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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 44
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · Staffordshire


Quote by gingerjo-lee
welcome to the madhouse smile
oh your need to change your avatar pic cocks are not aloud even tho it looks like a good 1 hehehe
thanks jo x

Is it bad that I never actually realised it was a cock?!
I do not mean that the cock is deformed or anything lol, I just never noticed it
Quote by danne-gary
where i work we have blackboards and whiteboards !!!

Make sure to qualify that it is your personal experience!biggrin
Quote by Steve
Well in my experience they ARE called white boards.

Perhaps it may have been better to write that it was in YOUR experience then rolleyes
Ah I see, anything that is in my personal experience has to be justified as so, but other people can state fact?
Right Steve, thanks for making that clear, you advice is invaluable
Quote by kentswingers777

In my day too, but it's now a whiteboard. Political correctness you see. :shock: Schhhh.

Nope, it's not a whiteboard either. It's either a chalkboard or a write on/wipe off board rolleyes
Ok FB I stand corrected. lol
But I wonder why we don't have a blackboard anymore? :shock: Any answers please write them on a postcard to.......
I am assuming this is slightly tongue in cheek, but just in case thought I would point out that the reason they are now called white boards and not black boards is that they used to be black, they are now white!
Not many schools use black boards because they are not the best option for demonstrations; you are extremely limited by colours, they are not clear from distances and so on. On the other hand a white board is used with marker pens, much clearer and brighter, easier for kids to read, easier for teachers to write and so on.
It is just a coincidence that one happened to be black and the other white, nothing sinister in it.
Maybe nothing sinister but certainly political correctness and thats a fact. :shock:
How does changing from a black board because a blackboard as a teaching tool is not the ideal become political correctness?
You asked why we don’t have blackboards, there were phased out because they have been replaced with things that are better for the teaching and learning experience, for no other reason. How is that political correctness?
Quote by kentswingers777

In my day too, but it's now a whiteboard. Political correctness you see. :shock: Schhhh.

Nope, it's not a whiteboard either. It's either a chalkboard or a write on/wipe off board rolleyes
Ok FB I stand corrected. lol
But I wonder why we don't have a blackboard anymore? :shock: Any answers please write them on a postcard to.......
I am assuming this is slightly tongue in cheek, but just in case thought I would point out that the reason they are now called white boards and not black boards is that they used to be black, they are now white!
Not many schools use black boards because they are not the best option for demonstrations; you are extremely limited by colours, they are not clear from distances and so on. On the other hand a white board is used with marker pens, much clearer and brighter, easier for kids to read, easier for teachers to write and so on.
It is just a coincidence that one happened to be black and the other white, nothing sinister in it.
Quote by Lonni
The person who comes knocking my door said he had and would sign the documents so a member of his family could have a blood transfusion.

Regardless of whether or not some JW's do decide to go against their religion and allow whole blood transfusions, why on earth would you want to let people into your house who believe in monogamy and think that you, as a fornicator, will burn in hell? confused:
Well I suggest you get a sign knocked up for your door then.
“No one who is catholic, church of England, Hindu, modern-Mormon........”
In fact, the majority of people believe in monogamy so maybe it would be easier to put a sign up saying “only polygamists and swingers allowed”
I am in the process of enjoying my summer break, so no wish to get in to long, drawn out and probably boring debates with people, however there are a lot of misconceptions that seem to be looked on as fact expressed in this thread.
There are lots of people who are too minging to swing – with me!
That was a joke btw lol
If I find someone ugly on the inside I will not play with them. Likewise - if I am not physically attracted to someone I will not play with them – end of story. However, I have been known to have the physical attraction grow on me from getting to know and liking a person better , so I do honestly think it is a mixture of looks and personality.
I spend a lot of time pampering my feet – I have to or they would be truly minging. My feet are not naturally attractive though and I would never want to show them off, even after pampering them.
I hold my hand up and ask forgiveness for my shallowness, but have no shame in admitting that I would pick the fire-fighter any time! :twisted:
I am a sucker for a uniform ( ooooh the pun was un-deliberate for how apt lol) and have been known to only agree to a meet with a gentleman on the condition that he wore his uniform.
Some may take issue with this – so bite me!
Those of you playing the “ if it was your child – you would want them dead” card, imagine for a moment being the parents of the person hung for a crime they were later found innocent of.
Would THEY then be entitled to demand the death of the police who arrested their innocent child? The CPS worked who decided to go ahead with the case against their innocent child? The prosecutor who “proved” the guilt of their innocent child? The judge the sentenced to death their innocent child? The civil servant who carried out the death penalty on their innocent child?
No one has the right to take the life of another person, that INCLUDES us as a society looking to get revenge on those we believe are guilty of a crime, regardless of how heinous it may have been.
I agree that many bereaved people WOULD say they wanted the person they believed had murdered their child to face death, that is because they are grieving and it is that grief, rather than a rational person speaking. It is precisely why the relatives should not be given that power.
if they ask again, tell them the fact that you are unable to give a bad reference stops you from being able to give one.
that will speak for itself.
nah, she is on another planet if those are her true thoughts, so she is either one sandwich short of a picnic OR she is deliberatel;y looking to cause a row, either way, you did the right thing.
Quote by Too Hot
blah blah blah
I expect teachers to prepare my children for the real world and to support the positive attitudes and informed decision making processes that I pass on as a parent.
blah blah blah

