed out,
we refused to release him
until he came up with
the following...
Amateur Shag Fest
Despite its obviously low budget, Amateur
Shag Fest - quite a short disc - isn't too bad.
The film features the antics of two girls and
six men in one big room.
I think that I am not alone in saying that
English accents seem to make a film more
realistic and accessible, and this production
benefits from a range of English dialects -
they could be the people next door.
There is a nice, relaxed opening
sequence of the girls getting dressed for their
adventure, and while the brunette has the
almost obligatory shaven look, the blonde
has a nice light covering of hair - good to get
a bit of variety for a change.
None of the participants appear to be
either models or actors - I apologise if they
are - but this, again, is a bonus point. Also,
the film appears to be unscripted, so there is
some spontaneity... however, this also leads
to a few awkward moments when no-one
seems quite sure what to do next!
It's pretty certain that only one camera
was used to shoot this, and if there has been
any post-production editing, then it can only
have been to make it an '18' and not an 'R18'
- which is a pity. So, while the interactive
selector offers a choice of six scenes, it really
is just one long shoot with a few cuts.
Foot-fetishists will probably enjoy this film -
there's a prolonged toe-sucking interlude,
which is clearly relished by the blonde. Both
girls seem to really revel in the cum-overfeet
finale shots. If feet are your thing, this
will get you going for sure.
I'm sorry to have had to refer to the
girls a merely 'the blonde and the brunette'
but there are no credits given on either the
disc or the sleeve. If an R18 cut exists, it
would be better.
This sells for around £9.95, which is a
claimed reduction of £10.00 on the RRP. At
£9.95, I give it a 6 out of 10 for its natural,
relaxed homeliness. At full price, it wouldn't
get such a high a score.
I rate this as 6 out of 10
Note: you need a Region 2 or multi-region
player to watch this.
Produced by Liquid Gold and distributed in
the UK by Electric Distribution
Retails for around £9.95
This film is essentially a long, outdoor, wetfantasy
shoot, starring the very beautiful
Amanda Hughes as she enjoys a fiveday
camping holiday. It starts with a
teasing montage of clips, both wet
and dry, to the accompaniment of some
rather weird Indian and Gaelic music. Luckily,
in later scenes, the music disappears and the
sound of the river is allowed to create a
natural babbling ambience.Who isn't drawn
by the noise of a waterfall or a weir or rolling
waves for that matter?
Day one: Amanda sets off on her holiday
and after erecting her tent, decides to wash
some of her clothes in the nearby river. She
then elects to wash the clothes that she is
still wearing during a very sexy self-fondling
dip. At the end, complete with that great
smile of hers, she slowly and provocatively
strips at the water's edge.
The second day brings a shower in a
waterfall. There is no strip but some nice
transparent underwear shots and she soaks
her brown mane.
On to day three, and this section begins
rather disappointingly with a swim in the
river wearing only a very loose summer dress
- not enough kit for real wet-look
enthusiasts - but this improves greatly as
our heroine falls asleep while sunbathing
nude. She dreams of soaking situations and
the Indian music returns. This is not
surprising, as all of the dream sequences are
taken from Indian films.Would Bollywood be
so successful if it weren't for the wet look...
could this be what the mass bathing in the
Ganges is really all about?
After waking, Amanda, dressed in a
lovely tight suit-skirt with stockings etc, goes
spear-fishing and, daft but true, finishes up in
the river up to her neck.
Day four provides a brief interlude where the
lady crawls out of her tent into a deluge of
rain. At least she is wearing proper shoes at
last, and there is some very nice posing as
she does a partial strip.
The final day gives rise to the best
sequence of all in terms of quality, but also
in terms on girls on film. Our camper is
sitting on the grass, quietly reading a book,
when, for no obvious reason, she is attacked
with water guns and buckets of water by
six other smartly dressed young ladies.
Having been thoroughly drenched, she
makes her escape by running to and then
into the river. However, she is hotly pursued
by her tormentors and there follows a
raucous seven-girl water-fight in mid-stream,
followed by a group strip. This is now the end
of the holiday as they walk, mainly naked,
from the river.
There is also an appealing thread of
humour running through the film in the form
of a regularly appearing voyeuristic rabbit
(not the usual sort of rabbit that this
magazine deals with) - could say he's a
'happy bunny'!
As this was originally shot some years
ago for video and has been converted for
DVD, it does lack specific features, such as
scene selection, that one now expects on a
disc. But apart from that, there are some
lovely images of girls just getting wet - and
if this is your thing, you'll definitely find this
erotic and stimulating.
