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Like mother like daughter!

"What a shock!  It wasn’t Elaine riding my cock it was her daughter Ellie."

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The very first time I saw Elaine was in what was to become my new local pub.  I had just moved home after a rather bitter divorce.  There she stood at the bar with three very attentive men.  I noticed they each tried touching her legs and arse.  Elaine wasn’t just their play thing as she was also touching them back.  I wondered if that was just her way and she was a touchy feely type.  Whatever she was I thought to my self that I wanted a piece of that, meaning Elaine. 


She was fairly tall with long dark hair that covered her pretty face and her deep blue eyes.  Elaine had a cracking body starting with her 36DD tits and slim waist and 36 inch hips.  I guessed that she was in her mid-thirties and I was late thirties.   I was in love or was it lust.  Whichever, I decided that although I probably stood no chance I was going to have to try my luck.  I asked the barman what she was drinking and bought her one and had him put it in front of her.  Seconds later she had dropped the three men and had come over to talk to me.  Twenty minutes later we were in the back of my car making out at a quiet spot she directed me to.  It wasn’t quiet for long as Elaine is a noisy lover.


After a well needed fuck I drove Elaine back to her car and asked to see her again and handed her my business card with my own personal phone number on it.  Eline just smiled and said, “we would see”.  It was two days later when I got her call and yet again, we ended the evening in the back seats of my car.  After that I considered that we were now a couple as we met every few days and always ended up screwing either in my car or my house.  Things settled into a pattern and Elaine seemed pretty busy with her work and I guessed that was why we only saw each other every other day or at weekends.


Over the coming months I learnt that Elaine enjoyed what I would call risky sex as she had me screw her several times in places where we might get caught.  I also found that exciting.  It had now been nearly six months that I had been seeing Elaine, and one evening I realised just how little I knew about her.  I knew she had a house the other side of town, she loved sex and was damn good at it, especially her fabulous blow jobs.  She was also a very noisy lover and didn’t seem to give a damn if others heard her making love.  Beyond that I knew nothing about her.  I didn’t know where she worked or what if any family that she had.  I decided that I wanted to change that, and I wanted more than just a sex buddy as she seemed now.


Then one evening as I sat across from her in a pub I told Elaine that I loved her.  Anyone would have thought that I had just committed a cardinal sin in front of her from her face that for once wasn’t smiling.  When Elaine finally spoke, she suggested that we needed to go somewhere quite and talk.  That was something different as normally when we were somewhere quiet all we did was fuck each other.  I didn’t argue as she still had this serious look on her face and I wondered if she was going to dump me.


When we stopped at one of our regular quiet spots, Elaine took a big breath and started what was to be a rather shocking tale.  Elaine started by telling me that she expected that like all her previous boyfriends I would do a runner when I heard what she had to say and she understood when I did.   Then she started telling me how she lost her virginity at fourteen to a fifteen year old boy from school.  She told me that it was her more than him that wanted to try sex.  She told me that the first time was pretty painful but at the same time she enjoyed it.  She said that she knew straight away that she couldn’t live without sex after that.  I could testify to that as often it was Elaine that suggested we went somewhere to shag rather than me suggesting it.


Then I was listening to the fact that by late in her fifteenth year she had sex with not just lads but also several men.  It was after one of these sessions that she missed her period and discovered that she was pregnant.  I was a bit shocked, but it happens to lots of young women.  Elaine said that her mother was very sympathetic and later told Elaine that she too had got pregnant early in life with her.  She was very lucky as her father married her mother, even though he wasn’t completely sure that Elaine was his child.  Sounded very much like mother like daughter.   Elaine went on to say that her parent raised Ellie her daughter, while she finished school and went to university. 


I asked where Ellie was now, and Elaine said that once she got herself settled, and in a good job and with a place to live, Ellie moved in with her.  She told me that Ellie was now nineteen and at an awkward time in her life.  Now it made sense why I had never visited Elaine’s house she wanted to keep Ellie a secret.  I told Elaine that I was glad that things had turned out ok for her.  I got a bit of a dirty look and then Elaine continued with her tale.


She told me she was about to tell me the bit that made men run from her.  Now I was worried what I was about to hear.  Elaine said that since losing her virginity she soon discovered that she couldn’t go more than three days without getting fucked.  I stupidly said that it was good to have a good libido and I would have to work to keep her satisfied.  Elaine gave me a very stern look as she said that it meant that over the years she had been screwed by somewhere between six and seven hundred different men and boys.  Now I was shocked.


It suddenly dawned on me that there had been two times since I started seeing Elaine that we were apart for three or more days.  Once when I was away on a course for work and a second time when Elaine was away on work.  Again, stupidly I asked did that mean she had cheated on me.  Elaine looked at me as if I were stupid and said that she could only go three days without sex and then she ends up finding the first man that will fuck her.  Just to lay things out fully she told me that while I was away on my course she slept with two different men and while she was away as it was almost two weeks she had slept with four different men. 


