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Wife Experiments on Holiday - Part 5 (Final Part)

"Last day and night with Linda's lovers"

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This is the 5th and last part of my story of how my 50 year old wife explored her sexuality on a holiday in Crete, a couple of years before covid hit.

You can find the earlier parts by searching for me as author or for "wife experiments on holiday".

Some background info. I was in my mid-fifties and Linda was slightly younger at 50. We'd been happily married for 20 years, have no children and had what I guess you could call a vanilla sex life. It was good, we both enjoyed it but we've never been tempted to swing or anything like that. It hotwifing never even come up much when we talked about fantasies. We're doing ok for ourselves, working together self-employed, and we look after ourselves. We don't go to the gym or anything, but we eat healthily and go walking and cycling. Linda is a 5ft 8" size 12 brunette, with beautiful 34DD boobs. She'd been complaining about being overweight and had a slight belly, but she looked absolutely gorgeous with those boobs and her full arse. I'm pretty average - 5ft 9", reasonable build for my age and with a quite thick dick of about 7". Until this holiday, Linda had been a pretty prim and proper business woman, but over the last week she had turned into a complete holiday slut. She'd fucked two German tourist friends, one of them (Karl) on two occassions (and also sucked his cock one morning) and the other (Matthias) just once, but she'd also had a threesome with them which she said was the best sex she'd ever had. They'd usually cum inside her as she likes that, but had both also had cum in her mouth and on her tits. Matthias had totally covered her with a huge load when she fucked him, and she loved how dirty and sexy that made her feel. Karl and Matthias were on a break with two other friends, Jens and Christoph, and so far those two poor sods had heard all about what was happening and they'd seen Linda in just bikini bottoms several times at the pool, but they'd not sampled her married pussy. When we'd been talking about it all, Linda said that neither of them had really shown much interest but that she'd probably be up for it if either of them wanted to fuck her, depending on circumstances. It was Thursday morning and this was now the last proper day of their stay, as they were flying home on the Friday afternoon.

As was pretty usual, Linda and I decided to head down to the pool to relax once we were showered. We picked out a couple of loungers, and Linda took off her wrap and bikini top, freeing her lovely 34DD boobs, stuck her ipod on and lay back to soak up the sun in just her small bikini bottoms. We'd been there for about half an hour before Karl and his friends arrived and set up nearby, closer to the pool but where we were directly facing them. They waved hello and I nudged Linda who sat up letting her boobs fall forward before waving back then lying back down. They were mostly talking and laughing, and one or more of them would take regular dips in the pool. Linda sat up again so we could talk, but it was obvious that she was showing herself to them. Her tits were in full view and her legs were open with her feet planted either side of the lounger, showing her barely covered pussy. It was almost like she was putting herself in a shop window. She said that she was feeling very horny, and I said "it's a pity they're leaving tomorrow" to which she just said "yeah", then announced she was going for a swim. She definitely had a bit of a sexy swagger as she passed their group with a "good morning" before slipping into the pool. After about ten minutes swimming, Christoph interrupted her on her way back and they had a brief conversation before she returned to her lounger. I asked her what that had been about, as if I couldn't have guessed, and she said he'd asked if she'd like to come up to his room. She told him "I'll have to ask my husband", esven though she must have known I'd be very turned on by it. I told her to go and fuck him, and she looked up at where he was staring in our direction and she gave him a smile and a nod. He immediately stood, put his t-shirt back on and headed off. Linda quickly put on her top and wrap as he walked past and said she didn't know where his room was so would have to follow him, which she did after giving me a kiss and giving my swelling cock a playful squeeze. They'd only been gone about fifteen minutes when I noticed Jens answer his phone and wander off. About ten minutes after that, Christoph came back to the pool and started talking to Matthias and Karl, but there was no sign of Linda. Around quarter of an hour later, she arrived back and slumped back on her lounger. I asked her if she'd had fun, and she said yes. It had just been a quickie really, Christoph had bent her over the bed and pushed into her. She hadn't even undressed, he just moved her bikini bottoms to the side and fucked her from behind like that. After a few minutes she came and then told him she wanted him to cum in her mouth, so he pulled out and she sat on the bed to blow him. She said it had been nice to experience another strange cock, but because it was a quickie from behind she was feeling a bit unsatisfied so she asked him to call Jens. That had been the phone call I'd seen him take, if only I'd known it was from a guy who was getting sucked off by my wife at the time and he was being asked to go up to the room to fuck her! Soon after he ended the call, Christoph fired into Linda's mouth with what she said was a big load and that he seemed to cum for ages. He had just finished getting dressed when there was a knock at the door, and with a couple of sentences in German that she didn't understand while she took off her bikini, Christoph left and Jens approached the bed she was still sitting on and stripped off. He already had a semi, and she sucked it fully hard before lying back on the bed. He ate her briefly, before he slipped his cock between the lips of her pussy and started to fuck her. This was more what she needed. He fucked her like that for a short time, with her orgasming again, before she got onto her hands and knees to be fucked doggy style. She didn't cum again but it didn't take long for him to pump his sperm into her. "He came in your pussy?" I asked and she said "yeah, see?" opening her legs to reveal an unmistakable wet patch. With a quick glance around, she discretely dipped a couple of fingers into herself and brought them out to show me the cum on them. This was torture, out here in public where I couldn't just push her back on the lounger and reclaim her brains out. All of a sudden Karl approached and asked if we'd join them in the restaurant for dinner, as it was their last night. I noticed Jens had arrived back some time when I was lost in listening to Linda, and I looked at her and then we both said "yes, sounds nice". He said he'd try to book a table for seven and would let us know if there were problems. With that arranged, Linda and I gathered our stuff and hurried to the room to have sex. We stayed in bed until it was time to start thinking about lunch, then we showered and headed off. After lunch we jumped in a taxi to town as they had a market on Thursdays that we wanted to check out. When we got back we showered again, before getting dressed to go and meet our friends in the restaurant.

