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Tailor Shop Gentlemen Used the 19 yr old Part 2

"Naked in the changing room"

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I started work the following week, just two days, using their small van to pick up parcels, make deliveries and help out in the shop. Late one afternoon I was alone in the shop with Norman and as 6pm approached he said he was feeling very horny and suggested we visit the underground toilet in town. He knew it very well and I'd told him about the couple of times I'd been there and what had happened.

As we went down the street he said it'd be better if we went in separately and act like we didn't know one another. He went in first and after a few minutes I followed down the steps. He was standing at the piss stones and I could see from his hand movements he was wanking. There were two other men in there, middle aged, stood apart from each other who turned to look at me as I entered. On the way there Norman had told me to go into a cubicle and strip off, wank and show my cock. I did as he'd ordered and stripped off leaving just my shoes. I heard shuffling and when I looked through the broken louvres I saw the two men now stood side by side wanking each other. I knelt on the floor as close as I could get to the door and as my knees touched the frame my cock and balls were now exposed through the broken louvre panels and when they turned they saw me naked from the tits down kneeling and wanking, offering them my cock. One came over to me and squatting down roughly grabbed my cock and began wanking me hard. I could see the other now sucking Norman's big cock. Norman was in his late 60's but very handsome and had a beautiful thick heavy cock. A few moments later the cubicle door opened and Norman motioned me to step forward. His cock was jutting from his trousers and taking my wrists he placed my hands on top of the door frame, then with his shoes he spread my feet wide apart. Reaching up he twisted my nipples as one of the other men bent over and sucked my cock. The other stood watching it all and wanking until Norman nodded at him indicating he should join in. He stroked my naked body as he wanked himself, the three of them enjoying the young 19 yr old flesh. Footsteps on the stairs put a stop to it all and as I closed the cubicle door I heard the two men leave. Five minutes later I caught up with Norman on the street who simply smirked and said 'Well that was fun, goodnight'.

It was weird working there alongside them when they'd both had me naked and used my body for sex .... and for that first two weeks there was no mention or reference to it or sex at all other than that one night Norman and I had visited the toilet ..... I had no idea whether he'd mentioned it to Charles, not my business ....... everything was about work apart from the chat with certain customers who were obviously gay, flirty and very 'hands-on'. Charles had told me about a few of them, repeat customers who spent a lot and liked the service they got.

Being young, when some of the gay customers came in they were very chatty with me and often talked about me with Norman and Charles as if I wasn't there.....describing how fit I was, how young and full of it I must be ........ that turned me on big time, having them discuss me in such personal terms but like I wasn't in the room. It used to get me so horny that once or twice I'd go into the shop toilet and wank ..... Charles caught me one day ...... I purposely hadn't locked the door and when he pulled it open I was stood up, trousers round my ankles, shirt lifted exposing my tits as I shot my cum into the sink. He reached past me, swiped some cum from the sink and put his finger in his mouth ...... just smiled and said 'That'll be our little secret' and closed the door.

They both went out for lunch one day leaving me alone in the shop. I was horny and it was a quiet day so decided I'd try a few things on. They had drawers full of silk boxers so I took a pair went into the back room, got undressed and slipped them on.........such a sexy feeling ........ the material against my skin was fantastic, so light and sensual ..... I slipped my hand up the leg and began to wank, pulling my cock and balls out watching myself in the changing room mirror. I was hard instantly, loving the feel of the silk.......slipped my cock back inside and made a shape with it....... sooo horny ..... I noticed a precum stain on them and began to worry how would I get it out? I heard the shop door and shouted 'Hang on I'll be with you in a moment' but even as I said it I knew there was someone there. It was an elderly gentleman standing in the doorway, one of the regulars who'd been in a few times since I started work there. Balding, white hair, clean shaven a widower, always smartly dressed. He'd always been very polite and complimentary to me when we'd spoken on his visits to the shop ....... now he stood there looking shocked or amazed, I didn't know which as he stared at me naked in the back room of the shop in a pair of silk boxers. My cock was rigid and poking the front of the boxers. He obviously noticed as he said 'Looks like you've been enjoying yourself' and smiled. I was embarrassed, didn't know what to do, just stood there, my cock starting to droop. As he stared at it he said 'Oh that's a shame it's going and it looked lovely ....... Why don't you show it to me?' I pulled my cock out and standing facing him began to wank it ...... it rose up as soon as I touched it. He just stood there watching occasionally saying 'Hmmm lovely' ..... didn't touch me or come closer ..... just watched. Once or twice he said 'Does that feel nice?' and I just nodded, my mouth too dry to speak. I had no idea whether he wanted me to spunk for him or whether he was happy to watch me wank but after 10 minutes I heard the shop door again. This time I went into the changing room to get dressed. I heard Charles's voice, recognising the customer, saying hello to the him and asking if everything was alright. He said 'Oh yes everything's marvellous..... your young man has been showing me a few things.'

