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A different type of love


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It was Thursday and i had just been to my daughters house to collect my mail, Among the usual letters was a thick package, that set my heart Racing, I hadn't heard from Jeff for three weeks, If you had read my previous account you will know that jeff is the gentleman whom i met, He presented me with a very short mini skirt that he insisted i changed into,, Then instead of taking me home he drove me to a layby to introduce me to other men, Jeff, is a watcher, The strange thing is that he is the one man that i have deep feelings for, The one man i would give up my lifestyle for, The one man i actually feel love for, Maybe it is because he has made it clear that he is unavailable. As soon as i got in my car i opened the package, A blood red garter belt, matching crutchless panties fell out onto my lap, The accompaning message just stated Friday 29th The fox car park, 20.00, Jeff. I knew instantly that i would be there, Friday night found me in the fox car park, I was wearing the short mini kilt Jeff had purchased along with the garter belt and crutchless panties, my own addition was bronze seamed stockings and red heels, My heart skipped a beat as i watched his suv enter the car park, I had parked in the dark corner of the car park, A moment of panic as i thought he might not see me, He circled the car park and pulled in beside my car and lowered his window, I just gazed at him, i was infatuatuated, Oh god, why didn't he feel the same about me. "Out" he mouthed at me, I leapt to obey, Turning briefly to lock my car, "Lean forward," he reached from the window and lifted the hem of my skirt revealing the new panties, I knew my cunt would be revealed through the crutchless window, "Good girl, In you get." I walked round and slid into the passenger seat, My skirt had slid up revealing my stocking tops and the straps from the garter belt, I lifted my bottom to pull it down."Fucking leave it." I looked across at this cold man that i would die for, "Not even a kiss Jeff? i whispered, "Don't worry, You will get plenty of that later." As we left the car park and onto the A14 I knew what Jeff wanted, "The same layby as before " i ventured, "Later,he replied, i have a promise to fulfil first, You will love this one, he sounded a real horny bastard online," As we approached Cambridge services i saw him indicate, "No, Not the truckstop Jeff, I won't do it." You will do as your fucking told, but don't panic, It's not the truckstop, The prostitutes there wouldn't take kindly to you whoring yourself for free, It is a driver but he is parked on the Swavesey industrial estate across the road," We drove into the industrial estate and Jeff pulled up close to the cab of a lorry loaded with timber, In the gloom i could see the driver leaning against the passenger door smoking a cigarette, As Jeff killed the engine the driver flicked away his cigarette and approached Jeffs window, "This the one you were telling me about mate," "Yes, Jeff replied flicking on the interior lights "Fuck, she's getting on a bit, but nice legs,". "Well its up to you mate, she's a good tight fuck and she always swallows, make up your mind as we have others to see tonight," He walked to my side of the car and opened the door,, The driver looked down at me, "Open your legs girl, lets have a feel." before i could speak Jeff said, "Do as he says Cathy, Let him feel your cunt, we haven't all night," I eased forward on the seat, lifting and parting my legs his rough hands passed briefly over my small clitty and a thick finger found my cunt, "Mmmm crutchless, lovely, i like to have em with their panties on, lubed as well, Yeah ok mate, she will do," "Great Jeff replied, Don't forget, curtains open, i want to see her face." the driver laughed, As he helped me up into the cab he said, "He's some kinky fucker, your man, told me he likes to see you being fucked, Well girl, we will give him a show," once i the cab it was straight down to business, Of course i was to be taken facing out of the cab, Jeffs window was tinted so i couldnd make out much but i knew he was watching,I hardly noticed the driver removing his trousers but felt his rough hands forcing my cheeks apart, he was still sitting on the bunk behind me, As i felt the blunt head of his cock resting against my cunt he slowly stood, forcing himself deep inside me, i opened my mouth and gasped as the air was forced from my lungs, "Fuck, yes girl, he said you were a tight fuck,, back onto to it babe, you fucking know you want it." It was true, i did want it but from Jeff, not this crude bastard, All i could do for Jeff was to give him a good show, I started pushing back, matching his every thrust, The movement i could make out in jeffs car indicated that he was watching and masturbating. I was brought back to the present when i felt two hands reach my shoulders and pull me roughly back hard, one more hard thrust and he groaned,"Oh fuck yes, take my spunk, I am cumming, As the warmth spread inside me i felt him empty his sac completely, I expected him to pull out but he remained inside me, resting on my back, I felt him softening inside me and he eventually pulled out of my cunt, I went to straighten up but he placed his hand on my back, "Not yet, He told me he wants to see you cleaning me, thats why i stayed in your cunt a while, now turn to the side a bit." he edged round to the side and offered me his cock still coated with his spunk, It had all been to quick for me and i still felt very receptive so i eagerly took him in my mouth, i worked my tongue aroung the sensative rim of his blunt helmet before taking the complete shaft to the back of my throat, I know that i am very adept at this and wasn't surprised when he began to get hard, When his hands clasped my head and he really began to fuck my mouth it became obvious that i was going to be swallowing., He took longer this time and my back was beginning to ache, Relief came when he held me hard into his pubes, i gagged just as i felt him swell "Oh fuck yes, You f

filty bitch, you just can't get enough spunk,, swallow my load," as the first spurt hit the back of my throat i felt my own clitty start to dribble, It was over, as i turned i noticed him give a thumbs up in the windscreen,

As i reached Jeffs car and slid into the passenger seat Jeff was beaming, wonderful Cathy, i am so proud of you, You really looked as if you were enjoying it so much, I knew from your face the moment he came, For a moment i thought he was going to kiss me, He started the engine, "are you ok, lets hope the layby is busy tonight, I really want to be closer the next time you take cock, What about up against the car like last time, " Barton road is good but to many just want sucking, you know i want to see you fucked Cathy, Maybe Mildenhall next time," I just nodded, "Whatever you say Jeff." hugs Cathy


Written by Cathylovitt

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