Sex Addiction
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As a breed,
swingers would
probably say they
have a healthy sex life.
Ideally the social and sexual
elements combine to give
both singles and couples a
spicier lifestyle. But it seems
that not everyone can keep
things in perspective...
The prurient nature of the press and the
public's obsession with the cult of celebrity
have conspired over recent years to bring our
attention to every infidelity, every extramarital
dalliance, stray text or phone
message and flirtation among the famous...
all with the now customary disregard for the
feelings of those involved. The label 'sex
addiction' has been applied, but is it a new
phenomenon or has it always been there -
a problem of compulsive, out of control
sexual behaviour?
The tabloid press had a field-day with
Bill Clinton's White House indiscretion, and
revelled in the distress of the Beckhams
when Ms Loos announced that she was
providing more than PR services for
'Goldenballs'. But I'd venture that these were
instances of two horny men who failed to
resist temptation when it showed up.
But there are those in the public eye
whose serial promiscuity has led them to be
dubbed 'sex addicts' - certainly in America
it's the exotic dysfunctional disease of the
rich and famous.
High-profile sufferers
In recent years more and more celebs have
succumbed - one of the first being Michael
Douglas. In 1994 his wife of eighteen years,
Diandra, filed for divorce, citing his
womanising as the cause for the breakdown.
He'd demonstrated addictive behaviour in
the past, and two years before had checked
into the Sierra Tucson clinic in Arizona to be
treated for alcohol addiction. But his sexual
behaviour was apparently beyond his control
too. Following his divorce, he was treated for
'sex addiction', and now refers to himself as
a 'recovering addict'.
He even put his money where his mouth
was when drawing up the pre-nuptial
agreement with Catherine Zeta-Jones. As an
article in the US National Review stated in
December 2000, 'Assuming - as pretty much
everyone does - that this will end in divorce,
Zeta-Jones will get $1.5m for every year she
has stayed married to Douglas.' She'd
apparently wanted $5m a year, but settled
for less in the interests of romance. Douglas
instead paid an undisclosed sum up front and
agreed to hand over a $5m 'straying fee' if he
reverted to type and cheated on her.
Zeta-Jones' concern was justified - her
husband-to-be had been serially unfaithful
before and, despite receiving therapy, put his
foot in it again (age 62) when he revealed he
had a crush on Kim Basinger and praised Eva
Longoria's 'fantastic butt' in an interview to
promote his 2006 film, The Sentinel. 'Sex,' he
explained, 'is like a wave that just sweeps
over me.' Oh dear... poor chap.
So who else has careered off the rails of
the sexual roller-coaster? More recently the
lovely Sienna Miller publicly accused errant
fiance Jude Law of being addicted to sex.
After the break-up of his marriage to Sophie
Frost (infidelity cited), Jude took up with
Sienna, who found him in bed with the
nanny. Among, I'm sure, numerous other
suggestions, Sienna ventured that he should
get treatment for his sexual behaviour.
However, you've seen Jude Law - and if, as a
bloke, you looked that good, wouldn't you be
tempted to milk it just a bit? And, as a girl
with a pulse, if he came on to you, would
you say no? Not sure that qualifies as sex
addiction in need of therapy...
Girls could be addicts too
Ulrika Jonsson, however, seems a worthier
contender for the term. Ironically (or not?)
Channel 4 recently asked her to investigate
the growing problem of sex addiction for a
documentary. She, of the well-publicised
abusive liaison with footballer Stan
Collymore, two divorces and the welldocumented
affair with Sven Goran-Ericsson,
reached the conclusion during her research,
that she was indeed the very animal she'd
been investigating.
In what she called 'a devastating journey
of personal discovery', she found she ticked
all the boxes. Prior to this, she owns that she
wasn't even sure she believed there was such
a thing as sex addiction. She certainly didn't
think it applied to women - in fact, she said,
'I was inclined to write it off as an invention
to excuse the behaviour of the selfish and
immoral.' The words 'pot', 'kettle' and 'black'
lurk temptingly close by... Ms Jonsson's
initial instinct was probably spot on.