Now I was shocked and stunned, and as Elaine had said, it was that point when most men run.  I asked why she had cheated and Elaine said it wasn’t as if she wanted to cheat, it was a case that her body insisted that she fuck someone and it really didn’t matter who that someone was.  She did add that she tried to not see the same man twice as she didn’t want affairs when she had a boyfriend.  I needed to think and assimilate what I had heard and try to make sense of it.  We ended up going our own ways without sex that night.


I had several sleepless nights trying not to imagine Elaine with other men, but on our first night together I guessed that had I not come along she would have screwed one of the three men.  Hell, she might have screwed all three of them.  My head was telling me to run, but my heart was telling me just how much I loved her and needed her.  It was three night before I rang Elaine and suggested that she comes around to talk.


Stupid me, three nights and it had been two before that when we last screwed.  Straight away Elaine said sorry and when I asked what for she told me that she had screwed yet another man as she had gone past three days.  Although she said she was sorry Eline said to some degree it was my own fault as she had warned me that she couldn’t go more than three days without sex and here I was letting her go longer than that.  She said it wasn’t a case of seeing another bloke and thinking that she wouldn’t mind a bunk up with him, it was a biological thing in her that made her crave sex.


Elaine said it wasn’t just her.  She said both her mother and her daughter were also like it.  Fortunately, her father kept her mother well shagged.  Her daughter was an altogether different case.  Being single Ellie would just pick up men, yes men, not just a man and fuck them until she had enough of them.  I asked what happened when her father couldn’t be there for her mother.  Elaine said that on the few occasions that still happens her father always forgives her.


Then we got to talking about us and Elaine said that if I wasn’t going to run then I would just have to accept that there were times that she would sleep with other men.  I told Elaine that I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that or if I could put up with that even though I loved her.  She reminded me that she couldn’t go long before she was needing sex again, so I fucked her before sending her on her way that night.  You’d think that I should have run but here I was again, three nights later shagging the arse off Elaine again.  She was like a drug, I just had to have her, and for almost two months I did keep her happy.


But before that night, Elaine decided that I had better see the rest of her family.  Her parents, Frank and Rose, seemed a happy couple.  I wondered how Frank coped knowing that Rose cheated on him, but he seemed, settled, content and happy.  Ellie was a different matter.  We met her in a restaurant and all evening she was eying up one of the waiters.  After the meal Elaine and I went to her house for the very first time.  I was a very lovely house and we were soon in bed making love.


As we made love we heard Ellie come in.  She was less than subtle about it as she giggled with some man at hearing us making love.  Just seconds later Ellie seemed to be competing with her mother to see who could be the loudest as her man fucked her and I fucked Elaine.  Next morning when Ellie came down for breakfast with her waiter friend in tow.  He quickly excused himself and ran.  I could see the funny side of it.


It was a short while after that evening when Elaine had to go away for work for a week.  She made it clear that she would end up fucking someone and I should do the same.  When she got back she told me how sorry she was as she had slept with two different men.  I had nothing to confess.  Now that the ice had been broken with Ellie we started to stop at Elaine’s house more and more. It was after one of these evenings that things got strange.


We hadn’t seen Ellie for a few nights which wasn’t that unusual as she was often out shagging, and as we lay recovering from a great session we heard Ellie stomping around as she came indoors.  Unlike previous times she seemed to be on her own as there was no sexual sounds from her room.  Next morning, which was a Friday, I had the day off work and had tried to get Elaine to take the day off with me, but she told me she had meetings booked.  When she got up for work I just lay there enjoying the afterglow from our morning sex session.  I was in that dozy state between being awake and conscious and being asleep and dreaming.


As I lay there with the duvet pulled up over my head I felt Elaine crawling up under the duvet.  I had hoped that she had changed her mind about taking the day off.  Then her sexy mouth engulfed my soft cock and sucked it fully into her mouth.  My hands automatically went to her head as she sucked and started to bob up and down on my slowly rising cock.  I was telling Elaine just how good she was at sucking me hard again.


Then she was on the move and crawling up my body and as she did she sucked one of my nipples.  That was something no woman had ever done for me before, and I told her just how good it felt.  Then I felt a hand on my cock steering it to her pussy as she impaled herself on my now stiff cock.  It was at that point as my cock hit bottom that she sat bolt upright knocking the duvet away, and I opened my eyes.