i have cut out just the part that caught my eye, so forgive me for chopping your post up.
If only it was that easy! Preparing children for the real world is a job that belongs to many people, partially the teachers, but more so the parents. Unfortunately many parents feel that their obligation to preparing their children for the real world ends with enrolling them in school. These same parents then have the cheek to blame the teachers for how unequipped for real life their offspring are.
I am not for one moment suggesting that you are one of these parents, but many are.
Quote by Bazza64
does not believe in acts of god either, but believe in bloody bad luck!#staggy and rose, hope you get everything sorted out, if not - we'll take you for a curry to cheer you up! lol

WBB, you should join us up here sometime - the curry mile is 10 mins away from our house smile
lol i know, will make a date over the summer holls eh? would be great to catch up with you two xxxxx
you know i think some of the comments here have been quite insulting to parents who chose to or have to work whist still bringing up their children, because lets face it, even if child has to go to nursery or childminer in the day time, it is STILL the parent who brings up the child.
we both work, yes we could manage without one of use working, but it would be existing not living. our children do not go without love or attention ever.
going back to work is in no way the easy option, in fact it is a damn sight harder, i do EVERYTHING a saty at home mother does, AND i work a full time job as well, please explain to me how that is the easy option????!!
if i turned the tables away from the "SELFISH" parents who work to provide for their children,
would it be considered acceptable for me to rant about LAZY parents who choose to stay at home watching daytime tv and not paying their own way? would it be ok for me to say THEY are not giving their kids the best start because they are in debt and unable to provide anything material for their kids? its ok to point our "research" about how kids are better off with parenst who stay at home, well there is also research that states that kids are better of with parents as role models who work hard to support themselves and manage their money well. there is also research to point out that kids that live in hovels in awful rough areas and do not have a healthy balanced diet due to lack of money are worse off, something that many parents work to avoid!
no! it would NOT be ok for me to start a thread making statements like that, so please have the same respect for those that do work!
does not believe in acts of god either, but believe in bloody bad luck!#staggy and rose, hope you get everything sorted out, if not - we'll take you for a curry to cheer you up! lol
Quote by Dizzy_DonnaCouple
I got a smack when I was little and I beleive there are a lot of kids out there that need a wooden spoon to the back of the legs like I did.
I beleive it brought me up to be a good person and know my right from wrong smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: smack them all when there bad evil
:shock: so if you do something that I percieve to be wrong, is it acceptable for me to hit you on the leg with a wooden spoon? ( or any other weapon for that matter!)
i think i am going to take a leaf out of blondes book and retire from this thread as i do not want to get myself worked up over this.
Quote by Theladyisaminx
I feel a lot of people are drifting from the points I asked. It would be nice if you could read my first comments on the first page and then comment on what I have written.
Thanks xxx

on what YOU have written,
yes i think it is wrong.
nom i dont think it would do your kids a favour you being locked up, but i also dont think it does them a favour you hitting them.
no, i dont thin all parents should be tarred with the same brush, so someone who hots their kids on the leggs is not as bad as someone who hits their kids with a stick. however, just because there is a worse situation, does not make the first situation ok IMO
also, with issues like this, where people feel strongly about it, it is normal for the conversation to move on slightly, people reply to other posters,just like in a conversation in real life- not just to the OP. the only way to keep a conversation just about your own personal post is to take it to pm.
hope that helps
saying the knowledge of s slap stops them means that they are scared to do something, because they will get a slap!
i want my child to behave, but not at the expense of her being scared not to behave.