Ms Jonsson's research
The definition of a sex addict, gleaned from
among the therapists across the Atlantic,
surprised Ulrika. It's a person 'whose sexual
behaviour damages their life'. Suddenly a
shred of salvation beckoned. 'Given that, I
suppose thousands of us, who believed we
were just unlucky or ill-used, might fit
the bill,' she mused.
She continued to use the evidence
she gathered to justify the diagnosis.
Didn't lose her virginity until she was
seventeen; had fewer sexual partners than
average; 'and while I may have hurt others,
the person hurt hardest was me.' [I'm
soooooo sooooo sorry. Ed]
Therapists confirmed that it's an
intimacy disorder, usually formed early in life
- abuse, trauma, loneliness or rejection could
be responsible. For Ulrika this would have
been her four years alone with her father
after her parents' separation - he apparently
had a large and unconcealed library of porn,
and was unconcerned at being discovered
having sex with various girlfriends by the
pubescent Ulrika.While not
claiming this as abuse, she
attributes to it her failure to
connect love and sex, and
said it made her feel
unworthy of love or respect.
A therapist confirmed that,
feeling unvalued by her
parents, she was trying to
prove them wrong by making
people desire her, and thereby
give herself a feeling of worth.
I think it's easier to see the
wood for the trees from a less
personal and subjective source.
So for now I'll simply mention
two other famous 'sex addicts',
actors Billy Bob Thornton (who even
tried to seduce his therapist), and Rob
Lowe - and I'm sure there are loads of other
victims out there among the stars.
The bald facts
The truth is that there IS such a thing as sex
addiction, which is every bit as damaging and
destructive as the more commonly
recognised addictions to alcohol, drugs or
gambling. It's also the least understood of
addictions in this country - naturally in the
States, it's higher profile... more therapists,
clinics, etc - and they invented the term in
the 1970s as a recognised disorder.
It is a genuine addiction, and it can grab
and destroy ordinary people.We're not
talking about indivisuals who have a high
sex-drive - nor is it about perversions,
fetishes or people who simply like a lot of
sex. It's indicated in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders by
'compulsive searching for multiple partners,
compulsive fixation on an unattainable
partner, compulsive masturbation,
compulsive love relationships or compulsive
sexuality in a relationship.' It's not the sexual
activity itself, but how the addict approaches
it mentally, and how it takes over their lives.
Compare it, if you like, to the narcotic
hit of smoking, or the high of drugs or
alcohol. The need for the buzz, the orgasmic
high or even the anticipation - increases and
takes the addict beyond normal behaviour to
get their fix. This leads, eventually, to a
depersonalisation of sex, so the addict views
themselves as just an object - having sex
with another object. This is very bad news for
partners, as real intimacy and friendship
become immaterial. The compulsion takes
over and leads to obsessive, repetitive
behaviour, which in its worst form can bring
the sufferer to an almost trance-like state.
They lose the judgement to make rational
decisions, run up bills on sex chat-lines,
spend more and more time surfing the net
for porn and immersing themselves in chatrooms.
The internet, you may say, has a lot
to answer for... but maybe without it, addicts
could resort to worse risks...
An ordinary man's addiction
One case study - by his own admission a
textbook case for the way he descended into
full-on addiction - went from sex-line to
internet porn, to chat-rooms and arranged
meetings - a seamless escalation with no
sense of what was happening to him.
This man was no Hollywood Adonis with
lots of time and money (and opportunities)
on his hands - far from it. He, like other
addicts, had plenty of other things which
should have occupied his mind - job, family,
responsibilities and commitments - but he
was willing to risk all this, and his
relationship suffered accordingly.
At the far end of the scale, the addict
throws caution to the winds to get their
kicks, perhaps downloading porn at work,
coming on to inappropriate people, having
sex in public places, crossing legal lines or
ignoring the basic tenets of safe sex. It's a
spiral that affects all stabilising factors in
their life - partner, work and health.
What can be done?
They've been running clinics in America for
ages - but here we've been more cautious.
