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It wrecked our marriage

"Rhona told me that she was going to do some Cam work"

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My wife Rhona had been made redundant, and as there is a limited amount of jobs in the industry that she worked in, she had to make a change of career.  To my shock she told me that she was going to start Cam work.  I wasn't quite sure what that entailed.   Rhona sat me down and explained that she would be carrying out sexual acts on camera and visitors would be on line watching her and asking for her to do things to herself and paying her for the privilege.  I wasn't happy knowing that other men would be seeing my wife doing sexual things to herself.  Rhona is extremely strong willed and if she wants to do something then it almost impossible to stop her.

I was on night work the first evening she was going to work.   I wasn't happy but when I got home I asked her how it had gone.  To say that she was worked up would be a gross understatement.  Rhona virtually ripped my clothes off and fucked me silly.  Any jealousy that I had come home with had melted away.  Rhona had recorded a copy of her evening and when I watched it I was shocked at what some of the callers had asked her to do and how far Rhona had gone.  Then the bigger shock was just how much money she had made.  It was almost three times what she would have made for the same hours when she was in work. Watching it got me excited again and we made love a second time.

As the weeks went on I got used to her being watched and performing on line.  I still didn't like it but the money was definitely good.  Rhona seemed not only to enjoy it, but also got worked up by it and at the end of her sessions I always benefited with great sex.  This was now bringing in more money than I earned.  Rhona joked that I should give up my job and join her on line.  That seemed a step to far for me.   I did enjoy when the camera was off pretending to tell Rhona what I wanted her to do for the camera as if I was one of her guests, and then join her for some great sex.

Then the Virus hit and I was soon furloughed.  Whilst I was still getting some money we were still financially ok.  The thing that surprised me was as the lock down hit Rhona was getting more and more people watching her and requesting her to do things.  I sometimes sat in and watched the requests scrolling up the screen.  Some of them were absolutely filthy and others physically impossible or liable to cause injury.  Rhona had a big following and there was a steady flow of requests for her to perform with a man.

I was bored being stuck at home and soon gave in to Rhona's pleading with me to join her on screen.  At first other than lick her tits and her pussy I never went any further, even when requested to do so.  Just that bit of oral fun more than doubled the income as well as increasing Rhona's regular visitors.  Then on my fourth time with Rhona on screen one of the visitors wanted Rhona to suck my cock.  I just shut my eyes and lay back and let her do it.  It felt so good and I didn't know until afterwards that she had several visitors wanting to see me come on her face.  Rhona made sure immediately before I came that she took my cock out her mouth and aimed it at her face.  I left a big load all over her face and that alone made her another £83. besides the fees paid for other things.

It became a regular thing that she was being asked for me to come somewhere on her, usually her face or her pussy.  Then one night the guest wanted me to come on her arse and as I wanked over her arse I couldn't contain myself and forgot it was for the camera and stuffed my cock into Rhona's pussy.   The comments and the requests poured in as did the money.  Having done it once on camera there was lots of requests for me to either fuck Rhona's face or pussy.  We were now pulling in almost three times what our joint income was when we both had regular jobs.

The web site through which we were streaming contacted us requesting that we made some porn films and offered us a fee to put them on line and we would get 50% of any money that was made from them.   Rhona was keen to go ahead and make a film, but I was far less enthusiastic as it could intrude on our lovemaking and not just our sex play.  As I said what Rhona wants, Rhona almost always gets her way.   I must admit looking back at the film it was good fun and we made several takes and edited it to make our first film.  Rhona sent it in and within days we suddenly had our own web pages with a write up about us and stills captured from our cam work.  The write ups were absolute crap and made up.  They were nothing like us and indicated that we lived in London.  We live nowhere near there.

We talked to the web owners who told us it was better to have write ups that wasn't anything like us as I gave us a small amount of protection, and as for being in London,  the bigger the place you live in,  also reflects in the number of visitors, or so they said.  In ten days we had a cheque for almost two grand for just the film and the viewing fees would soon follow.  Guess what?    We made a second and then a third film.

Then the lockdown eased and I was back at my normal work.  Not only did I find it hard, but also our income dropped by quite a bit.  In some ways I was pleased when the second lockdown came and I was actually laid off.  I was quickly back making another film with Rhona as well as being back in the Cam action.  The next four months we earned  more than we normally would in a year.

The requests wanted more and more of me fucking Rhona.  Something that I love to do anyway and here I was getting paid to do it.  Then the requests started to roll in requesting Rhona to fuck someone else.  Needless to say I was totally against it.  The second lockdown was easing and people were now moving around again.    On line they were still asking for my wife to fuck another man.  The thoughts about Rhona fucking someone else were arousing but letting my wife fuck on screen with a stranger was too much for me.  I could see that Rhona would have done it if I let her.  The same thing was happening with our porn films and our web pages.  There were comments and a lot of them wanted Rhona not only fuck another man, but also men with a large cocks and others wanted her to have black cocks.

Now I really put my foot down and told Rhona that things had gone as far as I was prepared for her and I to go.  We were still doing Cam work and the money was still rolling in, so there was no need to go any further.   A few weeks on we were contacted by the web owners requesting another film.  At first as I read it, I was happy to oblige and then it continued and I read that they would pay a £4,000 fee for another film as long as it was with another man.  I told Rhona that she couldn't do it.  Rhona was annoyed with me and argued that it was a lot of money and it would be a once off.  Regardless of Rhona's annoyance with me I continued to tell her no.

The end of lockdown date had just been announced, if things went well, when I got a phone call with an offer for work.  Being stuck at home for so long I jumped at it.  Rhona informed me that she intended to continue with the Cam work and perhaps the occasional film with me rather than look for a conventional job.  I had got used to it and was ok with it. Even that other men were enjoying my wife, and lets not forget some of the women that also watched.

I thought things were ok until I see on our web pages that there was a new banner appeared on the front page saying a new film was coming.  It was the first that I had heard about it and hadn't discussed making another film with Rhona.  When I asked Rhona about it she said that she wanted to make another film with me.  I was looking forward to making it at the weekend.  That was until I was at work and went back on the site and saw that the banner had changed saying the new film was now online.

I ended up entering my credit card details to take a look at the so called new film.  Not only was it a new film, but also a new partner for Rhona.  I couldn't stop watching it even though I hated it.  Here was a complete stranger fucking my wife and it was clear that she was enjoying it.  As soon as the film ended I stopped work and went back home.  It was very early in the afternoon and when I got indoors I could hear Rhona moaning and not just the moans she makes when she plays with herself on screen.   It was the moans she makes when I fuck her.  I walked in to find her on Cam with a complete stranger fucking he,r and worse, our recorder was recording the action.  Rhona was clearly making another film.

I went mad kicking and punching the guy and chased him naked from our house.  Rhona was unrepentant for her infidelity and just kept saying that she had made £6,000 in just one week.  I told her I didn't care about the money and that unless she stopped this now she could get out.  After lots of tears, Rhona insisted that the money was just too good to miss.  That was just four weeks ago when I threw Rhona out on that afternoon.

The only way I can see my wife now is to pay to see her getting fucked on line on the cam site or in one of her films,  and I have no wish to do that.  What I would say is beware before you go into any of these things and unless your both into it, you will be heading for a disaster.   It has totally wrecked my life and my marriage.  What started out as fun and a good way to support oursel

Written by Ralph

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