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Beauty is in the eye etc etc

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Quote by Geminifemale
i met a guy last yr who i fancied in every way. He fancied me too but wouldnt make a move. As weeks went by, i went from being coy to begging him to make a move and a month ago he confessed he had no confidence and felt i was out of his league.
I dont think im attractive at all, im shy, fat old and wrinkled, but i try to ignore how i feel and bluff like everyone else does redface

You've lost me Gem hun, did you mean a girl? You are gay aren't you? not that it makes any difference just I'm confuzzled now! :crazy: wondered if I'd missed something.
And you are NOT old!
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Sorry jaymar, im a litle confused at times so I guess everyone else must be confused as to which way im going.
Yes ive been gay all my adult life, but in the last few yrs ive become more interrested in men.
So in answer to your confusion, its HE not SHE, and I am old, this is the oldest ive ever been cool
Sex God
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I personally don't think I am attactive at all.....i could list a million things about myself in my own eyes that would drive people away that others would think "you are mad" but i suppose we are always harsher on ourselves.... and we don't sometimes see in ourselves that others do
I don't know whether that is partly a self confidence issue where i have thought i wish i could be more like xxxx and go up to people and put myself out there.... or whether it is a self-esteem issue where I do think why on earth would xxxx want to play with me when there are a ton of other people out there...
but I suppose it comes back to the original title of the thread...Beauty is in the eye... and I have learned to come to terms with the fact that some people many just like me for me.. and that is the biggest confidence booster of them all!
sean xxxxxxxx
Sex God
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I have big problem with confidence. I come across online and at socials as having confidence in abundance, but it's actually just a nervous front and so when people form an impression of me based on that I struggle immensely!
I'm desperate to lose weight and have a dozen people round me telling me I look great, and I understand that they believe that, I just don't!
I tend to fancy people who I feel are better looking than me, but I don't rate myself highly on looks, I'm just the girl next door.
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Quote by Calista
I'm just the girl next door.

Except to the people you work with! :giggle:
Sex God
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Quote by Freckledbird
I'm just the girl next door.

Except to the people you work with! :giggle:
rotflmao very true ....
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Seems that there's a whole load of gorgeous sexy wonderful women on this site that think they are the ugly duckling in a pond full of swans...
well you're all wrong!!!!
I am the ugly duckling wink lol
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we've got to agree that beauty is definately in the eye of the beholder and that given the huge diversty of people means that some people appeal to others in different ways (does that make any sense? confused )
Personally I fancy the pants off Monica Bellucci - my chances.. completely naff all!! Would I approch her?? fat chance - Short bald bloke with the charm and grace of a Hippo with a sprained ankle! Bound to succeed... NOT sad
We would never be able to write in an advert that we "were an attractive couple searching for similar" although we have seen a few adverts written with this (no dig intended to those who have used this!!!!!, just borrowing the expression!!) What do you consider 'attractive?? I shave my head.. Mrs DD loves it (she encouraged me!) I know that some folk hate this, the same can be said for tattoos, piercings, etc etc - each to thier own!!
For us, it is difficult to be able to judge a person just from a photo in an advert, we believe that a great deal of the sexual attraction comes from the main erotic centre.. the human mind and unfortunatly you can't check that out via a computer... yet!
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If beauty is only skin deep then theres a few out there who are inside out....
Beauty is like art... its subjective! One persons idea of perfection is anothers poison. Thats what makes this all work in some respects..
As for us.. were not vein enough to think anything either way.. we trust that those who want to play with us think us good looking enough but hope they actually like us too..
Were as attracted to a lovely personality as much as anything..
Mike and Julie xx