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Once they start..

"When your newly naughty wife gets ideas .."

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Author's Notes

"Apologies for the length, but tell it like it is is far easier than deciding what to leave out"

I never did get round to writing a follow up story, after our first time playing, Suffice to say that things were never quite the same again, in a good way, and kind of eventually in a bad way , which just is how stuff goes sometimes.

But hey , it was fun at the time , and that is all that matters.

After our initial play , we had a few more fun encounters with Andy. Some were just flirtatious visits, that didnt actually lead to much fun, but certainly promised that should the opportunity arise, it was a good while before our paths properly crossed again, more by luck than judgement.

We made a last minute decision to attend a summer event, which meant a weekend away in a field with a caravan, loads of beer and and a bit of music thrown in for good measure in the evening at the end of the days events.

We were going to be there with loads of folks we knew ,so there was no thought that anything naughty might happen, caravan's rocking is funny ,but there is only so much you can get away with .

After a great day we had retired to the beer tent for a few cold ones, and it was rammed, it was a hot summer evening, and women were dressed in all sorts of wonderful attire, but my better half had a fairly sensible summer dress on, which was a nice length and showed off her cleavage without looking slutty .

I was real warm in the evening, and we sat outside as the band came on , as being deafened didnt really appeal, and it got fairly rowdy . We sat off to one side , kind of out of the way , and sat and had our own fun , told some tall tales, and somehow the conversation got onto the party where Andy had been the first guy to fuck Jane apart from me, which nobody knew about, but the fact that he had such an extensive porn collection hadnt gone unnoticed.

Two of the other girls had teased Andy about being single and probably wanking himself blind, and he just said he was doing OK thanks, and was enjoying being single.

Jane had teased him a little , especially when she gave him an eyeful of her knickers when she fell off her bale, and told him he shouldn't be staring at her like that .. knowing that he had already seen everything she had to offer.

The girls decided to go for a quick dance and get a drink, we had a stash of cans round the back of us, and drank our way through that , i guess it was 10 minutes or so when they came back , Jane sat on my lap , with a bit of a grin on her face , and i said ' well thanks for giving me a turn' , and she replied with ' you will always get a turn' .

That was when we both had ' the look' . Nothing was said , but i knew that she was feeling frisky and it was going somewhere.

It didnt take long, as it thinned out we pulled our bales in closer , and she sits opposite us with her back to the crowd, and flashes far too much leg for it to have been an accident, which we both catch an eyeful of , and Andy comments that he is getting all flustered cos she keeps flashing him. I laugh , and Jane giggles that its all just a bit of fun , and he shouldnt be moaning. He quickly backtracks, and half apologizes saying ' well i cant help but look ' but she cuts him off and says ' if i didnt want you to see my knickers, you wouldnt see them' and with that she jumps up and says ' off to get a ciggy' and bounces off into the crowd that seems to have suddenly thickened as the main band is due to come on .

Andy looks at me and says ' i wish she didnt tease me , i am fit to burst ' , and i reply ' well last time it went a bit further than teasing , but dont get your hopes up.

A few minutes later, she is back , with 20 cigs and a lighter, and she sparks up... not a regular smoker, but she likes one when she fancies one, and as she sits down she flashes a bit of leg again , and says ' oh dear ' and we all laugh .

Andy goes for a pee again, and as he turns his back to walk away , Jane opens her legs , and now in the fading light , i can see her knickers are gone , and she says ' they fell off' .

I told her she was being naughty , and she said ' well not really , but maybe later' and as Andy returns , she half flashes him again, and he obviously isnt sure if he saw what he thought he saw.

Before either of us have a chance to say anything , Jane says ' lets go for a wander' and she walks between us and into the the trees and bushes that we have been peeing up for the last 3 hours, which has a bit of a path through it, but the ferns and bushes are quite overgrown , so not many folk seem to have been through . We are literally a minute from the Marquee, but there is nobody , the light has properly started to go, and now we have moved out of the lights outside the Marquee, we pick our way through , into a small opening in the trees, and at the far end of that is a stile into the next field . We walk up to the stile , and it leads into a grassy field , which is higher than where we are . She goes first and gives us a full pussy flash as she climbs over , Andy blurts out ' fucking hell' and i am kinda lost for words.

She says ' have you never had a girl flash you climbing over a stile ' , and comes back over and does it again but slower , and basically just stands there with her pussy on show... in the half light, its still a beautiful sight, and as we adjust to the lower light , its a proper treat.

She is now stood a fair bit higher than us and i dont know if that gave her a feeling of power , but she says ' stay there you cant come any further', My cock is already hard , my shorts are not doing a great job of hiding it , and as she stands above us she turns and lifts her dress way up, exposing her arse and pussy. She s balanced on the single plank, wiggling her arse, and loving it, and then she steps down onto the ground , and turns to face us.

