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Billy Rational has a 3 some and a few surprises

"My first FFM"

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"True story, names changed geography blurred for discretion"

I don’t’ know how it started, by that I mean the conversation I had with Kate. Kate and I had worked together often on the same contracts, and working from home, Kate would often be here. She at times felt like part of the family. Her daughter even babysat from time to time.

Close to home didn’t even explain it… to even let the thought of fooling around with her even into my mind…too too dangerous as a reality. OK she did feature in my odd masturbation fantasy. But in real life the safety valve was engaged! But this day, we had just finished this big proposal, emailed it off and we were shooting the breeze. She opened up about her divorce and that she had already a boyfriend…he had spiced her life up then swinger clubs came up. All this in 10 mins or so of chat. A sudden change in gear to say the least!

 I think I had picked up on hubby problems previously, then suddenly I am processing a load on new stuff. I was fascinated so poured some wine and said “let’s sit in the sun…keep you voice down as maybe best the neighbours don’t need to know all of this…” I asked loads of questions about swinging clubs (there are a couple within 15 miles of me). She shared that she sometimes went with an old female school mate of Her’s and sometimes with Tom her boyfriend. I was fascinated.

 I in turn shared about my life a bit saying that I hadn’t had sex with my wife for a couple of years (loss of interest on her behalf then further compounded by a few bouts of intimate surgery). I don’t why but with Kate it just felt safe and easy to open-up to. I had no agenda in mind by sharing that. However, she must have picked up that I was intrigued at least if not interested. As what she said next was, she would take me to one, with her mate one Friday afternoon! What!?

It was just put out there, I was blown away and bit flustered and said, “but will it change our professional relationship?” All sort Billy rational questions…then I said I would prefer something more intimate and that maybe the clubs were too local, last thing I wanted was to bump into someone it the “basket only” queue at Sainsburys as I nipped out for a last-minute shop!

As she carried on talking she had rested her hand on my knee, now even I know that is in laddish talk “a buying signal”…I’m suddenly looking at her differently, thinking she has a lovely body not too thin and bit of flesh on her, lovely full breasts I had seen her in evening dress with work and she looked equally hot in jeans and a t shirt…I was starting to get a swelling in my boxers!

I offered that I could maybe start looking for a club in London, as we often delivered client jobs all over London and an extra day bolted on was viable. Her response was “why don’t we try and meet before you book a local hotel, I will get Tom to drop me off so we can have a drink”.

“So, Tom would be up for that he is cool letting you do it….!” I knew swinging went on and indeed a few friends had suggested over the years only to be hit back by my lovely though unsexual (is that a word?) wife. Kate then went on and said, “I could ask Liz if she’s up for it as well”. “Liz?” I stuttered…” yes she is my Female fuck buddy”! She said with this smile which in 5 years I’d never seen from her. “Feck me Kate, I haven’t even as much as kissed you”. She lent in and gave me a slow passion building snog “does that work for you?”. Now I am so hard you could have hung a coat on it!

Everyman’s fantasy two women….my reply came quickly! The timing couldn’t have been worse.  I heard the key in the front door, the wife is back. She sticks her head round the backdoor (I have my head in my briefcase which for some reason I had there!  Kate, gets off her chair “cool as” …. Says hi “Sue...we are just winding down we managed to finish that big proposal so thought we’d chill. After the wine I was just going to make a coffee before I drive home do you want one? “My heart was hammering, in one, you see how good she is at her job, under pressure no cracks, Sue turns to walk out “Kate asks do I want one?” and winks slyly!” Over coffee we agree to text and sort a date out.

I book a Holiday inn Express as Kate said, “no need to throw money at it we are dead certs!”. The night approaches, I book in, and am sitting nervously then I get a text from Kate “can we chat?, Yep, I reply.

 “We are still on for this I am in the car with Tom, but you need to promise me that you will give me more attention that you give to Liz as she always wants to takeover…Promise me!” Again, and easy yes was given, I give Kate the room number “I’ll text it to Liz she is driving over herself”. Ten minutes later there is a knock on the door, I am fresh out of the shower, with just a towel wrapped around me, Kate had a nice short leather skirt and what look like stocking and nice strappy high heels (I love the way heels just lift a lady’s ass…mmmm). She has a bag that rattled with bottles, I had got a corkscrew…she checks her phone. “Liz is 5 minutes away…remember my promise”, I take off her coat, to reveal she has a laced boddice on, her hair was up as well. I start to kiss her. My what a brilliant kisser she is, I love to kiss. So now the towel is struggling to hold back by swollen cock…

I think slow down, make this last it might be your only ever chance at such an adventure. I open a bottle and poor! I ask Kate to spin round, I can see nipple piecing’s showing through her bodice…I never knew! Another slow snog building, I stand back and look again I want to drink this in! Suddenly with a wicked grin Kate whips off the towel and so gently starts to stoke it. Knock knock, she pushes me into the bathroom and says, “wait there till I say come out!”


What the feck is happening! I hear another female, “hi you sexy bitch” its Liz. Then silences, broken by the odd groan then some rustling on clothes…I peak round the door shit me! They are into each other as well! I quietly walk out, Kate sees me, says to Liz (whose back is to me) “Close your eyes do not say anything or move” she gestures to me talking and whispering in Liz’s ear to disguise and cover my noise  …she then starts to undress Liz, coat first, she then points to me to undo her silk blouse, she leans in a kisses Liz’s neck then tells her to turnaround. Liz has on a hot I guess it is still a bra, but most of her breasts were on display through black strapping. She was wearing a light with summery skirt, Kate points me to the zip…I am leaning in and nuzzle Liz’s neck, Kate is nuzzling her nipples…skirt off. I see a lovely black matching thong to her bra; I start stroking and kneading gently her buttocks. “Steve is that you?” …. she turns and pulls me in for a snog shit she can kiss as well. In less that 30 secs of meeting her for the first time she is on her knees my cock in her mouth!