Dinner was nice, and the guys were all very chatty and friendly. They were very grateful to us, saying that Linda had really made their holiday special. It was another strange feeling her sitting there with five guys (including me) who had all fucked her, and three of us today. After dinner, Jens, Christoph and Karl said their goodbyes and headed off to their rooms to pack up and get an early night for the trip home. It was only about half nine so Matthias joined Linda and I at the bar. We had a couple of drinks before I went to the toilet, leaving them alone. When I came back, Linda finished her drink and said "I'm taking Matthias up to our room to say goodbye properly". This was a bit different, as previously all the sex had been in the guys' rooms. Then she absolutely made my holiday by saying "give us half an hour and then come up". She then gave me a kiss and left with him. Check of the watch, ten, so head up about half past. I really hopped that she was asking me up to watch, or ever better for a threesome, but given the time I expected that she was having a quick goodbye fuck and he'd be away to pack by the time I got there. It was the longest half hour of my life, and I was barely able to nervously sip at the gin and tonic I ordered to help pass the time. After what felt like hours, it was finally half ten so I scooped the remains of my drink and headed for the lift.

I stopped at the door but couldn't hear anything, so I thought Matthias had left and she'd maybe fallen asleep, so I was a bit dejected when I unlocked the door and let myself in. I'll never forget what I saw when I entered the room. My 50 yr old wife was on her hands and knees on the bed with her eyes closed and was moaning softly through her open mouth, her tits rocking backwards and forwards. Matthias, who was about 12 years younger than her, was on his knees behind her with his hands on her hips as he pounded his cock into her. Linda didn't look up or even open her eyes, but Matthias gave me a smile and nod of acknowledgement. This was new. Linda had fucked four guys in the last few days, but never with me there. When I'd asked about watching she said it would make her feel too self-conscious and she had to be on her own, but I guess all of this extra attention had done wonders for her confidence. I sat quietly in a chair near the bed and watched as a powerful orgasm washed over Linda, before she pushed herself forward off the cock she was enjoying to lie face down on the bed. She then noticed me for the first time and said "oh, hi" before closing her eyes and starting to moan again as Matthias had lowered his head and was licking her arsehole and pussy. He raised his head and knelt up, turning Linda onto her back in the process and giving me my first sight of his cock. No wonder he was Linda's favourite! It must have been about nine inches long and was very thick. I didn't see his cock for long as he pushed Linda' knees apart and sank it into her pussy, her receiving it with a look of bliss on her face and with a long moan asu it filled her. I watched fascinated as he fucked her, and I was soon naked and wanking at the sight. She turned her head towards me, smiled and beckoned me over. When I knelt on the bed she said "wank over me" so I approached her head and started to wank my cock a few inches away from her face. It didn't take me long before I told her that I was going to cum, and she opened her mouth and put her tongue out to catch it. Some of it did land in her mouth and on her tongue, but due to her movements from Matthias driving his cock into her quite a lot splashed onto her cheek and chin too. I went into the bathroom to get a towel to clean the cum off her and as I was on my way I heard her orgasming again. I grabbed a towel and returned to the room to see Linda was now sitting upright with Matthias kneeling between her legs in front of her. She was pulling at his cock which soon started to spurt his cum onto her front, boobs and face as she leant in to try to catch it in her mouth while milking it from him. I was a bit surprised when Matthias leant forward to kiss her, given her mouth was covered in both of our sperm, but it didn't seem to bother him in the slightest and she seemed to really enjoy it from the way she was kissing him back. I handed the towel over and Matthias wiped a small bit of cum from his face before cleaning Linda with it. She leaned over and lifted my cock to her mouth, and started to suck it back to an erection as Matthias headed to the