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BLOKES ONLY.....women sod off !!!!

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Sex God
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Quote by tallnhairy
OMG I just realised I must be a woman :shock: :shock: as I cant understand a word the men talking about in the men thread :shock: :shock: :shock:
(or maybe it just Ihate football... )

i would call you a woman.......but you are bigger than me
oh heck.. you are 300 miles away.. you can't kill me from there!!!!
i am beginning to wonder who wears the trousers in the TnH household!!! bolt
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Why is it football? Why not Joey Dunlop winning race number 24, 25 and 26 at the 2000 TT races, at the age of 46 including the Formula One ( !000cc ) when most people reckoned he was too old to win a big bike race - and his last lap in that race was a personal fastest lap with an average speed of The IoM TT takes place on normal roads, like you might find in the country of Wales or Scotland lined with dry stone walls, where fog can often postpone races.
If that isn't improving with age, I don't know what is, and If I could be half the man he was, I would be ecstatic.
Warming the Bed
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Going back to football the best moment of the year has to be The Mighty Pompey throwing away the lead to let the Southampton scummers play Luton town next season.
C'mon you blues
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Oy !!!!!! 'ang on a mo mateys !!!! where did all these women appear from.
They come in here, invading our privates, without even so much as a 'by your leave', and then, proceed to inflict their womanly wiles upon us by insisting on having knowledge of the sporting nature.
Now then i dont mind a bit of female company, but........birds in a sporty thread !!!! Whatever next.
They'll be wanting to drink beer, and fart with us next !!
Oh well, i spose its a sign of the times, and they are such fabulous creatures, how can we exile them from here, when they bring us all such joy, with their loveliness and sweet smelling, femininity.
i vote that we teach them the offside rule and integrate them properly into the male domain, after all , where would we be without them.
Muttley xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S. This is a typical example of a geyser changing his attitude in only a few minutes at the thought of being castrated at the next munch by a bunch of pissed off females.
lol :lol: :lol:
Sex God
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Quote by smokerjim
Why is it football? Why not Joey Dunlop winning race number 24, 25 and 26 at the 2000 TT races, at the age of 46 including the Formula One ( !000cc ) when most people reckoned he was too old to win a big bike race - and his last lap in that race was a personal fastest lap with an average speed of The IoM TT takes place on normal roads, like you might find in the country of Wales or Scotland lined with dry stone walls, where fog can often postpone races.
If that isn't improving with age, I don't know what is, and If I could be half the man he was, I would be ecstatic.
The man is a legend jim , ive done the IOM,TTroads years ago, all be it on my old triumph 500 speed twin, and cannot believe how they do it at them speeds :shock: , respect to Joey and all the others that race the TT. worship :thumbup:
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Quote by Dino.
Why is it football? Why not Joey Dunlop winning race number 24, 25 and 26 at the 2000 TT races, at the age of 46 including the Formula One ( !000cc ) when most people reckoned he was too old to win a big bike race - and his last lap in that race was a personal fastest lap with an average speed of The IoM TT takes place on normal roads, like you might find in the country of Wales or Scotland lined with dry stone walls, where fog can often postpone races.
If that isn't improving with age, I don't know what is, and If I could be half the man he was, I would be ecstatic.
The man is a legend jim , ive done the IOM,TTroads years ago, all be it on my old triumph 500 speed twin, and cannot believe how they do it at them speeds :shock: , respect to Joey and all the others that race the TT. worship :thumbup:
I've been waiting to go over there - but I promised myself when I got into bikes 5 yrs ago that I would only go on my own bike, pref. during the TT for Mad Sunday, but anytime on my own bike would be sooo good :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :thumbup: :yinyang:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ive got a mate that as gone over there for the week just gone with hos own bike..
if i see him again is a differant matter like...
we all know how great also mad and bad it can be over there..
fingers crossed I see him again come monday..
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by ant140
Ive got a mate that as gone over there for the week just gone with hos own bike..
if i see him again is a differant matter like...
we all know how great also mad and bad it can be over there..
fingers crossed I see him again come monday..

Touch wood, he'll be alright, specially if he got some good people upstairs looking out for him - but at least cars etc on the Island are a lot more bike aware than on the mainland :yinyang: :yinyang:
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
There is a memorial garden for Joey Dunlop in Ballymoney, NI that might be worth a visit for his fans.
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As a Scotsman it pains me to say this and i wish the next day memories did not come flooding back, but, the moment was Gary 'shit a brick' Mcallister missing the penalty to level the score 1-1 and seconds later the legend who is Gazza scoring what can be only described as taking the piss out of Colin Hendry to win the match 2-1. I was absolutely blootered that day after the 4 days of sunshine we are allocated a year and non-stop week long bender accumulating in the match. (could only remember the national anthems) Had to watch the news the next day to find out what happened. Bloody BBC
Swinging Heaven Logo 0 likes
Anyone catch the womens euro football against Sweden tonight????
What the fook was that all about???
Ive seen better football on a Sunday morning watching local pub teams...
They should stick to what they do best...
Moan like fook...
wink :wink: :wink: