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Hotel Encounter Chapter 4a – Dungeon

"Follow on to "An unexpected set up" Hotel fun again" and "Hotel Encounter"""

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Two part story in a series about meeting with Sarah and Rod, if enough people like it that is.......


Recap, I meet a couple to take control over Sarah the wife and made her understand she wanted more from sex after a night with 4 guys and a lady. I think it would be worth reading the other chapters, but I will try to make this story stand on it’s own.


First let me remind you about Sarah, defiantly a “Jo Guest” lookalike, blonde size 8 5’4” lovely body with curves in all the right places, Rod 5’10” a right Silver Fox who had discovered his cuck side while Sarah had discovered she loved Sex, the more sex the better. After our last meeting in a hotel we had been texting and speaking, talking about what had happened and what we liked… Sarah was not much good as she just kept saying I liked it all. Rod was a little more informative and liked being forced to watch Sarah being used and made him being made to cum at a time of someone else’s choosing.  


I know from talking to them both before we actually met that Sarah was quite keen on some parts of bondage, and had loved being controlled and yes she even loved being spanked. As they say fate has a way of taking a hand and it was just then the stars all aligned. I was told that there was a dungeon available for hire and not that far from me at all. Rushing off to the website I found it and poured over the pages. It looked exactly what I was looking for, in the middle of town and from the outside looked just like an ordinary bed and breakfast, I started planning. I would get Rod and Sarah down for a stay. They could be with me without any effort by 11 so I booked a local hotel and also booked the dungeon. I would greet then as they arrived in town and take them over to the dungeon telling them that it was where they were staying. I knew they liked 5 star luxury so they would not be to keen, but I would persuade them to at least have a look around.


Just a note here for any of you thinking about doing anything like this you need to be aware misuse, or in the wrong hands, some equipment can cause damage/ hurt, unwanted tears, so it is always better to get “trained” or at least take things slowly until you are sure of what you are doing. The other thing to have is a safe word (s), I know some don’t but then they tend to either know what they are doing or have a very high pain threshold. I like the best Porno’s use Yellow to move on from what/ where you are playing but don't stop, Red to stop immediately and sort out what is wrong or if they are gagged to shake there head side to side making no type noises, who am I to break with the sex industry.


Looking back Sarah and Rod could now see what I was doing over the next few weeks, I was using the time to find out what they had done and liked or disliked. Things like Sarah’s nipples were sensitive so not to hard, no suspending her from the ceiling by them, but everything else seemed to be in play. The day quickly came round, I turned up at the dungeon, making sure everything was ready and leaving a few of my own items there, then I was off to meet Sarah and Rod. They parked up where I had told them and climbing out I could see that Sarah had a long coat on, and if she had followed instruction not a lot else, Rod had Jeans on and a coat. I told them to leave their cases as we would have a coffee first as their room might not be ready. Sitting down in the coffee shop I instructed Sarah to open her coat, as instructed she only had stockings on, I told Rod to open his and I could see all he had on was his jeans. So far so good……


Finishing our coffee I instructed both of them to go to the toilet I didn’t care neither of them said they didn’t want to go, they were still new to doing as they were told but they were learning. Rod must have waited for Sarah as they came back together. Off we went and on reaching the B&B I got the reaction I expected from them. They protested it was not the luxury they were used, clearly no restaurant and or room service, no 5 stars outside on the plaque. I opened the door and ushered them in explaining the rooms were far better and they should at least have a look. In they went the front door shutting behind them. “off with our coats, and your jeans Rod”, looking at each other very puzzled they mentally shrugged and started removing their coats and Rod his jeans, It was very clear they enjoyed being told to do, what could be considered as risqué as Rod’s cock was already climbing and Sarah’s nipples were stiffening. Giving them blindfolds I led them through the door in to the dungeon, making them stand still I moved Rod over to a throne chair and making him sit I strapped his arms and legs to the throne. Moving back to Sarah I moved her forward to a St Andrews Cross, an “X” shaped piece of equipment, standing in the middle of the room. Turning her round I fastened her, face out, to the cross with her wrists and ankles, they were both powerless to stop me doing whatever I wanted to. I then removed their blindfolds and they could see each other and see that neither of them could move nor resist whatever I wanted to do…


Sarah looked and Rod, Rod looked and Sarah, they both said “Fuck”, Rod’s cock was so hard as he sat there totally unable to do anything about it, Sarah clearly was enjoying the sight of the dungeon and Rod’s very hard cock just as much. As Sarah’s nipples were standing out like coat pegs I decided they need attention. Tipping Sarah back so she was now on her back spreadeagled facing the ceiling. I lowered a hoist down from the ceiling, the hoist had several hooks and attachments to place various item on them. Choosing 2 nipple clamps I fastened them to the hoist, Sarah wriggled, I was not sure if it was the clamps or the idea if what might have come next. “Stop” I said in a tone that clearly told Sarah that I would not stand for any disobedience, she stopped. I fastened the clamps on those so erect nipples Sarah winced but did not move. Rod just sat there his cock hard and leaking precum, making his cock and balls so wet. Once fastened, I took the hoist control and set it to “slow”, that makes it far easier to stop as the correct pressure is applied.  I started the hoist’s ascent Sarah moved upwards with until she could move no more, a groan escaped from her lips, she was clearly loving it, but as she has said they were sensitive I was not going to put any more pressure on them…. Yet


I moved to a table that was against the wall I had left my items there, taking my flogger I moved back to Rod and using the wrist flick I caught his cock with the tails, not hard but enough to make him react, his cock bouncing, a groan came from between his lips, something I noted, maybe not for today but another day. Both were watching very closely my every movement, no words were being said, but both clearly excited and apprehensive about what was happening. Rod clearly unable to hide his enjoyment, but an erect cock is such a giveaway. I strode over to Sarah and stopped between her feet, her Gash was clearly wet giving away her pleasure to. I very carefully took aim, I wanted the tails to just catch Sarah’s clit, to short and I would miss completely, to much and I would hit her mons pubis not the sensitive area I wanted at all. I used a rotating motion and landed exactly where I wanted to, not hard, but “stinging”. Sarah reacted and tried to pull away tightening the clamps on her nipples, the pleasure and the pain, to my surprise she didn’t scream but groaned and if anything moved herself making the clamps pull even tighter. I followed her limited movement making sure I didn’t let up the sensation of the tails hitting her clit, at that point an orgasm ripped through Sarah’s body, forcing the clamps tighter, her legs further apart and her clit trying seek out the tails. I stopped and stepping back watched as she shuddered again and again, clearly having several orgasms.


Rod drew my attention back to him as kept softly repeating “fuck” his cock twitching almost as if he had just cum, but I couldn’t see any spunk so doubted he had. I moved to the F’ Machine, basically a dildo on a wheel designed to drive the dildo in and out of whatever was in front of it. Moving it over to Sarah I placed the tip of the dildo against her pussy. I was almost certain her pussy was so wet it didn’t need any lube I decided to lube anyway. Once Lubed I started the F’ machine very slowly, it did go in to Sarah’s pussy without any issues and once It reached full insertion some 7 inches, it started its travel back out. As it was about to plop out I stopped the machine and moved it in slightly ensure once it was running it wouldn’t come out. I started the cycle again moving out of the way so Rod could see the dildo drive in and out of Sarah. Sarah didn’t need to see it she could feel it and was very vocal in expressing her enjoyment. I upped the speed, Sarah’s noise output went up as well, Sarah was clearly very close to cumming already, the speed increased again and Sarah started to cum, I thought Sarah might squirt but she was flooding the place now. She was pulling against the clamps making her nipples stand out even more, all the time making more and more noise, cumming now on almost every stroke. Rod was moving around in his seat desperate to rub his cock against something, anything so he could cum. I could see Sarah was shaking all the time so intense was her orgasms. I turned the speed down, and stopped it, removing the dildo completely Sarah looked so disappointed, but we had not finished.


Allowing Sarah to take some fluid I released her nipples from the clamps, I am sure she came again as I did so. Now I rotated the cross through 180 degrees and her bottom was no facing up. I walked over to my table and removed a wide paddle, especially good for using on bottoms. I walked back to Sarah but instead of using the paddle I used my hand , the resounding “smack” reverberated round the dungeon and I was rewarded by a pink mark appearing on her arse. 6 times that was repeated until both checks had become very rosy. At this point I started to use the paddle, 6 times on each cheek, her arse had gone from rosy to red. Stroking my hand across her arse she could feel it so vividly as it was glowing from the paddling, Sarah groaned in pleasure.


Rod was still there with his hard cock sticking straight up producing so much precum he was going to need water too soon. But for now my attention was on Sarah. Taking the F’ Machine I shortened the stroke, while the dildo was as big it was only moving forward by 3 inches before starting it’s backward journey. Lubing the dildo I moved the F’ machine until the dildo was nudging Sarah’s arse. Grabbing the control I start the F machine, as it popped in to Sarah’s arse her mouth gave away her enjoyment of it doing so. I increased the speed and Sarah was clearly moaning with pleasure and it was not long before she begged for more. I stopped the machine and lengthened the stroke and restarted it. Sarah screamed as it went deeper in to her, but not a word about stopping and I understood she was enjoying it, maybe more so than when I fucked her pussy with it. Rod swore out loud and I turned to see his cock spewing out cum like a fountain. Rod had cum without anyone touching him, even more than that he never lost his hardness either. Sarah was now almost constantly screaming as she came again and again, I could see the shine of her body in the light and slowed the machine down to a stop, removing it from her I took it across to Rod so he could see what had been violating his wife.


I stood the cross up and released Sarah’s arms and legs, her knees gave way and I had to catch her to stop her falling to the floor. Moving her across the room to the four poster I let her lay down to recover for a few minutes, I had still not cum and decided it was time for me to do so.  I removed my clothes, retrieved my flogger and rolling Sarah over I positioned her head just off the bed. Allowing her mouth and throat to align, enabling me to fuck her mouth and for her to give me deep throat. I started slowly moving inside her till her mouth came up against my stomach, drawing back then plunging back in. As I reached the full depth I used the flogger on Sarah’s clit, trying to move as quickly as I could Sarah’s eyes fast shut I could see her body react not so much to my cock, but to the flogger, it seemed Sarah was loving the intensity of the flogger smacking her clit. Sarah’s body once again began to shudder my actions where making her cum again, this in turn made me cum and with a final stroke I deposited my cum deep in to her throat…


I stood back allowing Sarah to change position and move fully on to the bed. I looked across at Rod, I think he had cum again his lap was a complete mess. Walking over I released his bonds and he rushed over to Sarah. Ignoring him Sarah looked at me for instructions, I instructed them to get into 69 and clean each other up. Both lustily licked between the others legs, and it wasn’t long before satisfying groans came from both of them. Cleaning the throne I sat down in it and called them both over, i instructed them to clean me. Taking it in turns they cleaned my cum covered cock and balls, they did it well, so well it wasn’t long before I was ready for round 2.

Written by johnnclaudia

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