bathroom. She said she wanted him to fuck her lots more, and asked if he could stay the night with us. I said I didn't think he'd want to as he had his flight, but said if he was up for it then sure. She said she'd ask him later. When he came back into the room, Linda turned round on her hands and knees and presented her pussy to me. It looked and smelled amazing, and was already well fucked, so I sank my face into it as she started to suck Matthias. Once he was hard again, he lay on his back and Linda sat astride him and lowered her pussy down onto his big cock with a very sexy noise of appreciation. She rode him for a while, but then he started to thrust up into her while she knelt astride and above him and it wasn't long until he was pummeling her pussy and she came again. He stopped thrusting as she came, and when she was finished she sat back down on his cock and leaned forward to kiss him. I heard her ask him to stay the night and he said he had to get up in the morning to pack, but she said he could get up early here and with an irresistible "pleeeeeease" as she slowly rode him he agreed. Most of the rest of the night was spent watching Matthias fucking Linda. She came many times, and he fired his seed into her pussy twice. I fucked her a couple of times as well, and it was amazing with the fresh cum in there and going in straight after Matthias had opened her up. I'm not sure how much sleep they got. Linda was in the middle of the bed, with Matthias and I on either side. I woke up in the small hours three times, and each time they were doing something. The first time, Linda was on top of him easing her pussy slowly up and down his cock. The second time she was under the covers on her side sucking him, and as her pussy was facing towards me I slid down the bed and slipped into her to fuck her gently until I added to the cum in her very full pussy. The last time was about four in the morning, and he was fucking her hard in the missionary position - I think I got bounced awake that time. He filled her again, she came and I think that was when they started to sleep.

I woke up at about seven, and Linda was lying on her side facing towards me and with her eyes closed. For a moment I thought she was asleep, but she was moving very slightly. I asked her "is he fucking you?" and she opened her eyes to look at me and said very softly "yes". I pushed the covers down to see, and he was fucking her extremely slowly and gently, more or less just filling her with his big cock and barely moving it. She seemed to be really enjoying it and although she didn't have an orgasm he came inside her for the last time. They lay like that for almost a minute with his cock shrinking inside her before he asked if he could grab a quick shower. After his shower, he dressed and thanked us for everything. He kissed Linda goodbye and went off to pack for heading home. Linda and I were still in bed. She said she hadn't got much sleep, that every time she thought she was going to sleep Matthias would start to suck on her nipples or rub her pussy and they'd have sex again. She said she'd initiated it a couple of times too, reaching her hand over his hip to play with his cock.

After Karl and his friends left, I hoped Linda would find some other guys to play with but she just wasn't interested. She just said it was something she wanted to experience, and now she's experienced it and it's done. If I asked her if she missed them, or Matthias with his huge cock she said it was a lot of fun but it was over. The rest of our holiday was very vanilla, back to normal. Back home, there was no chance she'd be interested in new cock again. Matthias was the last guy that ever fucked her, except me, and that was about 4 years ago now. I've suggested heading off for a long weekend somewhere nobody knows us, to Scotland or a city break in Europe, to find somebody to fuck but she always refuses. Whenever I try to talk about that holiday with her German lovers she just gets annoyed and says "that's all in the past" as if she's embarrassed by it. So Linda's experimentation on that holiday didn't turn her into the insatiable hotwife I'd hoped it would, but I'm very glad it all happened. Even if all I have is memories those are very good indeed, and writing some of them down here has made a record of it that I can come back and read whenever I need reminding of the best week of my life when my wife was a holiday slut.

Written by Holiday Cuck

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