I lean over and pull Kate to me and snog her deeply and then start to squeeze and work her breasts. “Get me a pillow!” says Liz, ah she is getting a bit boss like I note. I look at Kate, I give her a nod to show I know what is starting to happen. With Liz. I lean over to get the pillow off the bed, put it down nearer the bed she shuffles forward and kneels on it and continues to suck me, all the time talking dirty… “when I have finished this I want you on your back”.

I pull Kate to me as I said “Hey Liz, you are being the fluffer for me before I shag Kate” …Kate gives me this massive smile, and then slowly whilst still snogging takes off her skirt and she has no kickers on! Five years numerous nights in hotels and I was so close to this hidden sex bomb!

Somehow, we ended on the bed, I then has Kate and Liz gorging on my cock…I dragged 2 pillows to put under my shoulders to watch. My god was I going to remember this!

The chaps reading this won’t be surprised to find out that I started to get quite close to coming! So I suggested that Liz and I take turns licking Kate, we both had very different styles, I love a slow, slow, build up nibbling kissing and working up to it, Liz dived straight in, then me next, this time a few fingers, one at a time whilst nibling on Kate’s rather proud clit and through the hood she had a piercing “it was just so horny”. Liz had move up and was sitting on Kate’s face back to the headboard starting to try and tell me what to do next.

Kate paused slightly in her responses….” Liz, I think instead of me licking you out next I am going to…” as I moved up the bed…” I place my cock at the entrance of Kate’s quite bushy pussy, “Kate…?” Yes…yes, YES now Steve now” I slowly moved it in an inch maybe 2, just at the point you feel the pussy closing and sucking you in…I pull it back slowly, then 2, then 3 inches …Kate is now rising to meet me, Liz had bent forward and is holding Kate’s pussy lips slightly open. Kate is writhing and her breathing is a bit broken. Next thrust Kate had it all. My schoolboy measured 7” was fully home. I had to pause, one to get control of by boiling balls the other was to feel the moment.

I also reached for Kate’s hand, as I could see her face. With my other hand I pulled Liz’s head up and started to snog her then drive my cock in and out of Kate. Time was a blur, Liz started to rub Kate’s clit and suddenly Kate was building Liz “says watch this and hold on!” …I carry on Kate is building and then she had the biggest orgasm I have ever seen from a woman or experienced from a woman, she bucks and bucks, Liz slid off I grab hold of Kate trying hard not to come, holding onto this run-away horse. She suddenly pushes me out. I am at the end of the bed Kate doesn’t know what to do with her body she is shaking, Liz smiles at me, leans over (giving me a look to calm me as she picked up I  was a bit worried) and whilst stroking and calming Kate. “I told you” Liz grins then, pulls me my cock, makes me lie on my back then mounts me in one movement, boom right to the base, she then rides me more in a sliding movement than and up and down I would normally expect, she is lost in her world I look over at Kate she is coming round, I reach and hold her hand. She mouths “thank you” …. Liz now starts pumping up and down and pulls Kate up to have a kiss she then she says “tell Steve what I want “ …She is building up going faster and fast “tell him she screams!” I look at Kate so is now playing it for a little time (her taking control) this  …Kate then snogs me “TELL HIM” yells Liz…Kate whispers to me “She want your spunk up her as she is going straight back to her hubby…” this fires me she then adds breathless herself “come Steve let it go fill up Lizz as when she gets home her husband will eat her out!...God that was so horny I shot my load there and then. I honestly couldn’t work out if Liz came but she held me, then snogged me then snogged Kate whist squeezing me with her pussy in a velvet vice grip!

Liz suddenly changes the moment she climbs off reaches in her handbag for a less sexy pair of pants dresses quickly, gives Kate a long snog leans and does the same…” I am off”.


I look at Kate...” That was Liz!” she said with a grin! We chat and finally have another drink! It felt so comfortable, “I feel so relaxed” I said” I just loved the freedom and energy and of course the sex”. “How has this not happened before?”. It was lovely to come down and chat with a mate, who has suddenly become more!

I told about an informal swinging party in Westminster I had found, and asked was she up for it! She says yes, she asked me if I was OK with what we had just done, and that she felt I was being tender and empathetic with her in the love making but less so with Liz. And…” you never told me she was married...!” You didn’t ask, “her hubby is a senior civil servant as well!”

 I explained that I felt a bit like a dildo for Liz, she howled with laughter! I offered another drink and said I am staying the night…she said, “I am going to phone Tom “and by the way he wants a 3 way are you interested!” “Let me process this a bit more, any more surprises?” I said (Mr Rational again!). “Yes, Tom is Bi” …I looked at Kate ...paused then said, “Clearly what we have done tonight is based on trust well I need to be honest with you, I have in the past sucked the odd cock and had a 3 way with 2 blokes”. She thumped my arm “we are both full of surprises!”. She got dressed and left, I drank and finished bottle red and found myself with a hard on thinking about my new FWB team!

I have a few more Kate stories! X







Written by slick2

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