We've no accurate statistics but it's likely
ther are around 4 million sex addicts in the
UK - in a ratio of about 2:1 - men to
women. It is being treated with real
concern - in 2005, Dr Glyn
Hudson-Allez had ten addicts
under treatment at her private
Bristol clinic, and she postulated
about the causes. She pointed out that the
sex addict gets little pleasure from actual
physical contact - but they engage in sex
they don't really enjoy to boost their low
self-esteem and prevent loneliness.
It's hard for these people to form
normal relationships - they, like all addicts,
are powerless to control their behaviour,
even when they see the damage it's doing.
There are two extremes - at one end of
the scale 'in a relationship and greedy and
needy', and at the other, a person alone, who
is aloof and unwilling to risk closeness at all
for fear of rejection.
Dr Mike McPhillips, a leading clinician at
Roehampton's Priory Lodge Programme has
treated people of all ages, from sixteen to
sixties - not just people who put themselves
about a lot or spend too long ogling internet
porn, but people whose sexual behaviour has
run seriously and damagingly out of control.
At the PLP, twenty per cent of patients in
2005 were sex addicts, but significantly,
these people had previously been treated for
other addictions.
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) started in the UK
in 1991 to help ordinary people who can't
afford expensive clinic therapy. Treatment is
designed to work like Alcoholics Anonymous
group therapy - but not to the point of
effecting total abstinence.
What they have to learn is how to
remain monogamous and restrict themselves
to 'normal' sexual activity. Some do respond
by adopting total abstinence - but like
anorexia for slimmers, it's a bad overreaction
- albeit better than continuing with
humiliating or illegal behaviour.
It strikes me as a very cogent comment
with which to end this feature. Professor
Mark Griffiths of the Psychology Department
at Nottingham Trent University, an expert in
behavioural addictions responded to the
accusations of sex addiction levelled at
Jude Law: 'I, personally,
don't believe that
someone like
Jude Law can be described as a sex addict. A lot of
celebrities are very egotistical and are
surrounded by sycophants who do
everything for them. That can lead them to
think they can get away with certain
behaviour because of their celebrity status.
They receive more offers of sex than the
average person, and if most men in a stable
relationship were faced with the barrage of
propositions that a film star gets, they would
be tempted.'
So there it is, from the
horse's mouth.What is it with
these Americans? I suspect
that if they were really
manifesting the sort of
symptoms our UK centres are
treating, they'd be less keen
to own up to their addict
status. Along with Professor
Mark Griffiths, I too suspect
that these celebrities are
boys behaving badly - men
with a weak will... and an
even weaker 'won't'.
Our In House Expert
Psychologist Martyn Gough has his own
slant on the phenomenon. 'I believe the
jury's still out on the whole sex
addiction matter. Isn't it really just an
excuse for promiscuity when you've
been caught out? Such behaviour is
natural to most animals, who subconsciously
go into mating mode to
spread their genes and procreate their
species, as most eminent psychologists
will confirm. I'm reminded of the story
of the young bull and the old bull. "Look
down there in that field - all those cows!
Let's rush down there and shag one of
them!" to which the old bull replies
sagely, "No - let's amble down slowly
and shag them all."'
'There is money to be made by
"therapists" - particularly in California -
by offering "treatment" for conditions
and syndromes that may or may not
exist. Increasingly, in our society, people
look to explain away what could be
viewed as their unacceptable behaviour
by saying, "it's not my fault - it's
something that's happened to me over
which I have no control - HELP ME!"
Call me cynical if you like - I prefer
to call it "pragmatic"...'
Vould You be an Addict and What Can You Do
Sexaholics Anonymous provides a
concise online test to enable you to
check your 'sex addict' status - it's a
simple twenty-question questionnaire,
but can give a good pointer as to
whether or not you need help.
It begins, 'Have you ever thought
you needed help for your sexual thinking
or behaviour?' and proceeds to work
through all areas where addiction could
manifest itself.
ike the Alcoholics Anonymous
approach (they are an offshoot of AA),
there are meetings across the UK (and
39 countries worldwide). The website
offers meeting details, information,
reading matter, and support for both
addicts and their families/partners.
Contact details:
Sexaholics Anonymous,
PO Box 1914, Bristol BS99 2NE
Helpline: 07000 725463
Web: - and
Best time to telephone: 24 hours