Then she lifts one foot up onto the fence, which points her pussy straight at Andy , i cant see anything now, it was a proper tease, and honestly i felt horny and hopeless at the same time.

While i wished it was light , i know that the darkness is going to be our friend soon enough , and as she stands there , Andy steps forward and rubs the inside of her thigh, not going up to her pussy but getting pretty close.

My heart is beating out of my chest , she is transfixed down at him, he is looking up at her, and he slides his hand a little higher to the point where her breathing quickens and he has to be literally mm away from what i am assuming is a now soaking pussy, but just as he is about to get there, she pulls away quickly , and says ' if you want it , you have to catch me ' and runs off into the field.

At this point there is no need to ask questions, we both climb the stile and run into the field, the grass is a bit long and starting get damp, so changes of direction are not easy , but after a few minutes we catch her , Andy grabs her from behind , and puts her in a bear hug, her legs lifted off the floor and kicking , her dress now off her shoulders and exposing one of her tits and a proper hard nipple . She is putting up a proper fight , i cant get near enough to grab hold of her feet , and Andy is trying not to hold her too tight, incase he hurts her . Andy drops to his knees , and puts her arse down on the floor , she half gives up the struggle, and we figure its done. But as he lets loose a little she tries to struggle free and says ' you are going to have to try harder than that ' at which point i have to grab her feet , and he manages to get her arms above her head , and she gives up.

It wasnt till after that i thought that if anyone had seen this, we could have been in a lot of trouble, but at the time it was horny as fuck, she loved it and it showed .

Her dress was now up round her waist , exposing her pussy , and her tits were hanging out , Andy roughly grabbed her tit for the first time and she shook as he did so , i guess he cottoned on quicker than me , and as he grabbed her with one hand , he sprung his cock out of the top of his shorts with the other, right into her face and she made to suck it , without even a second of hesitation.

As she does that her legs come up and spread and her back arches , and he leans over and gently rubs her pussy before sliding his finger into her , and she moans loudly, I am just like a rabbit in the headlight as he man handles her in the now near darkness.

After a few minutes she stops sucking him, and sits up , and says ' the grass is too wet ' and pulls her dress up over her head , we assume to lie on , and as we give her the space she takes leaps up and takes off again, dress in her hand, bollock naked into the murk .

It was funny and it wasnt, because we thought we were in, but she only got maybe 20 seconds and gave up as we closed her down , dropping her dress to to the floor in her out of breath state , then dropping to her knees .

Andy pulled his cock out and she took it in her hand , and as i pulled mine out , she played with us both a little bit at a time, in what seemed like a slow motion dream ,now it was less frenzied , we played with a tit each as she went between us .

Then she stood up and turned her back to me , and leaned back. i supported her under her arms and Andy moved in to eat her out her knees went and he put her leg over his shoulder, and he tongued her deep to a point where i thought she was going to pass out, he showed no signs of stopping and she could not have got her legs any wider if she tried

Then she came , and fuck me she came hard, and we ended up in a heap on the floor

At this point i think i am done, but she tells me to lie back and she straddles me, her pussy is soaked and she rides me slowly knowing i am going to come any time, and at the point where i can take no more i tell her to stop. Andy is just watching, as much as he could in the dark, i still dont know if she will let him fuck her bareback , but she turns her back to him and gets on all fours, and he drops to his knees and slides into her.

He gave her a few slow pumps and then started to speed up and she says ' dont come in me ' and he carries on until he is almost at the point of no return and stops. I am just a spectator with a hard on , he withdraws, as she looks at me with her tits swinging away.

She flips onto her back and slides her hand down to her pussy, and slowly strokes, and says ' are you gonna come over me or what '

it took little effort for me to blow all over her tits and Andy grunted a load over her hand , pussy and belly.

It was a proper buzz that i wont forget in a hurry

After a minute or two , she gets up and says ' we need to get back' i suppose we had been 30 mins tops, we both get a peck on the cheek, and she pics up her dress and walks off trying to get it the right way round in the dark.

She walked almost back to the stile before she put it on, watching your wife walk naked covered in spunk for the first time was as horny a thing as i had ever seen.

We opted to go round the back of the marquee and into the campsite , where she said she was going back to clean up, and went went back to the bar.

As soon as we got back in the tent, we met people we knew, and so didnt really have chance to talk to each other, so that post fuck awkwardness would need to wait.

It had been a fun encounter, and Jane had deffo got her head round the idea now, All i has to do was deal with whatever came next

Written by takeitez

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