I rate this as 7 out of 10
Produced by Artscene Productions
Running time: 60 minutes
Available in some retail outlets, but more
easily obtained online at www.artaqua.co.uk
- where you will also find an extensive
catalogue of wet look and messy titles
Price £25.00
Erotic Strip Dance
This 85-minute 'funny' is from the famous
Alexander Institute and is based on Susan
Bremer's The Art of Sexual Dance. Ms Bremer
claims to be 41 years old when she
presented this film - but I leave you to judge
for yourself.
Introduced, as it is, as lessons to make a
woman feel good about herself when she is
on her own, it may have some merit.
However, for sexy movement, you'd be far
better off watching Aerobics Oz-style. There
is also a danger that an inexperienced 'older'
woman could injure herself if attempting
some of these 'subtle' moves on her own (so
my Pilates teacher maintains) and, to be fair,
they're routines that do need to be practised
in a modicum of privacy, alone.
Struggling to be positive, the film does
use a group of women of widely - yes widely
- differing body shapes as well as ages, but
the overall impression is of Daisy trying to
kick-start Onslow in an episode of Keeping
up Appearances.
Why bother? Let's just be honest and
brutal. This is not up to the usual standard of
the Alexander Institute, which is normally
pretty good. This sort of dance is not easy to
teach and, mostly, comes naturally or not at
all. Most people can't dance and would look
foolish even trying to emulate these
recommendations. Leave this sort of
movement to the pros. If she followed this
course to its conclusion, your average
middle-aged lady would be more likely to
raise guffaws of laughter than an erection.
Not only do you get a DVD, you also get
a CD of so-called erotic dance music. It lasts
for over 55 minutes, which is at least 55
minutes too long and is an extraordinarily
badly synthesised mixture of lift-music, bad
'70s soft jazz and the tunes that they left out
of Lawrence of Arabia. It makes you want to
either reach for The Arctic Monkeys or throw
your player (or the CD)
out of the window.
The DVD has sound
and menus in English,
Spanish, German and
French and subtitles in
English. The interactive
menu has a few features
on 'Sexuality Info' but
nothing special.
As ever, the DVDs
from this company warn, in
bright red lettering:
you, if you followed this regime you would
certainly be safe from having sex.
The going price is around £14.95 -
allegedly a saving of £10.00 on the RRP. Even
if it was only £4.95, I couldn't give it more
than 2 out of 10 - even for the undeniable
comedy value.
I rate this as 2 out of 10
Produced by the Alexander Institute
Needs a Region 2 or multi-region player
Running time approximately 85 minutes
Retails for around £14.95
The Gomorrah Club
The Gomorrah Club does have a sort of
storyline. It's about a woman reporter (the
rather lovely Ashley) who investigates the
swinging club-scene for the very first time.
The film features quite a long cast list of
reasonably well-known actors and looks as
though it may have been shot in a real
swinging club - or at least in some very
similar venue.
The promotional blurb on the disc
promises 'oral, threesomes, lesbian, DP and
inter-racial' and it does indeed deliver on all
of these counts.
Scene 1 involves the initiation of a new
member - a black guy - and while it
probably goes on too long, isn't bad at all.
The second scene features a pretty good
menage a trios (MFF) but, again, it's a bit on
the long side.
Scene three is the best on the disc.
There's a good lesbian take with a lot of
licking and '69' and extensive use of a golden
vibrator, and this is followed up by an
entertaining MFFFF event.
In the final part, our intrepid reporter
leaves the club having declined to become
involved in any fun and games, but obviously
turned on by what she has been watching.
This results in her picking up and taking
home two male strangers that she meets on
the street. A good finale with, among other
things, double BJs and DP.
Apparently, an uncut, hard-core version
of this film can be sourced over the net from
RelishXXX.com and it would work much
better as an 'R18' rather than the
'18' we reviewed. It's
almost a very good
film, but there is
something missing.
A further small
problem with this
offering is the dire
background music -
but then I suppose it's
the pictures not the
sound that really matter
in this kind of thing.
If this is the
'Gomorrah' Club, I
wonder if the Sodom one
is any better. It retails at
£9.95, at a saving of £10.00 from the RRP. At
this price it's worth 7 out of 10 - but at full
price it wouldn't be... but maybe the 'R18'
version would.
I rate this as 7 out of 10
Produced by Tongueincheek Limited
Runs for about 93 minutes,
Retails at £9.95