What a shock!  It wasn’t Elaine riding my cock it was her daughter Ellie.  Ellie just smiled at me and said that she needed this as she rode me harder and harder.  I told her that we shouldn’t be doing this.  Ellie just said that her mother cheated on me when she needed to and I should do the same, besides she said that she was desperate for a good fucking as she had gone too long without one and she had heard how good I was at taking care of her mother.  I had to admit that she was every bit as good in bed as her mother.  In fact, we fucked twice more that day.


When Elaine got home I don’t know how she knew or if it was just a guess or a hunch but she asked me outright if I had fucked Ellie.  I told her that I hadn’t meant to but Ellie tricked me the first time.  Elaine asked just how many times had we made love and she pulled a bit of a face when I told her three times.  Elaine reminded me that she needed to be kept happy unless I wanted her to seek other men.  I was just stunned that she hadn’t ranted and raved at me as my ex-wife would have.  Instead, she just said that she guessed that it would happen sooner or later.   That night she was a bit miffed that I couldn’t perform as Ellie had worn my little man out for the day.  It was a good thing that I managed to perform the next morning.   After that Ellie would sneak into bed with me once in a while although she still had a stream of men servicing her.


It was coming up to Christmas and Elaine had to go away on work and I just knew that meant that she would end up in bed with someone else.  Ellie also knew this and ended up in bed with me virtually every night while her mother was away.  One evening while I was talking to Elaine on the phone Ellie was doing her best to cause me to groan as she sucked my cock.  I think Elaine guessed and asked had Ellie been in bed with me.  I told her that she had, but not that she was sucking my cock as we spoke.


I enjoyed my times with Ellie but it was her mother that I love and often had to remind her of that.  Then Ellie went off to university.  I thought god help the lads and men in Oxford whilst she was there.  On some of her trips back home I was treated to her sexy young body a few times.  Then she announced to us that she was getting married.  My first thoughts was that she was pregnant.  It wasn’t the case.  Ellie told us she had found a young man that enjoyed watching her getting fucked nearly as much as he enjoyed fucking her himself.


On hearing her news, I was almost tempted to ask Elaine to marry me, but I didn’t.  The wedding was a grand affair and I gathered later that the honeymoon involved several of Raymond’s mates going with them and sharing Ellie.  I couldn’t then, or even now, understand how a man would want to watch his new wife being fucked by other men.  I know that Elaine slept with other men when I failed to keep her satisfied or we were apart for whatever reason, but I had never had the urge to watch or hear any details.  In fact, I preferred to know as little as possible.


As soon as they had both finished university Elaine helped them get a house and set up a few miles from us.  It was under two years before, what had sounded like a marriage made in heaven, fell apart.  It was when Raymond started filming men with Ellie and putting them on a web site that Ellie decided that he had to go.  Between the lines Elaine and I wondered if Raymond was pimping her out.  As soon as she had dispatched him she was back to her torrent of men servicing her like before.  I was lucky enough to be a part of that when she had no one else and needed fucking.


Elaine caught us in bed together a couple of times, and although not ecstatic or livid, she wasn’t pleased or that upset as long as I had enough in reserve for her.  She once confessed that at least she knew who Ellie was with and where she was.  I enjoyed having my way with this gorgeous young lady who was half my age.  Over the next few years Elaine also cheated a few times.  Each time she would confess and say she was sorry.  I ended up doing the same when I had cheated with her daughter.  We never discussed any details, but we always accepted that it was what it was, just a quick fling.  In Elaine’s case a craving she had to tend to in my it was pure pleasure.


At twenty nine Ellie married again.  This time to what I thought was a pretty straight laced type of man.  I wondered how the hell he was going to cope when he discovered that his wife cheated on him if he didn’t shag her often enough.   It turned out that Ellie had no intentions of telling him and he had no idea of what she was like. 


Ellie is now thirty six and for the last seven years I have been her fuck buddy when her husband has failed to shag her enough.  Fortunately for me, as Elaine turned fifty she started the menopause, and whilst it has caused her some problems, what it has done is altered her time clock.   Elaine can now go almost six days without needing to get herself shagged, which means, lucky me I get to fuck both mother and daughter regularly and Elaine rarely has the need to cheat on me.


I wont say that it hasn’t been hard knowing my girlfriend has slept with so many men and cheated on me, but as we all got older the pain got less and less and now I sit back and see how Frank and Rose are so contented with their lot and I can see that we are almost in the same position.  If anything, it is the other way around for Elaine.  It is me still cheating, although Elaine doesn’t seem to see it that way.  She sees it that I am helping her daughter, even if it is more like me helping myself to a sexy younger woman.


One final thing before I sign off, I have decided to ask Elaine to marry me.  I intend to slip the ring in with her Christmas presents and pop the question when she opens it.    One final final thing, no there was and never would be any thoughts of sleeping with both of them together.  Neither of them or I am built that way.

Written by Tony

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