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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 43
0 miles · Greater London


Sex God
Quote by Steve

Wehey!! Have I pulled? :bounce:

Count me in :-)
Nope I have just asked for a blowjob...... :twisted:
Just me and you then Funlovers :bounce:
I will watch lol
Sex God
Quote by bluexxx
No one ever tell me that I'm not adventurous and willing to experiment.
Today, I am going to try beans on egg on cheese on toast.
How shocked are you?
I'm more shocked that I actually have all of those ingredients in my house at the same time without someone physically taking me to a shop and putting them in my basket for me.

How are you going to cook it though without a cooker?..... wink
Sex God
Quote by Steve
I'm a former Chat Op redface

They wouldn't let me be a chat op. Too gobby and crude apparently.
Not sure where they got that idea from wink
There's always room somewhere for someone who's gobby and crude ;-)
Around our cocks.....;)
Wehey!! Have I pulled? :bounce:
Count me in :-)
Nope I have just asked for a blowjob...... :twisted:
Sex God
Quote by noladreams
All this flirting and I have missed ummmmmmmm.......
Anyone for a tea bitch?

Always room for a tea bitch.... but without boxers :twisted:
Lol......well I am just sitting in them at the moment lol
Sex God
Quote by bluexxx
Someone said "gobby, crude and cock" in the same thread.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Blue!!!!!

Blue....goby, crude, and plastic cock should be more appropriate surly?
Sex God
Quote by bluexxx
I fell asleep.
What? That's how I usually spend parties, isn't it...........
Keep the vibe going, it's weekend, after all!
Who's on bacon butty duty?
Bazinga. I don't care. I don't eat them.

Not me.....I am up changing sheets, sweeping floors and then off to get camera replaced...due to unfortunate incident yesterday.....oooopppsss.....
And yes my mum hasn't used it yet...(private joke)
I will be back shortly
Sex God
Quote by Calista
I know a few insensitive dickheads (some on here as well rolleyes) but I feel that it might be a different sense of the word!
Never heard a sensitive end being used as a reason for stopping orgasm though? Hubby has a very sensitive one after he's cum, and I'm a bitch so it depends who was in charge at the time and as to whether I can get him begging me to stop :twisted:

I am the same....blush there are one or two people that like to ummmm tease after and I could kill them lol
Sex God
Quote by Steve
I'm a former Chat Op redface

They wouldn't let me be a chat op. Too gobby and crude apparently.
Not sure where they got that idea from wink
There's always room somewhere for someone who's gobby and crude ;-)
Around our cocks.....;)
Sex God
Quote by Happy Cats
I have pictures of me in the top right and top left of the desk. That way I can have a cheeky glimpse at myself without having to move my eyes too far from the screen.

That's nice of you to have pictures of cats
Sex God
With me I still dabble here and there sometimes I will go to a club normally cupids......
Will I get back to how I was probably not but I take each day as it comes
Sex God
All this flirting and I have missed ummmmmmmm.......
Anyone for a tea bitch?
Sex God
As per fun ad dirty chat here we go.......
Have you ever been stooped by the police either in a compromising situation or just generally
I have been interviewed in Berlin by German police
Stopped for being with someone who was thing to steal a pub sign (uni student)
Stopped for looking like I was trying to steal a car, I wasn't I was waiting for friend to arrive
All have been fully dressed.
Sex God
All these people at sleep naked........mind wandering now there is a tent forming
Sex God
I find paddy's name offensive why because first off all it is taking my middle name in vein also it's being stereotypical of people from an Irish background.......
Banter....obviously I am not great at sarcasam
Sex God
I done an angel and fell asleep....ooooopppsss
I will brin non alcoholic drinks shortly as I am not allowed to drink at the moment
Sex God
Boxers and a t shirt in bed as I am always cold....I am wearing 2 years ago man utd away shirt at the moment
Sex God
I chose my name because I like I singing an showing people the mic, and saying its the mike see...just I had a spelling issue.
Ummmmm really it's my name and my surname, I was going to use smallbolloxlongcock but that was a lie......
Sex God
Quote by Lizaleanrob
brown or red sauce on a roast dinner banghead
any sort of sauce on a good steak smackbottom
do people not know that for centuries the english perfected mustard as a good steaks only addition dunno
and WTf are poptarts and whoTF would eat anything like it for breakfast
i would suggest however a good matting of smoked bacon and colslaw in a crusty roll mmmmm

I like pop tarts....haven't had them in ages tho
Sex God
Quote by celestria
Made me twitch until I remembered Mike is dyslexic... Can mods correct spelling in topic titles???

If Mike can constantly dig at me for imaginary smurfs, falling asleep and being old and almost a granny, then he can take a little lighthearted dig about his spelling :lol2: I'm fairly sure he knows that's all it is ;)
I think so too... lol :lol:
Dammit... I'm not sure I can unmerge! :doh:
Oooops.... Could be good mod button practice, we will just laugh and point if it goes tits up wink :lol:
Ha h ha ha ha ha ha ha spelling is shit and it is not helped by apples auto correct
Sex God
Mikes boxers......these were grey and baggy and I was suspended by blue holding them
Sex God
Quote by tigersgobounce69
Funny enough both my girls are "obsessed" with Harry Potter and have been since the first book came out. The listen to the books consistently and also read them consistently. they can actualy quote chapters from the books!...See told you they were obsessed!!!!
The have even call each other Fred and George! and so it goes that they call me Molly!

:thumbup: They have good taste. I like Fred & George. Great characters.
My eldest actually found a lady that would knig her proper fred and george jumpers. She had two made with G and F on them and she gave the G jumper to my youngest for her 21st. They spent the whole say in them and they are still there favourite jumpers.
I was actually shocked at how much they cost!!!!!
your youngest is 21 you dont look old enough to have a 21 year old
Sex God
i think i went to 2....i remember leaving quickly one morning in a taxi....cant remember if i went a second time :S
Sex God
Quote by tigersgobounce69
Pineapple is wrong...full stop...I don't care for it at all..It makes my mouth itch.
Celery on its own it yukky beyond yukky. It is the food of the devil.
But celery and peanut butter is lush smile
Oh and squirty cream...this is only acceptable if it is in a dish but then only a small amount. The amount of people I can seen in my lifetime that do that whole..
Pick up the tin and squirt it into their mouth!!!!! WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!

But celery and peanut butter is lush :)
that is just ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Sex God
As blue is now 10...i mean 10 years on site...i thought lets dedicate this week's GFZ to her.............
Where shall we start
Vodka Jelly
and a party at Blue's smile
Sex God
Quote by Freckledbird
put it this way my choice of food is similar to essex....i am really fussy
but pinapple on a pizza is wrong.....wrong.......wrong...first it is fruit and i dont do fruit...second fruit on a savoury pizza....ewwwwww

But technically, tomatoes are fruit. Nobody questions tomatoes on pizza, do they?
shhhhhhhhhhh :twisted:
Sex God
i kinda got rid of them not intentionally....was clearing lots of stuff and they went in the skip i think
Sex God
i just fart then follow through.....helps ease the situation...... :twisted:
Sex God
put it this way my choice of food is similar to essex....i am really fussy
but pinapple on a pizza is wrong.....wrong.......wrong...first it is fruit and i dont do fruit...second fruit on a savoury pizza....ewwwwww
Sex God
Quote by MikeC
Blu ray player
Empty bottle of powerade and lucozade
Xbkox360 controller
Cn of lynx deodorant
Broken hanger
Few coins
That's actually very tidy for me.....will get a photo later

What I should have said is that my mac, xbox, router, 2 external hdds are in the drawer. I am typing on ipad at the moment.