When I came out of the changing room Charles just looked at me and the old man smiled.

One day I brought a delivery back that Norman said he'd been looking forward to receiving. As Charles locked up at 6pm Norman opened the large cardboard parcel and pulled out several small cellophane wrapped packets. When I picked one up to look at it I realised it was a pair of men's briefs. Norman opened one of the packets and held them up ..... red, skimpy, ciré, shiny fabric. He looked at me and said 'You'd look good in these, wouldn't he Charles?' ...... Charles just smiled raised his eyebrows and I got a thrill from the suggestion. He put everything away and we left.

A few days later, middle of the day, I was tidying the stock room when I heard loud laughter. I looked into the shop and saw a large middle-age man chatting with Norman and Charles as they wrapped a few things for him. He was dressed in a tweed three-piece suit, glasses, a small moustache, handkerchief in his jacket pocket, slightly camp and around 15 stone. I realised they were laughing because Norman had held up a pair of the skimpy briefs and suggested the customer bought them. When Norman saw me in the doorway he turned back to the customer and said 'Now our young friend here looks fabulous in these' as he held up the shiny red briefs and the customer smiled, leering at me and said 'Hmmmmmm I bet he does'. Norman handed me the briefs and said 'Why don't you slip them on and show Mr Bennet how they fit?' It was obvious that he wasn't going to buy them.....they'd never fit him.......but the idea of wearing them in front of this stranger turned me on. I went into the back room stripped in the changing room, the flimsy curtain all that separated me from these three mature gay men and slipped the briefs on, the ciré moulding itself around my cock and balls. I pulled back the curtain and stepped out checking myself in the mirror. I felt so horny, showing myself off as the three of them stood there ogling. Charles was praising the fit and Norman said 'Oh yes but it's the material the way it clings to his package and the feel of it too'......... then he told Mr Bennet to feel the fabric. I stepped closer to him .... I could feel his breath on my neck as he stared at my body and my cock in the shiny red briefs. His chubby hands reached forward and he delicately stroked the material covering my hip ..... across my cheeks, then I turned quickly to face him so his hand brushed against my cock and balls. He recoiled slightly wondering if he'd gone too far but I just remained there looking at Norman who smiled at me and nodded. Norman told Mr Bennet to check the elasticity of the material, how it stretched. Mr Bennet slipped two fingers inside the waistband of the briefs and pulling it away from my body looked inside the briefs at my cock ...... he held it like that for what felt like an age then, his fingers still inside the waistband, he ran them across my belly, his flesh touching mine ..... my nipples stiffened and my cock twitched. We heard the shop doorbell and Mr Bennet took his hand away turned to Norman and said 'They won't fit me at all but I'd like to buy that pair'.

Back in the shop Charles was wrapping the used red briefs as Mr Bennet asked if he could have his parcels delivered ..... Norman and Charles looked at me and Norman said 'Of course ...... he'll bring them round later today' nodding towards me.

When he'd gone Charles told me he was one of their best customers, spent a fortune with them, they'd known him for yrs, often went to his home for dinner. I took this as an indication that when I went to his home I should treat Mr Bennet with respect. Charles finished wrapping the parcels and put the briefs I'd worn in their small package on the top of the pile, gave me the address and, looking at the clock, 4.30pm, said 'See you tomorrow, it's not worth coming back tonight.'

I put the parcels in the van, the small package with the briefs I put on the seat next to me and set off for Mr Bennet's home.

Part 3 to follow...........leave me a comment ...... filthy ones make me hard

Written by Trainman

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